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A wee bit of rainfall

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2023
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Oregon Coast
Drove through the Coquille Valley a couple days ago. These fields actually have fences and a set of corrals out there some where.
Not really unusual for this to happen, was fairly common when I was growing up. They have raised the Dike (road I was driving on) over the years,
but occasionally the water level is high enough to leave debris on the road. After April cattle can usually go back out and later on they will cut hay in the fields.
Finally looks like there is a break in the weather, hoping for a week to ten days 🤞
Pretty mild compared to what some are dealing with.

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It is warm and wet enough over here that there is mud between the sage brush. the forecast is now high about 40 adn lows around 20 with no precipitation in the forecast. Maybe the mud will dry up a little.
:unsure: Never thought about sage brush country getting muddy. It rained last night, looks like it will rain most of today. The positive side is the grass is growing. Actually looks pretty good for January.
:unsure: Never thought about sage brush country getting muddy. It rained last night, looks like it will rain most of today. The positive side is the grass is growing. Actually looks pretty good for January.
Places on our place will get so muddy horses sink to their knees...then in summer you can't get a steel post in the ground. We had 7" rain in Nov and Dec, which is almost our annual rainfall. The first week of Jan we had 2". VERY muddy and lot's of hay wasted. At least it finally freezing at night so feeding conditions are better.
Places on our place will get so muddy horses sink to their knees...then in summer you can't get a steel post in the ground. We had 7" rain in Nov and Dec, which is almost our annual rainfall. The first week of Jan we had 2". VERY muddy and lot's of hay wasted. At least it finally freezing at night so feeding conditions are better.
And I thought my area was unique with the "from mud to concrete ground." 🤦‍♀️
It never rained until November. It has greened up some but it is less than an inch tall. Too short to tell what it is. Hopefully it is good grass and not cheat grass. Finally freezing at night with no precipitation in the forecast.
I was talking to B about some of his cows pushing down the fence scratching themselves. He said they hadn't worked any cows yet because the entire corral/chute area is about waist deep in mud. He moved his cows up on to a bench above where he normally winters. the lower area is just a sea of mud. Drove by there today and I see a skid steer working in the corral and a very large pile of wood chips there.
Geepers !! Is your ground normally frozen this time of year?
Yep, we seem to be going into a normal pattern. The 10 day forecast has most days a high of 38 and a low of 20 with clear sunny skies. It varies a few degrees up or down. Next Saturday is forecast for the lowest with a high of 27 and a low of 10.
Yep, we seem to be going into a normal pattern. The 10 day forecast has most days a high of 38 and a low of 20 with clear sunny skies. It varies a few degrees up or down. Next Saturday is forecast for the lowest with a high of 27 and a low of 10.
oh Brrrrrrrrrrr !!!
I lived on the coast for years. 27 is cold over there. Here it is just barely coat weather. If it does hit 10 next week I might have to break out my long handles if I can find them.
I'd start looking now 🥶 Just in case it does get down to 10* :)
That's a crying shame. 🤣 Imagine not being able to find your long johns. I bet BMR knows where his are!
My wife has been known to toss things that she either considers old or that haven't been used lately. I need to go look for them before the cold hits so if I need to get new ones I will have time.

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