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  1. DaneG

    Welding sucker rod onto drill stem?

    This is a 10yr old discussion. https://www.farmshow.com/a_article.php?aid=9166 This link is older than this thread, may be helpful good luck.
  2. DaneG

    JD 567

    You could try reversing the hoses if it is the tractor the leak will close the gate instead of opening it.
  3. DaneG


    Excellent, we all need to turn a profit once in a while. Hope this last for a couple of years.(dreaming!)
  4. DaneG

    Should we give this place a funeral?

    Not much activity. I check around every so often but not much to hang around for. I do spend some time at cattle today. Our joined dates are sequential, although I don’t have nearly the volume of posts as you two.
  5. DaneG

    Need advice on starting in Cattle

    First order of business is buy a good fence energizer, expect to pay $500+. the ones from Australia/NZ are usually good, cyclops is a good USA brand. Good luck!
  6. DaneG

    Cyclops Fence Charger's

    No, but I am sure interested in getting one for spare. I’m past due for a lightning strike. One issue is there doesn’t seem to be any dealers in Canada.
  7. DaneG

    Mr FH turned 78 today

    Many more to him!
  8. DaneG

    1st Cycle

    I call it after the 3 mature cow calves.
  9. DaneG

    Cowboy Hat Or Baseball Cap?

    Fur lined cap at least 5mo of the year with flaps, ball cap or straw Stetson in summer, felt one for town.
  10. DaneG

    Some of the cattle..... AND A surprise at the end

    I’M admiring your fences bet your cows aren’t out very often.
  11. DaneG

    Current, Former Or Never Ranched At All?

    Ranching here in the frozen north, started from scratch 30yrs ago in Alberta, moved lock stock and barrel to Manitoba 20yrs ago. Living the dream!
  12. DaneG

    Post a Ranch Photo!

    I would check the navel on that black bull calf, looks like it may be a bit swollen.
  13. DaneG

    What's the weather like at your place?

    -37c this morning at least it is calm, it’s been between -25 and -35 with varying amounts of wind for a week but by Monday it’s supposed to improve. The cattle are sure packing away the feed and can’t blame them!
  14. DaneG

    Deer season

    Season isn’t open here yet, but I winged one tonight the weapon used was a Ford Escape I even slowed down cause it was a high deer population area but it was determined to cross from the field to the bush. Clipped it with the plastic bumper and took out the headlight, I was able to drive away...
  15. DaneG

    Easy fix for a lot of problems today

    I remember that sound well!
  16. DaneG

    Word Association Game

  17. DaneG

    Pray for our President!

    If I was an American likely I would be in the republican camp. With the election just around the corner and the anything goes type campaigns is it possible that Trump’s Covid positive is just a campaign ploy if it is it’s genius, hey look at me I had it and over it no big deal. If not hopefully...
  18. DaneG

    books/info on ranching for beginners

    A good start would be to read and understand the articles on this web site http://www.beefmagazine.com/strategic-planning-ranch by Burke Teichert there are quiet a few going back to 2012. Start with the oldest article first would be a good idea.
  19. DaneG

    Labeling of Lab Cultured Tissue

  20. DaneG

    Heritability of phenotype.
