Very colorful shots. All your critters look to be in excellent shape!
Thanks for sharing. And congratulations on your second year of
ranching. May you enjoy all the rest of your years doing the same!
By the looks of things, I'd say you're on the right track..The colorful floppy eared calf is an eye catcher for sure! Also I liked the one with alll the cows and bull in the pictures thanks!
Thanks everyone! I appreciate it! .....better stock in the years to come!
Can't wait to start breeding baldy heifers I have raised next year!!!!!!!
I was hoping the roan f1 heifer would come out a bald faced brindle, but I'll take her. She's younger than the H3 heifer in the picture above her, but probably a good 6 or more inches taller than her now. She's also getting very tame. Can't wait to start weaning the oldest ones next month or so!
The camera I have been using is a Canon PowerShot S51S.....not real small, but not too huge either. I feel it fits nicely in saddle bags or cantle bag. I take a million blurry pictures for every ok one.
Yes, north of I-70. 30 or 40 miles or so from the Iowa line. Got a little brown on some of my hay ground after cutting, and pasture that needs improvement, but is green as spring every where now again. I feel bad for every one that has had it so bad this year!
Great pictures. Looks like your ranching is going very well. Your livestock are well fed and of high quality. Thanks for showing me some of the "Show Me State."
You are another that I've been wondering how things are going. Thanks for the update and the photos RA, looks like all my worrying was over nothing. :wink: :lol:
I love having fresh eggs, but never thought I would get this much enjoyment caring for them and watching them....they're fun!
I have the 3 Barred Rocks and 3 Cinnamon Queens as of now. The Cinnamon Queens are laying machines.
Going to order a couple Sussex and Speckled Sussex and Buff Orpington one of these days.
I had chickens for years and I really enjoyed them. I even
rasied them from day old chicks....but I was
allergic to cleaning the chicken house and was finally outvoted
on keeping chickens.......
(But I do have chicken decorations in my kitchen).