AMI Says Beef Prices Skyrocketing -- According to analysis by USDA's Economic Research Service, consumers are seeing the largest increase in beef prices since the 1970's. Due to the increase in price, American Meat Institute spokesperson Janet Riley says low-income Americans are turning away from beef. Riley says the embargo on Canadian beef and litigation to maintain the border closure are behind the trend toward higher prices. "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef." The AMI represents the meat packing industry and says beef prices will continue to rise if the United States doesn't resume live cattle trade with Canada.
This part gets me, "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."
Well see heifer calved, so best get pairs moved. Have a good day.
This part gets me, "It's time for these producers to stop focusing on their growing bank accounts and start focusing on the mothers and children that are struggling to afford beef."
Well see heifer calved, so best get pairs moved. Have a good day.