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  1. W

    Sold the calves.

    We had plenty of grass in the spring. Then it turned off hot and it all turned brown. After lightning struck it all turned black. Now I am wondering if we will have any grass at all this spring.
  2. W

    Sold the calves.

  3. W

    Sold the calves.

    I think I started the bidding on them. But I quit when they got to $1900. I did that a lot on Wednesday. You had to have a wallet full to play that day. I got to sneak out with three cows that sold late as singles.
  4. W

    Please lock your trailer gates when hauling cattle

    I just ran to the post office. It is 5 miles to there. I saw cows standing beside the road in 3 different places. About a dozen cows total. Like I said here the cops here would just drive by them like everyone else. Now the interstate is a different deal. One gets on there and everyone...
  5. W

    Please lock your trailer gates when hauling cattle

    Amazing the cops have that one tied down. A lot of cops would just shoot it. And here where it is all open range they would just leave it alone.
  6. W

    Midwestern Beef Predator Control

    Not many members here from the area you listed. There was in the past but not so much any more.
  7. W

    Baldy bull market?

    Location would make a difference. No market for cross bred bulls here.
  8. W

    Weaned and worked the tailenders

    I do understand that there are lots of variables involved. In the the case with our one and done cows the landowner wants all the cows gone by September 1. So about mid August they get gathered and the old cows get a trip to the plant. By mid October the cow price will drop every year. And...
  9. W

    Weaned and worked the tailenders

    Good moisture and a great grass years certainly has a lot to do with the weaning weights. But the extra time on the cow helps a lot too. I had one pair escape this year. They were caught by a neighbor 6 weeks after the rest of the cows were shipped and calves weaned. He turned into the...
  10. W

    Stack yard full

    Mine aren't tarped and neither is anyone else here. The top bale will be a pain to feed once it gets frozen this winter.
  11. W

    Bovine bibliography

    As good as those heifers look and as much as you might like them this is not the time to keep heifers. A heifer kept during the high price part of the cattle cycle. Usually 10-11 years, will never be as profitable as one kept in the low price part of the cycle. Example, a 600lb calf kept this...
  12. W

    Calf grafting

    Edna (my wife) had fed that calf the last day and a half it was here. It was an orphan from Bert. When he stopped by to pick it up Edna was just walking out to the corral with a bottle. He offered to let her continue feeding it until fall. Two problems with this graft. The calf was too long...
  13. W

    Calf grafting

    Gave up on the one with the long term bottle calf. The cow wasn't interested in being a mother. I had already bought a replacement for her. Plan A was to ship after we branded. Plan B was the calf. So I went back to plan A and hauled her to town yesterday. The calf went back to Bert's...
  14. W

    Calf grafting

    I have 2 of those right now. One lost her calf 3 or 4 weeks ago. Didn't find the dead calf for the better part of a week. At that point I went oh well she gets a ride to town. Then I caught her letting other calves suck. The other lost a month old calf. Wednesday last week 2 bottle calves...
  15. W

    Brazilian beef, and reporting BSE

    I see he was back on CT the other day.
  16. W

    Predatory animals

    Wolves killed a cow dog a few weeks back in a young ranchers backyard. This happened somewhere over by Nicky's place. The article I read said it was a cow dog and the pet his kids played with and it was killed in the yard that his young children play in. He was more than a little upset.
  17. W

    Bought a bull

    Jo Owens
  18. W

    Bought a bull

    I had thought about going to that Hereford sale yesterday just to watch. Mostly to watch the horses sell there. But we lost a neighbor lady last week and the funeral was yesterday. Durkee was missing from that bull sale as we were all at the funeral.
  19. W

    Bought a bull

    I used Simm Angus bulls for a lot of years. They worked real well for me. The cows weaned big calves which sold at the top of the market.
  20. W

    Trying to explain why I do what I do

    I like to sit and watch it grow.