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Beautiful Rain

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Early this morning it started a slow rain :D :D - haven't got too much yet (.25), :) but it is beautiful after these 90 and 100 degree days...Temp is 62- already see things greening back up after getting the dust washed off...

Big Muddy- Did this make it up to you?
Yesterday we got.9 of rain on the hay I had down and only .1 here at the ranch. So we left the hay yesterday hoping to go this morn and bale . Went to bed with a clear sky and woke up to a real nice slow shower. Strange to get those kinds of rains this time of year. It was quite the light show the other night.
Yeah I guess that was some storm that went along the border- they said golf ball size hail by Peerless...

I have still about 10-15 acres of windrows on the ground- but don't care - this rain is worth much more-- Looked a minute ago and its up to .35...

Enjoy today because they are predicting back into the 90's :( .......

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