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  1. P

    Fencing Projects

    They going to irrigate that hay? If so, can you still drill irrigation wells? Or is there even any groundwater out there?
  2. P

    Swampgrass/Rush Hay

    Haymaker, around here there are a lot of cows that winter on milo stalks and corn stalks. If the guys have irrigation, they winter on corn stalks, if they're dryland farmers it's milo stalks. Both will get some supplements if needed. Why is most of the milo there plowed under and not cut? Or...
  3. P

    Need opinion: No-till and reduced tillage

    A moldboard plow is the most aggressive form of tillage there is. It completely turns the soil over burying 100% of the residue. I'm guessing that he runs a field cultivator over the field which consists of a set of V shaped sweeps (10-30" wide at the back of the V, depending on the type) that...
  4. P

    Irrigation questions for coastal bermuda

    Holy wow!! I need to find your well driller. To put in a 1000' deep irrigation well here in SW KS I'd guess that you'd be looking at a minimum of $50K (casing, 8" bowls, wellhead, irrigation pad etc...) and then you'd have about another $40-50K to put up a center pivot. That would irrigate...