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another horse got killed


Active member
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
alto, ga
i just found out that another one of our horses got killed. im not sure of any details about it yet but i will keep everyone updates. this is the 4 th horse that has got killed since january!!
help me im really depressed
well three of them got their stomaches slit open and someone cut my horses throat and reach in and cut his wind pipe. there is a post about it on here and a pic of me on mine. if u want read it and it gives full detail about the other ones. it is under "in our local newspaper...HORRIBLE"
kaylatitshaw1991 said:
i just found out that another one of our horses got killed. im not sure of any details about it yet but i will keep everyone updates. this is the 4 th horse that has got killed since january!!
help me im really depressed

Is there something else going on here folks?

Ben Roberts
Ben Roberts said:
kaylatitshaw1991 said:
i just found out that another one of our horses got killed. im not sure of any details about it yet but i will keep everyone updates. this is the 4 th horse that has got killed since january!!
help me im really depressed

Is there something else going on here folks?

Ben Roberts
not that we know of. we have no leads of who is doing it. :evil:
How vicious. I hope it is some wild animal and not a sick person doing this. Very sad for you.
nr said:
How vicious. I hope it is some wild animal and not a sick person doing this. Very sad for you.
we know its not a wild animal its the forth one that has got killed
3 of them got their stomaches cut open and 1 one them got his neck cut open
I am very sorry for your loss but i think i would be moving my horses , cause it sounds like they are gonna do it till you have none left . Either that or sleep at day and sit out there with a rifle at night and shoot anyone that comes over the fence , but its just stupidity to leave your horses there after 2 of them were killed in the same manner you might as well tie them up for him . sorry if that sounds harsh but jeez move your horses .
we are it has taken us sometime to get land or a pasture where i live but we are. and know u got sound mean or any thing it is common since it just that no matter how hard i fight for something im my family no one dose it unill its too late.
Wouldnt it be better to sell them or give them away if you cant find pasture to put them rather than having them get killed? Thats just my oppinion, but i think it makes more since than haveing them lose there lives, even if you dont want to get rid of them, what do you think is better for them? Which would you rather have, them go to a good home, or get brutily killed? Im not trying to be mean or anything, its just its not really fair for the horses.

Canadian_Cowgirl said:
Wouldnt it be better to sell them or give them away if you cant find pasture to put them rather than having them get killed? Thats just my oppinion, but i think it makes more since than haveing them lose there lives, even if you dont want to get rid of them, what do you think is better for them? Which would you rather have, them go to a good home, or get brutily killed? Im not trying to be mean or anything, its just its not really fair for the horses.

agreed. :nod:
something needs to be done.
You need to either get a hold of the sherriff or someone that CAN help you with these cases, lock them up every night in a secure barn, or sell them off and quit raising livestock. Harsh, yes, but you GOTTA do somthing or you're gonna get yourself in a much bigger, blacker, deeper hole than you intend to.

And that's my opinion.
A stranger can't just walk up to unknown horses ( 99% of the time) and restrain them enough to do this & kill them. One person just can't hold a horse who is feeling pain....can't be done.

Either these animals know who ever is doing this and aren't skiddish of them OR you got a gang doing this.

Is the pasture near a house? Did anyone hear anything....nosey neighbor see anything?

If you've got any critters left....get them out. Sell them or give them away...don't use them as bait!
For one thing , they are dead when you get to them or they bleed out over night or what , cause i tell ya right now if you cut a horses throat it takes a long time for them to bleed out even if they are panicking . I was workin on a ranch a few years back and we had a colt break his leg real bad so i told this kid to sit on his head and neck and hold him down i was goin to get my pistol , while i was gettin my gun he was feelin bad for the horse and thought he would slit his throat well it made it worse for the poor ole colt and by the time i had got back down there with the pistol he was still bleeeding and wide awake and i was gone for almost 10 minnutes , it was my stupid fault for not havin a pistol handy but what can ya do .

But i would say someone really hates you folks , and after the animals whats next your kids ??? I would be gettin to the bottom of it .
Seems to me that the sheriff of Heversham county offered a reward of $2500 back in April. Has nothing been discovered since then?
Four since Jan is way too many, and now a fifth?
Looks like someone is setting on their hands or there is more to this story than meets the eye.
Who or whatever is one sick person.
Get rid of the horses! There has been way too much time wasted already!
You say it has taken time to find a place to put them, well in my mind had I lost even one i would have taken steps a lot sooner.
Have you contacted Kristan Mangum again? Some times the press has more and better resources than anyone else? What about the sherrif ehat has he done? Lots of unanswered questions and lack of protective tatics not being done.
every thing is fine, we contacted the sheriff imedently. We are working to build a pasture on my brothers property right now (we started yesterday) that we can keep at least 7 in at a time. we are going to put the rest of them on a private ranch in a surrounding county, which is VERY protected. we have and idea of the persons that is killing them and its teenage drama that happened three years ago and the person cant let it go (god i hate guys, at least some of them :lol:) if you want to know why private message me, id rather not say on here because i could start more drama. but yes everything is taken care of. We are not trying to get media attention right now, just some local news stations and all to help spread the word. thanks for all who care.
kaylatitshaw1991 said:
every thing is fine, we contacted the sheriff imedently. We are working to build a pasture on my brothers property right now (we started yesterday) that we can keep at least 7 in at a time. we are going to put the rest of them on a private ranch in a surrounding county, which is VERY protected. we have and idea of the persons that is killing them and its teenage drama that happened three years ago and the person cant let it go (god i hate guys, at least some of them :lol:) if you want to know why private message me, id rather not say on here because i could start more drama. but yes everything is taken care of. We are not trying to get media attention right now, just some local news stations and all to help spread the word. thanks for all who care.

If you think it is some deranged young man doing this then you have bigger problems than your horses being murdered. You and your family could be in imminent danger.It starts with the pets and moves on to family.The fact that someone could do this to any animal is terrifying in itself.You need to get this killer locked up ASAP.Try putting surveillance camera up and for gods sake be extra careful watch your back.

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