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  1. R

    August 23, 2016

    Can't wait to see the whole picture!
  2. R

    July 8 and 9, 2013

    Soap, I've been looking for pictures of those Hereford Herd Sires this summer but haven't seen any yet! Nice pictures, take care.
  3. R

    January 27, 28, and 29, 2013

    Nice pictures Soap. Cattle look to be handling the winter pretty good.
  4. R

    RBT December Pix

    Been awhile since we've (meaning Mrs B) managed to try and upload any photos to share with our Ranchers friends. Our family has grown considerably in the meantime. Both children married, one grandson, one grandaughter on the way! MOOved down the road a ways to the grassier side of the county...
  5. R

    A day at the beach, June 24, 2011

    Nice looking calves Soap. Your country looks good! I thought you were supposed to wear your sandals and a "thong" when you went to the beach? :)
  6. R

    July 13, 2010

    Glad to see you're keeping the CHARMAN clean until needed! LOL
  7. R

    June 9, 2010

    Just curious Soap...Did you find the windmill parts at Cabellas or Wall Drug? :wink: RBT
  8. R

    Pics of late...

    Nice pictures. Be sure and spend plenty of time with those little ones. The next thing you know they will be all grown up on ya! RBT
  9. R

    Some early June Pics

    H... I think that new camera may take better pictures than the old one! LOL That is some pretty country. With it being so rough and all, how many cows do you figure per bull? Take care. RBT
  10. R

    A few photos, as of February 26, 2010

    Nice pictures Soap. Looks like you're gonna be busy for awhile. We aren't supposed to start till the 10th of March here. We wintered a bunch of cows for a guy that weren't supposed to start till March 5th and sent them home today with 5 babies along side! RBT
  11. R

    Sold Steers February 9, 2010

    Thank you all for the compliments. Sometimes it's just nice to share the results of a year's work with others who are in the same business! Cedarcreek, we used Micro Beef for our RFID tags and yes, part of the cost was for advertising and paperwork. I don't like the extra work of putting them...
  12. R

    Sold Steers February 9, 2010

    BMR, The RFID tags are for age and source verification. They cost $3.25 a head to put them in, but I think we got more than that back when we sold them. We had 2 guys bidding private treaty and both were interested because they were age and source verified. RBT
  13. R

    Sold Steers February 9, 2010

    We sold our steers yesterday! A few photos before we shipped them out. 465 is college fund! Another college fund is 510 Steers weighed ave 775# sold for $98.50.
  14. R

    Miscellaneous pix

    Since we haven't posted in a while, I found a few random photos to share... Mrs BT Sunrise Thanksgiving morning wire winder we bought used a few years ago deer hunting and ran out of gas! but we did find bug's sister salt lick moved cows before this last storm: crew mounted on...
  15. R

    Fall pix

    Feedlot photos: hay pile mash (distillers grain) out with the old fence in with the new all lined up at the chow bunk the sun always sets and it's quite a wonderful work of God I have a few more pix picked out to share but will put on another post. Mrs RBT
  16. R

    Saturday chores

    Fall and a full moon are certainly in the air, we've now had a hard frost, it's October, weaning time is close, more silage in the pile come Monday, harvest is going on all around us. What an exciting time of year! Went with hubby on Saturday to the pastures, hope you don't get bored going with...
  17. R

    Weekend pix

    Thanks for the comments! We really enjoy everyone else's photos, getting a taste of your lives. It's wonderful to be part of the diversity of ranchers, so it's fun to share pieces of our days with youall. The large tank is 30 feet across and we rent that pasture and haven't had to pull the...
  18. R

    Weekend pix

    We had wind yesterday but not in the force many of you seemed to have had. It was actually a good day to be out, had to put on jackets last evening, so fall is getting here. There were some low laying places here that did have frost overnight.
  19. R

    Weekend pix

    Weekend chores and a few photo opportunities :) bellying up to the breakfast bar GOT milk! time to winterize some tanks--shutting off the water valve pulling the plug there she flows have to siphon this tank last look for the fall still mill the wonders of a tree work's a...
  20. R

    September 26, 2009, Part Two

    nothing like working cattle with family to put peace in a rancher's heart. Take care. RBT