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  1. P

    Rocky Mountain Oysters

    Use a 5 gallon bucket w/ a little water in it to hold them right after they're cut. Then you need to clean them down to the tough outer skin. Tough process to explain, but if you need to I can get some pics for a better explanation. Once that's done we usually lay them out on a piece of wax...
  2. P


    Katrina, when you say you get 1 gallon/bushel, is that actually per bushel, or per cwt? I'm pretty sure that 1 bushel of sunflowers is 28 lbs, but I'm not sure what the conversion factors are for oil, in real-life experiences, not lab settings. I'm looking into this b/c irrigation costs are...
  3. P


    That scuba was one of the funniest dang things I've seen in a while. Hilarious. Next time I'm at a lake deep enough to do that, I'm gonna' have to try it. How long does the air last? And how much do you have to trust that buddy up top :shock:
  4. P

    Music Awards

    Speaking of the DCs, HMW did you see the interview w/ Natalie Maines where she said that she doesn't want to be connected/associated with country music any longer? I think she's getter her wish. I haven't heard any of their new songs on our country stations yet. Thankfully.
  5. P

    The Dixie Chicks are back. :)

    Wow. You really are lost. I usually try not to post negative comments, but good Lord, where have you been? The ashamed to be American, ashamed to be from TX comments didn't make it to NE? By supporting these left-wing lunatics you're undermining the core values that 95% of the people in ag...
  6. P

    Nuff already!!!

    The Japanese didn't find the actual spinal cord, they found the vertebrae bones. That's the cut the customer ordered and an incompetent idiot delivered. I still think the media's blowing the whole BSE human risk out of proportion. Hope this new Canadian scare doesn't cause to many problems. Phil
  7. P

    Prayers Needed

    I'll send mine up as well. This is a tragic story that will hopefully have a good ending. For those of us that are still lucky enough to have those generations ahead of us, please take the time to appreciate & learn from them. Phil
  8. P

    Hightest Bridge in the World

    Link didn't work for me so this is what I googled. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=highest+bridge+in+the+world
  9. P

    Santa Fe with Bling Bling here I come

    Yep, we're happy to have CO there to the west to filter out the fruits and nuts coming out of California. :D Phil