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Well-known member
May 10, 2006
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Frankfort, Indiana
Ten years ago today I was filled with happiness and the anticipation of my 1st anniversary in a few days with my bride. Little did I know that in just a few hours I would experience the most incredible images, feelings of anger, remorse, and pain. As that morning unfolded on that terrible day I was watching the TV and drinking coffee when the screen filled with images I could not believe. Not since Pearl Harbor I suppose had America experienced something of this nature and we did not know how to react. The billowing smoke coming from that pile of rubble, watching people jump from windows tens of stories from the ground and then the crumbling of that tower knowing that real people were within – it sent emotions through my body never before experienced. Firefighters, police, and everyday men, women, and children all snuffed from life within minutes.
I also remember the ground swell of pride in country. The unity, the best of the best coming forward to help, and the focus to right the ship. Too bad politicians with their political correctness could not use common sense and blow the bastards to hell and back, make that part of the country sand dunes and rid the world of the pain and suffering they have caused in the ten years following.
Remember, bring those images back into your mind, and never forget.

the list is long..

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed Those who follow him are ruthless
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29
Ten years ago today I was filled with happiness and the anticipation of my 1st anniversary in a few days with my bride.

I can remember exactly where I was at on that day, what i was doing, and how I felt,.. .. and will never really forget.. but this might help...

over the years our family has seen some tragedies.. and some fall on significant dates.. As a Christian we can celebrate the lives of those who were lost.. but as a person.. we will always struggle with the mixed feelings on those days which are supposed to be joyful yet trouble US because of the world we live in..

say a quiet prayer for those who were lost.. but remember, our God would want us to Try to Celebrate the day, the anniversary and the lives of those who lived well..

Happy 11th Anniversary to you and your young bride..
The bad thing is what a terrorist attack would do for obama. It would take his worries off of the front page and then he could fire up the teleprompter and give a Rodney King speech.
thanks cutterone

As a Canadian that voices my opinion, that does not always agree with others' perspectives on this site.....I have been asked many times "why do you care"

Why do I care?
Why do you care? Why do I care? I’d like to think that all good people care no matter your country, gender, age, or color. As a seasoned citizen I have gained maturity as I think we all do. No longer are we walking blindly through life with self gratification, the burdens of raising a family, making a living for the future, and not really paying attention to the world around us. In my case it coincided with a marriage and I started paying more attention to what things really meant and how to start caring.
In the past decade either I really started paying attention or things in the world of government got out of hand and more oppressive. I have watched and paid attention this country being overran by terrorists, illegals, the political correct, oppressive regulation, and liberal agendas. I don’t believe I was ever as mad and sad as after that attack or the last 3 years of this administration. When I see the images of Obama, Bidden, Trumpka, Reed, Mexican protestors marching in the streets and schools, union thugs protesting at state capitals, or plans for a mosk at the site of 9/11 I want to wage war. In what form those who challenge the America as I knew it can decide the rules of engagement but I and others are prepared to meet the challenge. Sometimes you cannot reason and debate with those of such ideologies and those who care must be prepared to take it to the ultimate level to defeat such individuals. In the case of radical islamists there is no nor will there be reason or debate – only eradication until the bully surrenders. We came to that conclusion with Japan and we should have after 9/11. No boots should have hit the sand except to sweep the floor of ash.
I'd worked my last graveyard shift and was staying up to get some things done. It was a beautiful fall-like morning and I was out picking up tree limbs that'd blown down with the cool front. I was really enjoying the morning. A little while earlier, my wife and two* daughters and I were all in our 15 month old son's room enjoying each other's company before school and listening to the soundtrack of "O Brother where Art Thou". One song, with the little girls harmonizing was playing and I remarked, "don't that make you proud to be an American?"
While I was picking up branches my wife came out and told me that a plane had just flown into the World Trade Center Building so I ran inside to watch the news with her. When she said WTC, I heard her right but I was thinking United Nations Building. We thought it was a small Cessna or some such light plane then we knew it was an act of war when the second plane hit.
I tried to re-enlist within the week but they wouldn't take me back because I was just over the age limit. I regret not being able to do my part. I have tremendous respect, love and admiration for everyone who, by ther own choice, signed up to go and take the fight to the enemy.
I remember seeing the police and fire-fighters going in while everyone was trying to get out and I new they KNEW they might not make it back out and many did not. I believe God honors their self-sacrifice.
I went and hung our flag out right after the second plane hit.
God Bless America and all our friends that have stuck with us.
I just hope and pray we get back on our knees before God. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Correction: *My oldest daughter was at MCAS Miramar visiting a friend when it happened.
I was in my kitchen baking pies and getting lunch ready as BMR had the vets here preg. testing. I was watching the morning news when I saw the report. It was such a shock I doubt I will ever forget seeing the buildings being attacked. This is why when those that post their conspiracies bother me so much. When you see it happening live on your TV screen, there is NO TIME to rewrite what was really happening and there are eyewitness accounts weeks months and years after that back up what your eyes saw, you have to wonder what the agenda of those that try to convince you it was all staged and the reports are fictional really are. It makes no sense and is very hurtful especially with an event like this. Millions witnessed the tragic events of that morning 10 years ago and those that can't respect the hurt and suffering of a nation need to stop and take a long look in a mirror. :x

I also doubt I will ever forget a phone call I recieved shortly after 9/11. It was a young Canadian college student doing a survey. The student was asking what I thought of the terrorist attack on the US? My answer was I didn't see it as an attack on the US I saw it as an attack on the World as the Twin Towers housed people from all over the WORLD not just the US. If the terrorists wanted to hurt just the US they could have taken out the Capital buildings or the Statue of Liberty a landmark that Welcomes people to the US. These are two very proud US symbols that would have had a big impacted on just the US. But they didn't they chose the World Trade Buildings. I felt the terrorists were proving they could take down anyone they wanted WORLDWIDE by targeting those two buildings first and foremost. The student responded by saying that I had made a good point and she really never thought of it that way and thanked me for my input into her class project.

As I see it too many people looked at the attacks as a US problem verses a warning to the WORLD of how dangerous these people were/are. If they are willing to take a swipe at the World by staging their attack on the world's strongest country's soil are they affaid of anything or anyone. I seriously doubt it.
I had been in the World Trade Center many times.. even went to the top a few times.. for most who go into NY it was an everyday event to go through the World trade center.. under the trade centers was a massive subway station..

on that day, I was driving to classes, I was finishing up my degree and had an economics class. I first heard a plane hit a building in NY on the radio, and after classes, everyone was gathered around the TV in a lobby.. at first it was disbelief.. then it hit home.. my youngest brother worked in NYC

his daily route to work was to take a sub to the trade center get off and transfer to another to get to work. I knew it by heart because it was the way he always took us when we visited the City..

I didn't have a cell phone or his number with me, so I rushed home to call him.. his number was out of service.. time seemed to drag.. I was getting calls from my dad, my other brother.. relatives.. as soon as they got past the obligatory are you all doing fine they asked "did you hear from your brother?

I watched the news.. and when I finally got a call, he was ok.. his building was in security lock-down. cell phone cover was shut down, and he only had one call.. could I call everyone..

I did.. days later we talked.. he didn't know it had happened until he arrived at work.. he was under the trade center when the attacks happened.. as time went on.. I kept hearing about this person who lost a son, or a brother.. a sister, an aunt... our local fire/rescue companies were called to NYC to assist.

soon after words I was in NYC, seeing the center like that was difficult..
I'll never forget the churchyard covered in concrete ash..

May GOD bless our country.. and those who have fought to protect it..
from a friend..


not many companies pay tribute to this country as much as Budweiser does.. I haven't seen Budweiser Clydesdale commercial yet that didn't stir some emotion..

I sure hope there is beer in heaven.. and not one of those trendy ones..

thank you....

This is a sad day for our country. My heart goes out to all the victims and their loved ones. Thank you, to all the military, for your service and sacrifices for this country.

God Bless America. Today is the 10th year of the attack, one hour before the attack, 2 hours before it collapsed, and praying. This is the worst way for thousands of people to die. Let those 19 terrorists rot in 911 levels of hell
Faster Horses said:
Thanks, Steve, for posting that most touching Budweiser tribute.
Budweiser has class, that's for sure.
I hope everyone clicks on the link to watch the short video,
it's well worth the time.

not a problem..

Steve said:
from a friend..


not many companies pay tribute to this country as much as Budweiser does.. I haven't seen Budweiser Clydesdale commercial yet that didn't stir some emotion..

I sure hope there is beer in heaven.. and not one of those trendy ones..

thank you....

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