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Tri-State Livestock News.
Cattle Business Weekly.
Farm and Ranch Exchange.

And don't run an ad only once. Remember, advertising doesn't
jerk......it pulls. You need to have a program, just like with
anything else. Target the area you want to reach and advertise
in publications that cover that area. Be prepared, because as
sales people from other publications see your ad, they'll be
calling you. You can spend a lot of money unwisely if you aren't focused
on the area you wish to reach.

It seems like the first ad people pass by, the second one, they
realize it's not just some fly by night business and the third
ad they will think about if they are in the market for what you offer.

You should be able to sit down with a salesperson and talk about
your ideas and he/she will create an ad for you. Sometimes, if
you are a new business, they will run a small story on you to compliment
your advertising. You can ask them about that. Of course, a
shopper type paper like the Farm and Ranch Exchange wouldn't
do that, as shopper type papers are made up of ads only.

I was in newspaper advertising for 30 years. :shock:
Hope this helps.
Not sure about your country, but here--for the cows---timing kinda matters. A few yrs ago, my buddy put an add out about now, on a bunch of bred heifers---he said hardly anybody called, and the ones that did were also sellers, wanting to compare prices. He was pretty bummed.

I told him I'd been in on both buying and selling, and it seems like everybody wants to get their calves gone, preg check, sell them, talk to the banker, plan for the winter, do some thinking---and got serious about thanksgiving. He later told me I was right, and that the phone rang off the hook. But---if you also want to promote the order buying, probably get at it on that part, anyhow.
I know of a few people from here and over in the Blackhills that have went to Texas and bought cattle recently because of the drouth down there. The prices have dropped in that region of the country and one guy I onow from Hermosa, SD has bought what some would consider a whole herd and looking for more. I'm not trying to discourage you by any means, just wanted to give you a heads up on what you are against right now. The thing is though, in the order buying business there'll always be things in the way. The good order buyers have learned how to use those obstacles to their benefit. It seems like order buying has become an old mans game anymore. Most people either have too much sense or not enough cajones to get into it these days. I envy you though. I wish I knew half of what most of those guys know. We have an old guy over here that has been in the game for decades. He can glance at a bunch of cattle and give you a score, weight and what they will bring and the whole time he'll be talking about something else. He buys a new Lincoln every year because he puts so many miles on them. I wish you luck on this. As I said, I envy you.

Something else you may look into is finding some graze in this region of the country for some of the folks in Texas. It may not pay a helluva lot, but it would be some good word of mouth advertising and help get your name out.

We'll be shipping the steers before long. If you get to looking for some let me know. I hope you can make the order buying work out. We need some more. One of these days we'll wake up and all of those old guys will be gone.
Just kinda thinking out loud here, but maybe the Highplains Journal, out of Dodge City? HPJ.com The reason being, is it is a wide reaching paper, and you might find a totally different market then what you already have here. Just a thought.
For me I use Farm and Ranch guide out of Bismarck ND its 300 miles away from me but reaches 1/2 of Minnesota parts of canada,montana,south dakota and all of North Dakota. With high priced fuel ranchers are only going to drive so far. Freight is going to be a big deal so I'd try to keep your advertising a bit closer to your area.

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