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  1. G

    Spring Trail Drive March 12, 2010

    Another question for you gcreek, with all that snow you get what is your average annual precipitation?
  2. G

    Spring Trail Drive March 12, 2010

    Good pictures gc, worth the wait :wink: You still have snow and it's deep :shock: ours has sunk down considerably although it is still a complete cover unless it's been disturbed by the cows.
  3. G

    Spring Trail Drive March 12, 2010

    Didn't learn much looking at your pictures gc but the captions looked enticing :wink: Will check back later :D
  4. G

    Chores March 9

    Is that for the restaurant trade or what do they do with them :shock: How much harm do coyotes actually do on any of you folk's ranches? We have a very healthy population here - I often see 8-10 in a morning but they are only looking for mice beneath the snow plus removing the odd dead animals...
  5. G

    Cowhunters Pics

    If horns are what you are after and this particular family has the better horns you desire go ahead and breed a bull to his half sister - you have a better chance of fixing the type of horns you want like this than breeding them to unrelated stock.
  6. G

    March 4, 2010

    Yep, I guess if you run in off a quad bike you can still retain your "cowboy" status - pity help you if it's a tractor operated one :roll: eh NR?
  7. G

    Winter and weather pictures

    I think the problem must come from the dam side :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. G

    Winter and weather pictures

    Yeah, but somedays I think she must have a negative EPD for temperament :roll:
  9. G

    Winter and weather pictures

    A few pictures of the strange weather we've had this winter. We've had lots of foggy mornings Leaving frosty trees behind One of my mouse control operatives enjoying the rays on a misty morning. My other farm operatives - best of friends. A chunky Solomon daughter. A more balanced model...
  10. G

    A little Snow

    Man, that looks miserable. We have had very nice weather by contrast sitting around -10C for a few days/nights now and only an inch of new snow with no wind. Apart from a miserable 3 weeks in late December we have actually had a really easy winter with the warm November and now coasted almost...
  11. G

    Feeding Today Jan 22

    Is that $25k for the tractor or for the change gcreekrch? There is the exact same model with same loader and grapple sitting at a dealer in town here with an asking price of $43k+ It may have less hours than yours I haven't enquired. What direction are the Itchas from your place? I'd be...
  12. G

    Recent pictures

    Thanks folks :D :D It's deep gas in this case per, they drilled lots of minimal disturbance shallow wells and a few deep ones as well. This valley has been crazy busy with drilling since fall. There are a few that silage - some like us get it put up custom by the Hutterites, closer to Rimbey...
  13. G

    Recent pictures

    Cold December days Cold cows eating their fill Still some feed under the blanket. Roll on January - picked over pretty good on the open parts January 2nd time to start feeding - they wouldn't come to a shout so I had to go hunt them out of the bush. They are getting a 60% silage ration...
  14. G

    Luing Photos for NR

    What do you mean white on her nose Per :???: It's snow :lol: :lol: Or do you mean the actual skin colour? If so all the cattle pictured have white noses. Actually in Scotland black noses have been outlawed in the breed - for cosmetic reasons as far as I can tell. It's the same cow in picture...
  15. G

    Luing Photos for NR

    I don't have many fresh photos that I haven't posted before so i'll have to start taking some more. Here is what I like about Luing. A fully winterized cow that can handle winter grazing in our climate. ...but still slick off in summer ...and turn in bulls like this. One of 4 heifers (3...
  16. G

    Trailin' them home

    Thanks for the explanation H - it's always interesting to learn why people do things certain ways - without the background info we only see half the picture. You must have regular hay burners though - 4 or 5 tons a day on 113 cows :shock: :shock:
  17. G

    Trailin' them home

    How many cows are you trailing and why do you trail them versus truck them over that long a distance?
  18. G

    Still grazing PureCountry - lots of pics

    I like your thinking WR - especially the grant money part :D :D And I'd no more be conning the funders than the researchers FH mentions. Seems like another project trying to prove how long a piece of string is. "There is a study going on now with a warm water vs cold water, so far warm water...
  19. G

    Still grazing PureCountry - lots of pics

    Thank you Soapweed - I'm not trying to force people to do things the way I do or suggest mine is the only way to do things. Merely that a system like ours can and does work under our conditions and that the cows do not suffer as a result. Also that cattle of the Luing breed are well suited to...
  20. G

    Still grazing PureCountry - lots of pics

    Just back from my Sunday afternoon walk - been a cold tough week for the grazing cows but I'm quite happy with how they are handling it. Surprised how much the snow has built up this week - probably a foot on the level now. I walked through the herd and no-one seemed concerned, nobody bellowing...