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  1. M

    Food Bankruptcies- Will These Include Cattle Industry?

    Yes OT I can sure agree with you on that. Guys up here are ripping up pasture (that should never be broken up because its such poor land) to seed this spring. We jsut seen three quarters of pasture ripped up on the weekend. Its sad to see all thiks grass land getting broken up and hayland...
  2. M

    9 days late

    I remember a year ago at a Bred cow sale after the cows were preg check a few of them aborted. That would have been quite a surprise to buy a bred cow that was empty :roll:
  3. M

    Canadian MadCow of the Month!!!!

    We test everything here that shows any kind of symptom associated with BSE. So far all negatives but we are still checking.
  4. M

    Canadian MadCow of the Month!!!!

    OT is likely off to the watering hole to spread the word and celebrate :roll:
  5. M

    Feeding Cows in a Big Way

    What type of bales are you grinding into the pile?
  6. M

    Canada Proposes Cattle Bailout

    Yeah im not sure where the govt si leading us. With the high grain prices right now its sure killing the cattle feeding biz. Its a bugger to think theres people in this world starving and we cant get $200 for an older cow.
  7. M

    Canada Proposes Cattle Bailout

    Hell OT you can find these news stories faster than we can up here..... however this wont happen as we have a Conservative govt NOT A LIBERAL govt. And if you did some looking you would find that CAIS doesnt work very well, and is no longer even a program offered.
  8. M

    Any Advice on Blackleg

    I was wondering if anyone could give me more info on blackleg in calves? We lsot one 450 lb calf about three weeks ago that was not vaccinated for it. When we did the post on him as soon as the vet pulled the hide back the skin was air bubbles. When we got the results back from the lab it...
  9. M

    Ridley Agrees to Settlement in Canadian BSE Lawsuit

    What I would like ot know is how many producers actually joined up with this fight? I know not every producer did join. So how can they use a census number to equal a payout? Plus the lawyers ahve likely done lots of work on this case and they cost lots.
  10. M

    What the heck is a shelly cow????

    Heck those look like the old cows R-calf planted up here that had BSE? You remember OT they got em from you..lmfao
  11. M

    Video Reveals Violations of Laws, Abuse of Cows at Slaughter

    Why would anyone take anything like that to market??? They should be humanely put down and not have to go thru that stress of being bounced around with a forklift. Someone can only hope the guys that did that to those cows come back as downer cows someday.
  12. M

    Video Reveals Violations of Laws, Abuse of Cows at Slaughter

    I jsut watched that footage and that is going to do nothing to help the beef biz in the US. On the other hand animals like that should not be going into the food system. oT you talk about Canada having a BSE problem you should maybe look into that, that brings back memories of the footage from...
  13. M

    Event Notice

    more BS!!!!!
  14. M

    Ranchers Beef

    Who says you ll be importing disease from Canada? Whoever wrote that artcile has to be an r-laugher.
  15. M

    Ranchers Beef

    Both you guys cant see past teh protectionist attitude. Dont you guys ever get out?
  16. M

    Ranchers Beef

    Sandhusker and OT, Ive got a deal .. if you guys dont want our beef and want to close the border to them... I say we should close our border to fertilizer going south from here and all the other commodities. Do you really think the US would be the superpower of the world if you didnt have all...
  17. M

    A little bit of misinformation goes a long ways.

    I realy dont know how guys that support R-cult can go on? The god damn propaganda they are spreading is going to ruin the beef industry for you guys too. Bunch of real whack jobs!!!
  18. M

    Canada’s Risk Mitigation Measures Have Serious Shortcomings

    Well we keep testing animals in this area even though none have been found here yet. It is just good to test and find out. I beleive they have stopped testing animals that are under 30 months and in good health condition that are slaughtered.
  19. M

    Canada’s Risk Mitigation Measures Have Serious Shortcomings

    OT, How many cattle in the 4'd status does Montana test?
  20. M

    CCA says Canadian Cattle Industry just Hunky-dory!!!

    oldtimer, Talked to some guys today that said feeder hiefers here are bringing any where from .45-.60 now do you call that a good price?