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  1. R

    Long Term Effects of Blood Bath in Fed Cattle

    Aw, what a difference a couple months makes. Feeder futures up, corn down. What's everyones thoughts and plans now?
  2. R

    Irish Black for calving ease?

    Had a neighbor bought 2 Irish Black bulls and turned out with Angus-Gelbvieh Replacement heifers a few years ago. Called me several times during calving season to help pull calves. The bulls were gone before the next breeding season came around. I'm sure there are hard calvers and easy calvers...
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    Freezer Beef Price

    We AI our replacement heifers and don't run any clean-up bulls. We sell the ones that don't stick as butcher beef. We charge $3.25 a pound hanging weight. That price includes us scheduling at the butcher plant, taking them in, and delivering them to the customer's freezer when done. We pay...
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    Branded last weekend

    Yep :) Not too bad of chute. Just need a cutting torch to make a few adjustments and then everything will be good! :wink:
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    Branded last weekend

    Thanks for the compliments. H and BMR, I never turn down help! Brenda did a fine job preparing the noon meal and it was very much appreciated. We have to feed the help well so they will come back next year! Soap when I was younger we used to wrestle the calves all the time. As each year...
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    Saturday cattle drive, May 22, 2010

    Good help, good cattle, and the grass is growing. What more could you ask for? It's days like this that I know we have the best job in the world! Good to see Syb, tell her hi for us. RBT
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    Branded last weekend

    Our kids came home from college town to help work calves and we had our good neighbors set up to help. It rained early morning and with weather forcasting more we went ahead...God is Good! Branding went well! Hope you enjoy our day with us :cboy: Our soon to be son-in-law helping bring in the...
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    New bulls delivered

    #226 is a NLC Superior son out of a New Design 878 dam. 1/2 simmi, 1/2 angus. #249 is a Dream On son out of a Lead On dam. 1/2 simmi, 1/2 angus. #267 is a Shear Force son out of a Frontline dam with a touch of Simmi. 7/8 angus, 1/8 simmi. Trying to support the cannucks by using your bulls...
  9. R

    New bulls delivered

    We got our three new bulls delivered last week and so far think they look ok. :) Sure do hope everyone is having a good calving season. We're thankful that ours is winding down without too many hiccups throughout. We did have to bring in a cow a few nights ago to give a little...
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    A few calving pix

    Haven't taken time to post calving pix yet this year so picked out a few to share with you all. Several miscellaneous others included :) this baby's got milk! getting a jug of baby boost after a really cold night our daughters calf replacement heifers at the dinner table trailing...
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    Truckin calves to town...

    Congratulations, It sounds like they weighed up and sold well! RBT
  12. R

    Truckin calves to town...

    katrina, other than your trucking woes, how did the calves do? RBT
  13. R

    Calving Kickoff 2010

    Looks like the neighbor's bull threw some pretty nice calves! Probably not what ya wanted to hear, but i'll bet they weigh up good come fall. RBT
  14. R

    Birthweight question for those who are calving.

    Big Swede, I was raised hearing the same thing. RBT
  15. R

    Cow Feed Costs

    I was just curious. What does everyone figure it costs to feed a cow year round? I figure if I can run one for a buck a day on average I have done a pretty good job on feed costs. RBT
  16. R

    La cochinera: A glorified hog pen

    thanks for the pictures Whitewing. How big do your hogs get before you market them, and what are they worth then? RBT
  17. R

    Some Pairs and some calves

    Nice calves randi. Did #40 calve unassisted? RBT
  18. R

    Cows, Calves and Little Boys

    Those are some pretty good calves you can be proud of. I,m like BMR, what's the breeding of your bull calf? RBT
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    Bringing home the cows, and preg testing

    Nice pictures! If you don't my asking, what does it cost to have the blood test done? RBT
  20. R

    Checking heifers 10.4.09

    It's been a long time BMR, but we have had excellent moisture all summer and the same so far this fall. I haven't seen this country look this good for a long time! Our cows and heifers will run on cornstalks this winter. There is usually some corn left in the fields after they get done...