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  1. P

    SH--Pushing Select vs Choice Beef

    Jason maybe producers should produce what consumers want instead of trying to "educate" them into wanting what we produce? Maybe we should see the signals they're sending and go after that, instead of trying to change the signals they send. As to the convenience products, you've hit the nail on...
  2. P

    Grading & Marbling Score

    Depending on the quantity that you'll be using, you might look into buying direct from a small packer/processor in your area. Work with them so they know the volume and types of cuts that you'll be wanting and see if you can set up your own system. One of the easiest ways to get decent meat out...
  3. P

    Wal Mart Hurting Organics?

    Organic beef is significantly more expensive to produce. Remember, these cattle have to be raised on certified organic ground, not something that is just considered "natural." Then they get to be fed certified organic feeds to finish, or if they're grass-fed, they'll graze for a substantially...
  4. P

    Discussion for the More Advanced: Beef Demand

    Econ, that correlation is basically a measure of the shifting demographics. What it means is that as females have joined the work force, beef demand has suffered. To think this through, and I'm not trying to be a male chauvinist pig, but as more women have begun working outside the home, less...
  5. P

    Standing Up For The Packers

    This is exactly what Tyson has done. They've just done it faster b/c they chose an industry that isn't as dispersed or capital-intensive (as measured by sales-assets) as ranching. Does there need to be oversight? Yes. Are they continually putting the screws to their suppliers? Yes. Just like...
  6. P

    Here's an informative study....

    http://www.agmanager.info/livestock/marketing/bulletins_2/industry/demand/MF2457.pdf That link should get you to a paper detailing the determinants of beef demand. The post below had a valid point, but somehow if you get 3-4 certain people posting on a topic, it pretty much turns right into mud...
  7. P


    Went through the grocery store not paying attention, got home and saw a flyer for $0.19/lb on leg quarters. WOW!! Couple the reduction in chicken prices with the increase in gas prices & I'd bet a lot of people may start shifting consumption. Wonder what effect this will have on the protein...
  8. P

    Do I correctly remember?

    I don't want to pick on anybody, but it seems to me that much of this debate has evolved b/c of this type of belief. We don't have a "right" to anything, other than the chance to make it work. If others can do it cheaper than we can, due to a myriad of reasons, then they have the right to...
  9. P

    Agman Refuted by Tyson president and chief operating officer

    Econ, how about YOU show YOUR work. I have yet to see you post with anything but accusations. You fire away at Schroeder's work, which has been very widely peer-reviewed and still stands as a seminal work in that area, but you have yet to show a SINGLE NUMBER. Where's your work? Agman puts up...
  10. P

    Mississippi takes big hit on cattle plant loans

    Why couldn't you compete? Were the economies of scale so large that it would take a tremendous investment to make it operate on par with theirs? Is the marketing/regulatory environment so difficult that only the largest companies can wade through the jungle? I would guess that the study...
  11. P

    Downwards Price Pressures Of Cash Basis Contracts

    Yes, Tyson can take that hit. But how many feeders does Tyson buy from? As a SWAG I'd say at least 50. Now they each take a $10,000 hit. Do you finance any $5 million operations that can't take a $10,000 hit? Exactly. And a competitive market place will easily identify the true low cost...
  12. P

    Downwards Price Pressures Of Cash Basis Contracts

    OK, well, I'm 100% certain that the buyers only having X dollars to spend is the biggest flaw in the whole thing. But that's not what I'm going to spend time on. OK, Day 1, X number of cattle bought & X number of cattle sold. Day 2, 1/2 X number of cattle bought by contract. Following the...
  13. P

    The sky is not falling Rod--SH.

    Econ, I guess I'll throw this disclaimer out right now so you'll kow where I stand. And if you've read the trial transcript closely you'll understand immediately what I mean. I studied under Ted Schroeder at KSU & worked with him as a grad student. I think & believe along the same lines as he...
  14. P

    The sky is not falling Rod--SH.

    Exactly. And you're in a position to see a LOT of producers actual numbers, so you probably have a better handle on this than most. So Tyson makes about the same return that producers do. So basically everybody is screaming b/c Tyson has more than they do. The screaming basically just means that...
  15. P

    The sky is not falling Rod--SH.

    Anybody want to guess how many outstanding shares that Tyson has to spread that $1.12 per share across? . . . . . . . Answer: Approximately 354,500,000. That's still lots of dollars. And before everybody starts screaming, what kind of ROA is that? Quick and dirty calcs using #'s from Tyson's...
  16. P

    Random Musings From A Random Mind

    I'll admit right up front that I only read about 3/4 of the first page of this thread so I might be repeating what somebody has already written in their post, but here's my take: This is the craziest thing I've ever heard of. There seems to be a fair majority here that believe that the...
  17. P

    Farm gate prices flat

    The same could be said for a % reduction in demand. Watch what happens to prices then with that inelastic curve. These numbers roads go both ways, it just depends upon your philosophy which lane you're in. End result is the same: The producers bicker among themselves & the rest of the supply...
  18. P


    It will make it possible for the native grasses to out compete the invasive species. Have you ever looked at the half-life of any of those chemicals? Most will be decomposed & broken down inside of a year. That's a philosophical difference, not an IPM (integrated pest management) decision...
  19. P

    Can the family farm survive?

    Agreed. I'm on the short end of that pencil trying to make it work. :shock: Actually more into farming than cattle. I can see a huge niche developing for hunting though & that might make it feasible again. Unfortunately I'm not a hunter so I couldn't guide, but I can see a great opportunity for...
  20. P

    Can the family farm survive?

    So they have to inherit it to make it work? Phil