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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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AMI Says Beef Prices Skyrocketing -- According to analysis by USDA's Economic Research Service, consumers are seeing the largest increase in beef prices since the 1970's. Due to the increase in price, American Meat Institute spokesperson Janet Riley says low-income Americans are turning away from beef. Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices. "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef." The AMI represents the meat packing industry and says beef prices will continue to rise if the United States doesn't resume live cattle trade with Canada.

This part gets me, "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."

Well see heifer calved, so best get pairs moved. Have a good day.
Oh, yea, that gets me BIG TIME. As if the housewife hasn't been subsidized all t his time with America's cheap food policy!!!

Where was the AMI when we were (are) working our butts off, holding outside jobs to put CHEAP MEAT on their table? Why in heck can't they afford to keep eating beef with all the food stamps supplied out of the AG BUDGET?????? They must be buying cigarettes with the dough.

Burns my butt!!!
It's particularily irritating to see them single out the producer. I guess it's a given that the retailer, wholesaler, packer, etc. should expect a 15% profit margin, but God help the evil producer if he/she should post a profit 2 yrs in 20. :roll:
quote...Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices.

And to think we have been told all this time that opening the border would have a mimimal effect on prices!!
Tommy said:
quote...Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices.

And to think we have been told all this time that opening the border would have a mimimal effect on prices!!

Here is a suprise: the border is not closed. You are importing record amounts of beef from Canada, in boxed form rather than on the hoof. So.... I guess you just exported your jobs. Thanks.
Silver said:
Tommy said:
quote...Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices.

And to think we have been told all this time that opening the border would have a mimimal effect on prices!!

Here is a suprise: the border is not closed. You are importing record amounts of beef from Canada, in boxed form rather than on the hoof. So.... I guess you just exported your jobs. Thanks.

The biggest share of the jobs you can have- along with the ills that go with them... May not effect a government thats already set up to handle all the social problems, but it sure does in some areas of the states....
Oldtimer said:
Silver said:
Tommy said:
quote...Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices.

And to think we have been told all this time that opening the border would have a mimimal effect on prices!!

Here is a suprise: the border is not closed. You are importing record amounts of beef from Canada, in boxed form rather than on the hoof. So.... I guess you just exported your jobs. Thanks.

The biggest share of the jobs you can have- along with the ills that go with them... May not effect a government thats already set up to handle all the social problems, but it sure does in some areas of the states....

Care to elaborate? So when the jobs go the people disappear too? It's better to have your people on welfare than working in a packing plant, or driving the delivery trucks, etc. etc? hmmmmmm....
Silver said:
Oldtimer said:
Silver said:
Here is a suprise: the border is not closed. You are importing record amounts of beef from Canada, in boxed form rather than on the hoof. So.... I guess you just exported your jobs. Thanks.

The biggest share of the jobs you can have- along with the ills that go with them... May not effect a government thats already set up to handle all the social problems, but it sure does in some areas of the states....

Care to elaborate? So when the jobs go the people disappear too? It's better to have your people on welfare than working in a packing plant, or driving the delivery trucks, etc. etc? hmmmmmm....

The immigrant labor that fill many of the jobs that will go with your new slaughter houses will take dollars from the communty, send most back south and put a large strain on your socialistic system-- Believe me I know-- Going back to when we had a packing plant here and we had to bring in Mexican and Portugese( hard to find) interpretors for the schools, hospitals, and legal systems- had to disinfect the entire school system, hospital, jail and court house because of scabies and lice outbreaks - had to test all the grade school kids and any other contacts because of positve Tuberculosis cases showing up along with several other thought to be extinct diseases- including every known VD disease--had to hire extra law enforcement to handle the drug, alcohol, and assault problems- watching 10-20 people live in 1 house, squalid conditions, many without running water and indoor plumbing- plus dozens of reasons I probably have thankfully forgot.... When we criticized the Packing Plant owners who were trucking up their employees from California in the back of reefers on the return trips, their answer was they could not compete without the cheap labor......A few of the farmer-rancher- feeding operations felt bad when the slaughter house closed its doors ( supposedly put out of business by the multinational conglomerates), but the rest of the community did not feel bad at all....

But like I said- they may fit right into a socialist nation that already pays for everything for everyone........
Oldtimer said:
Silver said:
Oldtimer said:
The biggest share of the jobs you can have- along with the ills that go with them... May not effect a government thats already set up to handle all the social problems, but it sure does in some areas of the states....

Care to elaborate? So when the jobs go the people disappear too? It's better to have your people on welfare than working in a packing plant, or driving the delivery trucks, etc. etc? hmmmmmm....

The immigrant labor that fill many of the jobs that will go with your new slaughter houses will take dollars from the communty, send most back south and put a large strain on your socialistic system-- Believe me I know-- Going back to when we had a packing plant here and we had to bring in Mexican and Portugese( hard to find) interpretors for the schools, hospitals, and legal systems- had to disinfect the entire school system, hospital, jail and court house because of scabies and lice outbreaks - had to test all the grade school kids and any other contacts because of positve Tuberculosis cases showing up along with several other thought to be extinct diseases- including every known VD disease--had to hire extra law enforcement to handle the drug, alcohol, and assault problems- watching 10-20 people live in 1 house, squalid conditions, many without running water and indoor plumbing- plus dozens of reasons I probably have thankfully forgot.... When we criticized the Packing Plant owners who were trucking up their employees from California in the back of reefers on the return trips, their answer was they could not compete without the cheap labor......A few of the farmer-rancher- feeding operations felt bad when the slaughter house closed its doors ( supposedly put out of business by the multinational conglomerates), but the rest of the community did not feel bad at all....

But like I said- they may fit right into a socialist nation that already pays for everything for everyone........

-So there goes your precious "Product of USA" label you've been flogging to death in here.

-Actually Canada's largest immigrant workforce is American. We tend not to mind them too much.... as long as they keep to themselves :wink:

-As far as the uneducated little socialist jab.. I'll ignore it and assume you just don't know any better. I wouldn't think you'd want to get into an argument over the merits of the Canadian system vs. the U.S.
Silver said:
Oldtimer said:
Silver said:
Care to elaborate? So when the jobs go the people disappear too? It's better to have your people on welfare than working in a packing plant, or driving the delivery trucks, etc. etc? hmmmmmm....

The immigrant labor that fill many of the jobs that will go with your new slaughter houses will take dollars from the communty, send most back south and put a large strain on your socialistic system-- Believe me I know-- Going back to when we had a packing plant here and we had to bring in Mexican and Portugese( hard to find) interpretors for the schools, hospitals, and legal systems- had to disinfect the entire school system, hospital, jail and court house because of scabies and lice outbreaks - had to test all the grade school kids and any other contacts because of positve Tuberculosis cases showing up along with several other thought to be extinct diseases- including every known VD disease--had to hire extra law enforcement to handle the drug, alcohol, and assault problems- watching 10-20 people live in 1 house, squalid conditions, many without running water and indoor plumbing- plus dozens of reasons I probably have thankfully forgot.... When we criticized the Packing Plant owners who were trucking up their employees from California in the back of reefers on the return trips, their answer was they could not compete without the cheap labor......A few of the farmer-rancher- feeding operations felt bad when the slaughter house closed its doors ( supposedly put out of business by the multinational conglomerates), but the rest of the community did not feel bad at all....

But like I said- they may fit right into a socialist nation that already pays for everything for everyone........

-So there goes your precious "Product of USA" label you've been flogging to death in here.

-Actually Canada's largest immigrant workforce is American. We tend not to mind them too much.... as long as they keep to themselves :wink:

-As far as the uneducated little socialist jab.. I'll ignore it and assume you just don't know any better. I wouldn't think you'd want to get into an argument over the merits of the Canadian system vs. the U.S.

I don't think all the packing plants will disappear to Canada--we'll still process enough beef to supply the country and label it "Product of USA"-- only I don't think you actually realize the problems that come with these plants........ I hope you get them up and running and can compete- every new plant gives the Tysons of the world competition- but just know that everything associated with them is not roses and riches......
I don't think all the packing plants will disappear to Canada--we'll still process enough beef to supply the country and label it "Product of USA"-- only I don't think you actually realize the problems that come with these plants........ I hope you get them up and running and can compete- every new plant gives the Tysons of the world competition- but just know that everything associated with them is not roses and riches......

Surprisingly, we have some plants up here, and they are not and never have been a social disaster. I can't imagine that more plants will create any undue hardships on our quality of life index. Maybe paying fair wages removes much of the 'undesirable' part of the equation.
rancher said:
AMI Says Beef Prices Skyrocketing -- According to analysis by USDA's Economic Research Service, consumers are seeing the largest increase in beef prices since the 1970's. Due to the increase in price, American Meat Institute spokesperson Janet Riley says low-income Americans are turning away from beef. Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices. "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef." The AMI represents the meat packing industry and says beef prices will continue to rise if the United States doesn't resume live cattle trade with Canada.

This part gets me, "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."

Well see heifer calved, so best get pairs moved. Have a good day.

The more I read this article, the madder I get;

"It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."

As if to say the multinational packers don't worry about THEIR bank accounts when in the "boardroom" meetings. Anyone with half-a-brain knows that corporate profits are the number one goal. This statement is the ultimate in hypocrisy while attempting to blatantly separate themselves from the people who supply them product. Are the packers in business JUST to feed the mothers and children of the world cheaper?

I've been focusing on feeding my mother and children for quite a while now and I bet that they are doing the same.

I would be ashamed of any association with this group of lying bastards.
"It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."

I will agree completely that this is a cheap shot. Big Time cheap shot. They can see opportunity moving out of the country, and they don't like it one little bit. These guys aren't worried about mothers and children, and anyone who gives it a little thought will see right through them.

The whole equilibrium of the meat packing industry in North America is shifting, and until things stabilize this won't be the end of the cheap shots. Those who have power right now, don't want to lose it, and will do 'what it takes' to hang on.

This is just the beginning, I'm afraid. :?
"Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices. "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef." The AMI represents the meat packing industry and says beef prices will continue to rise if the United States doesn't resume live cattle trade with Canada. "

Unbelievable. :shock: Where are the usual self-proclaimed ferreters of the truth? I thought our prices had very little to do with Canada. :???:

I guess it's impossible to be a packer-backer and lie detector at the same time.

I won't even say anything about the slam on the producers.
No real comment. Just want to bring this "quote" from AMI back to the top for all the ranchersnet world to see and see and see and see. :mad: :mad:
Mike said:
No real comment. Just want to bring this "quote" from AMI back to the top for all the ranchersnet world to see and see and see and see. :mad: :mad:

Typical Packers ,lie to their own mother for a dollar.............good luck
Where are Scott, mj, and Agman on this issue? What do they think of Ms. Riley's comments? To me it is very plain what the packers think of us producers.
I finally went back and read the first post in this thread. Where are our stockmen groups to counteract this BS tripe in the papers? Isn't that why we pay dues? So that our spokesperson's can stop this kind of talk and get the real facts out? Why should we belong to any group, who won't try to argue this for us? Instead of arguing about it here amongst ourselves, we should be getting the real story out to the consumers who have no idea if this is true or not!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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