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  1. R

    First time using bud box (results)

    Sure would like to see some pictures!
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    Bob Moreland's testimony and "sermon in a nutshell&quot

    That's a good testimony to the fact that we are never too old to become a Christian as long as we do it before we take that last breath. Thanks for sharing the letter with us. Prayers for your family at this time. RBT
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    Sold our calves last Wednesday. Time will tell if that was smart or not. I was getting nervous and decided to let the next guy have a go at it. :lol: Hope he makes lots of money and wants more next year.
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    Anybody got any guess where the top is in the cattle futures market?
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    Bowring Ranch Stories by Steve Moreland, Part Two

    great job Soap! Really enjoyed reading about the history in your area. Keep the stories coming. Hope you and Peach are both recovering quickly. Take care. rbt
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    Looking for ideas

    Thanks for the websites 3mlc I will check them out!
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    Looking for ideas

    It takes half a day and a lot of miles to check the water tanks in my summer pastures. I have been trying to figure out a way to set up some kind of system where I could use a camera or something to check the tanks on the computer or internet without having to drive there all the time. Any...
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    Cornstalk grazing project

    Haytrucker we have water mostly from domestic wells, but do have a couple pivots we have to break down and water out of. I hate paying the bill for the roughage buster but we have had good luck with it and I have a very accomadating feed dealer that takes good care of me. We feed the salt to...
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    Cornstalk grazing project

    We are also running cows on cornstalks. Around here winter is the cheapest time of year to run cows. If the stalks don't get buried in snow it cost 25 cents a day for the stalks, and 23 cents for ADM ROUGHAGE BUSTER and salt. This year we had a bad wind in the fall and there are a lot of...
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    Pearl Millet

    Thanks everyone for the replies. Yes it is millet hay put up in big round bales. It was tested for nitrates (132) and moisture which was 15%. I really appreciate getting responses from people who have actually had experience feeding millet. Thank you one and all. Take care. RBT
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    Pearl Millet

    I have a chance to buy some pearl millet from a neighbor. I am going to feed it to cow/calf pairs. The fellow wants $60 a ton for it. I have never fed millet before and don't know much about it. Anyone on here have any experience with it or know how much it's worth? All replies are...
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    A pleasant Saturday in Alberta

    Back in the early 1960's my grandad was baling with an allis chalmers WD 45 pulling one of those little round balers when the twine arm tripped but the rollers didn't catch the twine to start tying. Being in too big of a hurry and not thinking very good he left the pto running ,and went to...
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    Ten thousand dollar screw-up

    How bout the panels Soap? Will your insurance cover them? RBT
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    Good pictures Bob. Always ready to look at some more! RBT
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    i live in the hospital now

    Hang in there Cowhunter! The Doc's found 2 lumps of cancer in my dad between his lungs and ribcage, right below his heart. Inoperable. They started him on Chemo, but then he started having heart problems. So now he is taking some kind of a chemo pill. I know some days are good and some are...
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    What is your brand?

    We call ours Rocking Bar T (RBT) but technically it's bar T quarter-circle
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    Good Sunday Mornin'

    Thank you Shortgrass. Appreciate your insight and encouragement.
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    BRG's family 2009 pioneer breeders

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    Good Sunday Mornin'

    A very timely message, Shortgrass! Thanks for the reminder to keep the 'first thing' first.
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    Come meet our family at the wedding....

    June was a very fun and exciting time for our family. Our son married his high school sweetheart! and we celebrated for three days! The Lord has blessed our family indeed!......so come meet our family since you've welcome us into yours here at ranchers.net. RT and son making sure those tuxs...