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BIG Union fights little union.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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Wildwood New Jersey
while two union battle for turf.. thousands of dollars in damages and violence occurs..

Hundreds of longshoremen storm grain terminal in Washington

The predawn labor protests came after a clash with police Wednesday in which hundreds of longshoremen blocked railroad tracks near Vancouver, Wash., to prevent grain cargo from reaching an export terminal 45 miles farther west. In that protest, they far outnumbered officers, pelting police with rocks and spraying them with pepper spray, police said.

Police were not present during Thursday's predawn action at the terminal, but they said six security guards were held inside a guard shack while protesters attacked the train, broke windows in the shack and pushed a private security vehicle into a ditch.

"Yesterday there were probably 300 or 400 of them. Today there was even more, and we were just outnumbered," Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha said in an interview.

The call for mobilization hit the International Longshore and Warehouse Union's Facebook page Thursday morning: "Call out the troops, we're going on a road trip!" one union member wrote.

The eruptions cap a simmering summer of labor unrest at the new $200-million grain-shipping facility in southern Washington state, newly opened by Bunge North America subsidiary EGT, the first major grain export terminal built in the U.S. in the last two decades.

The ILWU has insisted it has the right to work at the facility, but EGT has hired a contractor, General Construction of Federal Way, Wash., which is employing members of another labor union.

while they "fight" we as a country suffer the damages.

The National Labor Relations Board intervened in late August, seeking a court order to end "violent and aggressive" labor actions, which it said included destroying EGT property and harassing and threatening employees of EGT and General Construction.

A federal judge last week issued a temporary restraining order prohibiting the union from blocking the entrance to the shipping facility. A second court hearing is set for today to determine whether that order should be made permanent.

"The sooner the ILWU stops threatening local workers and blocking interstate commerce, the sooner we can finish bringing the facility online to provide family-wage union jobs shipping grain from the Pacific Northwest and America's heartland to markets in Asia," he said.

it isn't about jobs.. benefits, or workers rights..

it is about union bosses.. and protectionism.. they will destroy good jobs to protect their job..

History of Unions & Communism in Washington State.

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