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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
With Gingrich saying he will get gas to $2.50 a gallon if he is elected why is he behind the president by12.4 pts on average of 5 polls? This from Real Clear Politics. Doesn't make sense does it?
TSR said:
With Gingrich saying he will get gas to $2.50 a gallon if he is elected why is he behind the president by12.4 pts on average of 5 polls? This from Real Clear Politics. Doesn't make sense does it?

The majority of those that want the freebies, and vote for obama, don't drive, they could care less about the price of gasoline.

They're kind of like you, in that you don't realize that the wealth of a Country also includes the wealth of corporations.

Get back to us when you are successful in chasing additional corporations off shore, because they "make to much"
TSR said:
With Gingrich saying he will get gas to $2.50 a gallon if he is elected why is he behind the president by12.4 pts on average of 5 polls? This from Real Clear Politics. Doesn't make sense does it?

Makes a lot of sense. There are many, many idiots in the USA. Do you realize how many people in the U.S. don't own a car and walk or ride a bus to work?

Well guess what? Those folks will vote for Buckwheat regardless of gas prices.
hypocritexposer said:
TSR said:
With Gingrich saying he will get gas to $2.50 a gallon if he is elected why is he behind the president by12.4 pts on average of 5 polls? This from Real Clear Politics. Doesn't make sense does it?

The majority of those that want the freebies, and vote for obama, don't drive, they could care less about the price of gasoline.

They're kind of like you, in that you don't realize that the wealth of a Country also includes the wealth of corporations.

Get back to us when you are successful in chasing additional corporations off shore, because they "make to much"

Oh no I just want tax breaks for those that decide to stay here inside the US and create good paying jobs here. Also, I can identify with those millionaires that want to pay more taxes because they feel like they owe something to the country that made them what they are. The same ones that siad those that have become wealthy because of a great country allowing them to do so deserves some consideration in its time of need and those that want to move offshore taking their money with them to avoid taxes, well they aren't very patriotic lett hem and their families stay over there. I'm not a millionaire but I do love my country and don't think that the almighty dollar comes in first place.

Sorry, I got off subject. From what I can find 157 million drive automobiles, wouldn't take all that many of them to sway the Rep. Primary, would it??
Believe what you want, I've already stated I'd take less profit on my portfolio to help my country. Especially from the oil co.'s by the lowering of gas prices. But we both know if they did so, other stocks would go up wouldn't they?

But we both seem to have gotten off the subject of your post. With 157 million drivers and Newt claiming to get gasoline to $2.50 why isn't he at least making a run at the top spot? Couldn't be an issue of trust could it??
So have you mailed your check in addition to your income taxes to the government. Or are you just running your mouth
TSR said:
Believe what you want, I've already stated I'd take less profit on my portfolio to help my country. Especially from the oil co.'s by the lowering of gas prices. But we both know if they did so, other stocks would go up wouldn't they?

But we both seem to have gotten off the subject of your post. With 157 million drivers and Newt claiming to get gasoline to $2.50 why isn't he at least making a run at the top spot? Couldn't be an issue of trust could it??

You're already taking less profit, because of expenses, namely tax expense, due to increased spending by the government.

Why not lower expenses, for the good of the Country?
Larrry said:
So have you mailed your check in addition to your income taxes to the government. Or are you just running your mouth

Larry perhaps you missed those millionaires on C-Span or my previous posts. Do you think raising taxes on 200 millionaires would be significant?? All millionaires (this according to their spokesperson) must have their taxes raised in order to make any significant progress towards helping America. As I said, I can identify with what they are saying, especially their disliking of the unpatriotic ones that want to hide their earnings overseas-thats where they should go live they said.
TSR said:
Larrry said:
So have you mailed your check in addition to your income taxes to the government. Or are you just running your mouth

Larry perhaps you missed those millionaires on C-Span or my previous posts. Do you think raising taxes on 200 millionaires would be significant?? All millionaires (this according to their spokesperson) must have their taxes raised in order to make any significant progress towards helping America. As I said, I can identify with what they are saying, especially their disliking of the unpatriotic ones that want to hide their earnings overseas-thats where they should go live they said.

What's the annual income of those 200 millionaires you are going to tax?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
He didn't give their average income just the fact that they all earned over a million a year.

But I haven't had my question about Newt answered. 157 million drivers looking forward to $2.50 gas should put him in the running shouldn't it?
TSR said:
He didn't give their average income just the fact that they all earned over a million a year.

But I haven't had my question about Newt answered. 157 million drivers looking forward to $2.50 gas should put him in the running shouldn't it?

Not even Jesus Christ himself could do all the miracles Newt claims he can do-- and its refreshing to see that folks have finally woke up to that.... :wink:
Oldtimer said:
TSR said:
He didn't give their average income just the fact that they all earned over a million a year.

But I haven't had my question about Newt answered. 157 million drivers looking forward to $2.50 gas should put him in the running shouldn't it?

Not even Jesus Christ himself could do all the miracles Newt claims he can do-- and its refreshing to see that folks have finally woke up to that.... :wink:

If only he had promised HOPE and CHANGE for the weak minded to suck up
TSR said:
He didn't give their average income just the fact that they all earned over a million a year.

so you are not talking about millionaires then, but those that make $1 million per year or more......is that correct?

Your other question has been answered, but I'll answer it again.

There are many, and I would guess over half of voters, that do not know what impact the price of gasoline has on the economy and how it affects them.
TSR said:
Larrry said:
So have you mailed your check in addition to your income taxes to the government. Or are you just running your mouth

Larry perhaps you missed those millionaires on C-Span or my previous posts. Do you think raising taxes on 200 millionaires would be significant?? All millionaires (this according to their spokesperson) must have their taxes raised in order to make any significant progress towards helping America. As I said, I can identify with what they are saying, especially their disliking of the unpatriotic ones that want to hide their earnings overseas-thats where they should go live they said.

By unpatroitic do you mean Obama's Jobs Committee Chair Jeffery Imelt that is hiding GE money in off shore banks as not to pay US taxes on it? :?

Oh and your post might have more punch if we didn't know that Obama could tax them all 100% and it would not put a dent in the debt he has piled on every US citizen, even those not born yet. :wink:

BTW have you heard whether or not Obama's buddy Buffett has paid up his decade old billion dollar tax bill or is he still in court fighting the IRS?

I just can seem to beable to keep up with all these tax cheating Dems that say one thing and DO ANOTHER. :roll:
Tam said:
BTW have you heard whether or not Obama's buddy Buffett has paid up his decade old billion dollar tax bill or is he still in court fighting the IRS?

You mustn't have heard, hiding profits is a common occurence and companies never get caught. :lol: :lol:

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