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Alinsky: Rules For Radicals


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Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Krugman is following Saul Alinsky to the "T".

The Cloward-Piven Strategy calls for everyone to be guaranteed a fair living wage income from the government for ALL, thus eliminating welfare as we know it.

Buckwheat is one the sidelines cheering these kooks on.

My question is; How can the two sides be this far apart?

Confronting the Malefactors
The New York Times | Oct 6, 2011 | Paul Krugman

There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear, but we may, at long last, be seeing the rise of a popular movement that, unlike the Tea Party, is angry at the right people.

When the Occupy Wall Street protests began three weeks ago, most news organizations were derisive if they deigned to mention the events at all. For example, nine days into the protests, National Public Radio had provided no coverage whatsoever.

It is, therefore, a testament to the passion of those involved that the protests not only continued but grew, eventually becoming too big to ignore. With unions and a growing number of Democrats now expressing at least qualified support for the protesters, Occupy Wall Street is starting to look like an important event that might even eventually be seen as a turning point.
Frances Fox Piven & Fellow Professors Indoctrinating College Students at CUNY To Get Involved and Be Ready For Violent Street Battles & Breaking Down Capitalism


Hey Mike, do you think this was in "rules for radicals"


and these are the type of people that obama says he supports...... :lol: :roll:
hypocritexposer said:
Hey Mike, do you think this was in "rules for radicals"


and these are the type of people that obama says he supports...... :lol: :roll:

I'll bet ot is proud of that, after all he has never condemned the protestors and their actions.
Larrry said:
I'll bet ot is proud of that, after all he has never condemned the protestors and their actions.

Verrrry Interesting Larrrry...

So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them :???:

Occupy Wall Street protesters are American patriots
By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor
updated 3:10 PM EST, Sat October 8, 2011

(CNN) -- "An unconditional right to say what one pleases about public affairs is what I consider to be the minimum guarantee of the First Amendment." -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan, 1964

It's downright disgusting to listen to conservative and Republican lawmakers, presidential candidates, business owners and media commentators use such vitriol to describe the Occupy Wall Street protesters as hell-bent on destroying America.

How in the world can anyone even form their lips to say such a thing when this very country was founded on the basis of dissent?

Self-professed rodeo clown Glenn Beck castigates the Occupy Wall Street protesters, but he's always running off at the mouth about the Founding Fathers and how brilliant they were.

Without dissent and protest, there is no United States of America! It's as if these folks never picked up a history book to understand how this nation was formed. The very notion of a United States of America started with someone saying, writing and screaming, "Enough is enough!" And when more and more of the early settlers became enraged at the heavy-handed actions of the British, that's when we were on our path to the American Revolution.

Do any of these so-called strict constructionists even read the very U.S. Constitution they love to wave in the faces of their critics?

Every American, no matter if you're young or old; rich or poor; red state or blue state; Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Native American; has the freedom to assemble and freedom of speech, which is at the heart of these protests.

In this same space, I praised the tea party for not sitting around and complaining. Instead, they organized and mobilized to affect the political discourse in the Republican Party and have definitely had their voices heard. I may disagree with a number of things the tea party advocates, but there is no way I would condemn them for doing it. As Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas said, "The right to revolt has sources deep in our history."

It's increasingly clear that some Americans love to talk a good game about protests, yet hate it when someone who opposes their views decides to stand up and be heard.

Remember all of those political voices championing the people of Iran taking to the streets to protest? How about Tunisia? Egypt? Libya? Bahrain? What would this world be without protest?

We would have never seen freedom in Eastern Europe were it not without the people there, in the words of civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, being "sick and tired of being sick and tired." Praise God that the children of South Africa, led by the African National Congress, didn't ignore the calls of history. If so, Nelson Mandela would be dying in jail and freedom would have never ended apartheid.

This nation would not have been forced to make real the very principles cited in the Declaration of Independence, or treat every human being as an equal, were it not for the civil rights movement. Those brave men, women and children chose not to accept the status quo, and this nation and the world are much better off because they did.

As a supporter of Occupy Wall Street, I understand fully the sentiment that is being expressed. The massive corporate greed that has devastated the wages of the common worker, and seen the pay of a bunch on Wall Street go through the stratosphere for literally making nothing tangible, has been immoral and obscene.

Wall Street and their protectors in Washington -- Democrat and Republican -- say nothing is wrong with making a profit. That is absolutely true. But what is shameful and outlandish is to watch the American taxpayer save the jobs (and big bonuses) of these financial miscreants, only to see them jack up fees left and right. Without the American people they would have had to pack up their belongings and hit the pavement. Instead, they refuse to work with homeowners struggling to meet the big mortgage payments that Wall Street helped underwrite; then sell in exotic transactions that wrecked this nation's financial infrastructure.

Conservatives call this an assault on capitalism. No, Occupy Wall Street is about trying to bring some decency and honesty back to an industry that used to have some. Instead, what we have today are literal financial pirates trying to take the largest booty they can find. They don't care about the long-term health of this country. It's all about the next quarterly earnings reports and their massive year-end bonuses.

This fight that Occupy Wall Street is engaged in is nothing short of a battle for the soul of this nation. Are we going to continue to allow ourselves to be held hostage by the big banks? Will we continue to allow them to trample over us with their "too big to fail" attitude?

No, no, and hell no. It's time to bring these Goliaths to their knees by any means necessary. That mean the young and righteous Davids must protest, march, sit-in, work the halls of Congress and state capitals nationwide, and make it clear that as long as Wall Street, its lobbyists and political protectors continue to mistreat the common man and woman, they are our mortal enemy.

Now is not the time to dismiss the protesters as a bunch of lefty college students with no guidance, no substance and no mission. Instead of listening to politicians pimp the next generation, these folks are saying in the words of the founders of the nation's first black newspaper, Freedom's Journal: "We wish to plead our own cause; too long have others spoken for us."
I don't think the 1st gives anybody the right to crap on police cars, attack the police, or in any other way be violent, but I could be mistaken....

got any pics of the Tea Party crapping in public or attacking the police, OT?

If not, they are not the same type of protesters.
Anyone who would read one word of that race baiting socialist, Roland Martin, needs his head examined.

Much less agree with him................ :roll: :roll:

Ot is supposed to be a grown man, yet can't think for himself? :???:

He must've read Alinsky's book. :roll:
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
I'll bet ot is proud of that, after all he has never condemned the protestors and their actions.

Verrrry Interesting Larrrry...

So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them :???:

Occupy Wall Street protesters are American patriots
By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor
updated 3:10 PM EST, Sat October 8, 2011

(CNN) -- "An unconditional right to say what one pleases about public affairs is what I consider to be the minimum guarantee of the First Amendment." -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, New York Times Co. vs. Sullivan, 1964

It's downright disgusting to listen to conservative and Republican lawmakers, presidential candidates, business owners and media commentators use such vitriol to describe the Occupy Wall Street protesters as hell-bent on destroying America.

How in the world can anyone even form their lips to say such a thing when this very country was founded on the basis of dissent?

Self-professed rodeo clown Glenn Beck castigates the Occupy Wall Street protesters, but he's always running off at the mouth about the Founding Fathers and how brilliant they were.

Without dissent and protest, there is no United States of America! It's as if these folks never picked up a history book to understand how this nation was formed. The very notion of a United States of America started with someone saying, writing and screaming, "Enough is enough!" And when more and more of the early settlers became enraged at the heavy-handed actions of the British, that's when we were on our path to the American Revolution.

Do any of these so-called strict constructionists even read the very U.S. Constitution they love to wave in the faces of their critics?

Every American, no matter if you're young or old; rich or poor; red state or blue state; Black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Native American; has the freedom to assemble and freedom of speech, which is at the heart of these protests.

In this same space, I praised the tea party for not sitting around and complaining. Instead, they organized and mobilized to affect the political discourse in the Republican Party and have definitely had their voices heard. I may disagree with a number of things the tea party advocates, but there is no way I would condemn them for doing it. As Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas said, "The right to revolt has sources deep in our history."

It's increasingly clear that some Americans love to talk a good game about protests, yet hate it when someone who opposes their views decides to stand up and be heard.

Remember all of those political voices championing the people of Iran taking to the streets to protest? How about Tunisia? Egypt? Libya? Bahrain? What would this world be without protest?

We would have never seen freedom in Eastern Europe were it not without the people there, in the words of civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, being "sick and tired of being sick and tired." Praise God that the children of South Africa, led by the African National Congress, didn't ignore the calls of history. If so, Nelson Mandela would be dying in jail and freedom would have never ended apartheid.

This nation would not have been forced to make real the very principles cited in the Declaration of Independence, or treat every human being as an equal, were it not for the civil rights movement. Those brave men, women and children chose not to accept the status quo, and this nation and the world are much better off because they did.

As a supporter of Occupy Wall Street, I understand fully the sentiment that is being expressed. The massive corporate greed that has devastated the wages of the common worker, and seen the pay of a bunch on Wall Street go through the stratosphere for literally making nothing tangible, has been immoral and obscene.

Wall Street and their protectors in Washington -- Democrat and Republican -- say nothing is wrong with making a profit. That is absolutely true. But what is shameful and outlandish is to watch the American taxpayer save the jobs (and big bonuses) of these financial miscreants, only to see them jack up fees left and right. Without the American people they would have had to pack up their belongings and hit the pavement. Instead, they refuse to work with homeowners struggling to meet the big mortgage payments that Wall Street helped underwrite; then sell in exotic transactions that wrecked this nation's financial infrastructure.

Conservatives call this an assault on capitalism. No, Occupy Wall Street is about trying to bring some decency and honesty back to an industry that used to have some. Instead, what we have today are literal financial pirates trying to take the largest booty they can find. They don't care about the long-term health of this country. It's all about the next quarterly earnings reports and their massive year-end bonuses.

This fight that Occupy Wall Street is engaged in is nothing short of a battle for the soul of this nation. Are we going to continue to allow ourselves to be held hostage by the big banks? Will we continue to allow them to trample over us with their "too big to fail" attitude?

No, no, and hell no. It's time to bring these Goliaths to their knees by any means necessary. That mean the young and righteous Davids must protest, march, sit-in, work the halls of Congress and state capitals nationwide, and make it clear that as long as Wall Street, its lobbyists and political protectors continue to mistreat the common man and woman, they are our mortal enemy.

Now is not the time to dismiss the protesters as a bunch of lefty college students with no guidance, no substance and no mission. Instead of listening to politicians pimp the next generation, these folks are saying in the words of the founders of the nation's first black newspaper, Freedom's Journal: "We wish to plead our own cause; too long have others spoken for us."

yep oldtimer I bet those folks crap about as red white blue as you do! :shock:
more of OT's "Patriots"

Occupiers Depict Decapitation Of Goldman Sachs CEO…


Flashback: Pelosi tears up while “worrying” that Tea Party protests over Obamacare are going to incite violence. Today she gave the above protesters her full blessing.

Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
I'll bet ot is proud of that, after all he has never condemned the protestors and their actions.

Verrrry Interesting Larrrry...

So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them :???:

There you go agin with your juvenile defense of your pet protestors crapping on a cop car. First you have nothing of a tea partyier crapping on a cop car. And secondly you try to use the old leftwingernut standyby defense of 'everyone does it". That defense is juvenile at best. Everyone doesn't crap on a cop car and in this instance it is one of your pet protestors crapping on the cop car.
Correct me if I'm wrong ( :gag: ) but I don't think the law
was very busy when the Tea Party people protested.

There is a BIG difference between the TEA party bunch
and what's going on now.

Did ya read all the mess these OCCUPIERS made in
the businesses? Disgraceful. But then, they've
most likely never owned
a business, and probably never worked in one.
TOTAL LACK OF RESPECT. That's what's coming out of this
class warfare Obummer and his henchmen stirred up. :mad:
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
I'll bet ot is proud of that, after all he has never condemned the protestors and their actions.

Verrrry Interesting Larrrry...

So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them :???:

There you go agin with your juvenile defense of your pet protestors crapping on a cop car. First you have nothing of a tea partyier crapping on a cop car. And secondly you try to use the old leftwingernut standyby defense of 'everyone does it". That defense is juvenile at best. Everyone doesn't crap on a cop car and in this instance it is one of your pet protestors crapping on the cop car.

Stop confusing Old Socialist with facts! It's harder for his demented mind to keep his lies straight when you are confusing him with facts! :shock:
Wonder how oldtimer would have reacted had that been his cop car they were crapping on!! How they were possibly affecting the health of people who accidently came in contact with it..

EH oldtimer????

And yes oldman I was around in the 40's 50's 60's etc, probably seen a hell of a lot more action than you did in your jerkwater town.

But then just like reader , you knew someone that knew some one :wink:
So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them?

Yes. These people are ANTI-CAPITALIST, SOCIALIST ANARCHISTS hell bent on transforming our country into a Communist "Utopia".

There are no similarities between them and the Tea Party.

Next question.
So you all think it was right for a bunch of folks to get together, call themselves Tea Partyiers, and stage protests thruout the country about what they thought was wrong with the country, and you called them Patriots---BUT now these folks are getting together, calling their movement Occupy Wallstreet, and staging protest thruout the country about what they think is wrong with the country-- and you chastise them.....

how man y tea party people crapped on cop cars oldtimer????

Get a grip on life you old windbag

Video footage, a few still images, and a simple hack and now the cop has been ID’d and his information posted online. First showing up on David’s Camera Blog (which has other good images of the protest) and then elsewhere such as IndiePundit. Check out the article in The Atlantic for a quick overview of how the officer’s personal information got online through pastebin.com and its scope – it’s broad. The information includes his:

Precinct, position and work phone
home phone number
high school
list of relatives
last known addresses, and
court proceedings he has been involved in

sad when a police officer just doing his job is targeted.. and not to mention his family targeted as well... ,
oldtimer, how many tea party members target individual police men, yea just like how many crapped on cop cars, back you claim, up with facts and proof not just your made up lies.

OPPPPP sorry folks I forgot oldtimer does not supply proof he jus makes stuff up and falsely accuses :mad: :mad: Just like the harrassment claims, and the claims that another site was laughing at us as well as other lies, sure makes us wonder bout the rest of his TALK about who he knows where he has been what he has done etc!!! :wink: :wink:


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