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  1. P

    It's On. AU vs KSU On Thursday Night!

    OK, so even assuming your son is an exceptional athlete, how does that say anything good about NU's state of the program? You just said that a poor athlete (relative to your son) will be walking on at NU... Generally, even the walk-ons have to be invited by the program to walk on. Soooooo, using...
  2. P

    When is the last time a SEC player did this?

    Barrett Jones, Alabama's All-Everything center, has finished his masters in accounting, and that's in 4 years I believe. Maybe 5, but even still, going through and getting a masters in 5 yrs is pretty solid. Collin Klein also finished his undergrad degree in finance prior to running out of...
  3. P

    New Name For BCSNC Game

    Well if aTm can keep Johnny Football from turning into Tony Romo, I'd say they'd be my pick next year, especially w/ Matthews coming back. Had Joeckel come back also, I'd have said they'd be about a lock...
  4. P

    Cotton Bowl

    Who also beat the SEC champ... What's your point? The parity in college football has never been close to what it has been in the last 10 years. A lot depends on which team shows up that day and what injuries/breaks go their way. Had A&M played like that all season, they would be in Bama's...
  5. P

    Johnny Football

    And Johnny Football LOST to all the top teams, save for Alabama when he had 1 great quarter, and then prayed that the defense held on. Klein lost one game after getting a concussion, and accounted for something like 70% of his teams offense. Most importantly, Johnny Football got to play behind...
  6. P


    I doubt you, or any team outside of maybe Ohio St, Notre Dame, Alabama and maybe 1 or 2 others will ever come within a stones throw of making the kind of $$$ that UT does. Just the way it is. Plus, the SEC just happened to be the 1st league to have their TV contract come up for bids durin the...
  7. P


    I'm not sure, but I think it was 10-7... Oh wait, that was the Leader Whiskey dropping to Oregon State. Maybe Nebraska's was a Legendary 36-30 or something like that?
  8. P

    nowhere near tough enough

    Needs to drink more water during school and in the evenings.
  9. P

    4 team playoff finalized

    Chuck here does a pretty good job of summarizing how the SEC does it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlz01nBrl4s&feature=player_embedded
  10. P

    Hey Sandhusker

    Ok, this might be a sports board, but guess which school ranks #5 (behind Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton & Duke) in the number of Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Udall and Goldwater scholars? And it certainly ain't that school of Nowledge north of us! :D
  11. P

    Question for Jigs

    It's been a cash grab from the get-go. NU and CU can say what they want, but that's what it was... Which makes it interesting to see how the IRS will view all of this. I bet that within 10 years college sports will lose the tax exempt status and then get to watch 35% of those revenues that...
  12. P

    A&M the next to leave the Texas 12?

    Let's be honest on the textbook thing... 28K, really? We're going to try to "throw the book at them" :D over that? Any major DI program probably has that amount of money running under the table in 6 months or less. UNL will always have an advantage over KSU b/c it's the only major program in...
  13. P

    A&M the next to leave the Texas 12?

    Yeah, how is that AAU membership working out? I can't believe people still keep peddling that academic farce. Big 10 provided Neb. the chance to make more money, academics were just another excuse. I'm not saying it's a bad move, but don't keep trying to sell it this way. To be honest, all 4...
  14. P

    Breaking News - Pelini in Lincoln

    Well, this is one 'Cat fan that's awfully happy they brought in Bo. He's not the coach to fix the system. He'll be at best a middle-of-the-road coach. But he might be a heck of a recruiter. At LSU he had enough talent that they could mask a bunch of mediocre coaching. Look at what happened...
  15. P

    Favre Sets New TD Mark

    Think maybe the 500 times they shot up with 'roids might have had something to do with that?
  16. P

    AP Top 25: 24. K-State 25. Nebraska...

    Looks like other people are noticing what's happening in Manhattan!!!!! NU boosters better take up a fund to buy out Callahan's contract soon. 'Course, that would be bad for K-State, so I'm not sure what to feel about that, he's the best thing for K-State :shock: