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  1. G

    Adios Amigos

    I feel compelled to comment just once more on my final post. In retrospect I regret that I shared the information that Kit Pharo had emailed me upset about a thread I had posted about him. I have respect for Kit and his program and did not intend to precipitate an anti-Kit post with him being...
  2. G

    Adios Amigos

    It's time for me to bid farewell. It seems to me a lot of people take things far too seriously on here. I just got an email from Mr Pharo querying whether I was criticizing his thoughts or program by starting a recent thread involving him. I will discuss/debate or argue things with anybody but...
  3. G

    Cheap Pellets

    I guess it depends how expensive hay gets this summer. 13% protein with the TDN of 40-55% is not cheap in my book (about 5.2c/lb) of dry matter. My silage cost me less than that this winter on a dry matter basis but was 62% TDN with a 12.4 protein.
  4. G


    Agreed - enjoy your day too.
  5. G

    Cheap Pellets

    What is the analysis of the pellets other than the 13% protein and is the analysis guaranteed or does it vary load to load?
  6. G


    I call them as I see them. You launched a post about all the people "forced" to leave the site by having to read comments they didn't agree with and suggested the solution is for a "bunch of loud mouths" like me to "shut the hell up or just go away". I thought that was hypocritical. I...
  7. G


    I still say there is a fair bit of hypocracy involved. Interesting that OldTimers name was mentioned as he is someone I feel has seen some of the most outrageous attacks on him - nasty attacks calling him an outright liar and such - who else suffers such pointed attacks? Yet generally a blind...
  8. G


    I don't "always take shots at purebred outfits" why would I? I am a purebred and commercial breeder and will comment on posts about both equally as I see fit. You are wrong on the bull issue - I have bought some good bulls (and females) of various breeds over the years from programs I was happy...
  9. G


    Well you got your post title right Leanin' H. The irony of the hypocracy is astounding. You bemoan the fact that some people are forced to leave the site yet you suggest the solution is for some other folks to "tone it down a lot, shut the hell up or just go away." Who decides who the "good...
  10. G

    Kit shows the way ahead

    It was tongue in cheek Dylan. There are some posters on here (Big Swede possibly?)who I believe cull all the heifers that don't settle in the first cycle. Equally what Kit was suggesting - if taken out of context (which I did) would imply that a heifer that breeds very late first time around...
  11. G

    Kit shows the way ahead

    I found the following story from the Pharo newsletter interesting. It was an explanation of why he changed to calving the heifers with or later than the cows rather than a month earlier. "We were calving in April at the time – starting around April 10th. We calve our heifers and cows at the...
  12. G

    A Great Day to Be Alive!

    Oh, we are drought planning too Dylan as it is record dry here. My banked grass this year came at the expense of several hundred extra acres rented last year. We are already committed to the increased acres again this year and will go to grass with reduced cow numbers but more yearlings. Easier...
  13. G

    A Great Day to Be Alive!

    "A great day to be alive" as the song says. Spring is coming, sun is shining so I took a leisurely stroll. Time to think grass again :D Corrals are brown but the countryside is still largely white. Checking out the spring feed stockpile. The cage is from our local forage group who are doing...
  14. G

    Mineral prices most likely will rise

    Sure glad my cows are selected for performance on a "low mineral input program" :wink:
  15. G

    My few but mighty Buelingos

    Math not your strong point RSL? :wink: :lol: :lol:
  16. G

    Another Raw Milk Ban

    Maybe they believe that raw milk is healthier? That the "lactose intolerance" epidemic is a product of the pasteurisation process? Like you say it should be their choice. Government has of course had it's ear bent by corporate interests who would lose out if farmers could sell raw milk direct to...
  17. G

    My few but mighty Buelingos

    From Google; The BueLingo breed was developed by Russ Bueling, a respected cattle rancher and grain farmer from the Sandhills of South Eastern North Dakota along with Alfred Ostrum and with the assistance of Russ Danielson, Professor of Animal Science at North Dakota State University. A...
  18. G


    Not at all PPRM - glad to have your input - I certainly don't feel you were trying to convert me. This is the beauty of being a price setter instead of a price taker - there are many routes to take and we can all go different directions. Thanks for your input.
  19. G


    Why not pre-sell it H? we are taking orders now for Oct/Nov delivery, about a third booked up already. Once the beef is ready we just deliver it straight to the customer - no on farm storage to worry about, purchase or get licensed. PPRM, we have no plans to get into cuts or catering...
  20. G


    I should have mentioned we do the 1/8th of a beef thing too - trialled a few last year and it went quite well. The main reason I do it is that we get charged an extra $25/quarter to cut and wrap quarters versus halves "extra handling charge". So by ordering a whole beef and dividing it up...