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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
East north east of Soapweed
Has anyone read the Di Vinci Code? I know it is fiction, but I'm wondering what others are thinking....
And at Pope Pauls funeral the delegation from the US included Kerry. Man I wouldn't want to stand by him incase lightening would strike!!!
katrina said:
Has anyone read the Di Vinci Code? I know it is fiction, but I'm wondering what others are thinking....
And at Pope Pauls funeral the delegation from the US included Kerry. Man I wouldn't want to stand by him incase lightening would strike!!!

I find the "Knights of Templar" an amazing group of people. They actually started a "banking" system back then. I read all I can get my hands on about them.
As far as Mary migrating to France and having a child of Jesus, well, it seems to me pretty far fetched, but possible.
some time back I watched a documentory that looked into the Book and the code, they explained or disproved some of the book, and offered other explanations or theories to how the same events could have happened, as for the code thier argument seemed to lack any counter proof.

While they could not disprove the code they "claimed" that it could be repeated in other large books, yet failed to offer even one book as an example, As with any Biblical mysteries the truth lies within the pages of the Bible, we just fail to understand the meaning often....
Mike, Knights of Templer???? Slow roasted over a bed of coals??? Geez I don't know about that... Anyway I think the Di Vinci code is provocative, but I don't believe it. Also on the history channel they had the last days of the civil war and how Genral Lee chose the path he did. I know your a Lee fan and he is to be admired. Quite a man..
I saw a show on the Da Vinci code on the history channel and was quite interested.Now do i believe it?I dunno,I do know im a firm believer in the Bible,but i wonder if were toying with God and his word or trying to "predict the future " with the Da Vinci code,or maybe doing something elses we are specifically not supposed to.Just a question that came to mind.On the History channel they tried it with moby ick and found some stuff,but who's to say.
i wonder if were toying with God and his word or trying to "predict the future "

To actually predict, one would have to understand the language of the original writtings and be able to interpet them,,

and have the wisdom to ask the right question,

because an answer with out a question is many times meaningless,,,,,,,,

I'll stick to the teachings for now,,,
Hey, Steve, What's shaken in New Jersey? :wink: My son won the speech contest in his school, so he had to compete in Ainsworth NE. I should email you his speech. You would like it. I'll see what I can do. Oh yeah he has to write an essay on "If I was President" :shock:
Shaking ,,you saw our weather report,,,the building I was in did nothing but shkae in the wind today,,,,

But, not much happening today other then a stiff cold wind off the cold ocean, I have started the long hours and will now be working seven days a week until fall,,,,thank GOD, I retired early :lol: at least I'm trying to do what I enjoy...

If I was President,,,what a great subject,,,Have him do a little research on excutive orders, seems as they get more accomplished then waiting for congress to act.... :roll:

Send me a copy or better yet post it here,,, maybe not,, some liberals can be inconsiderate..
Steve, You must own your own buisness. You could never work for anyone else and work seven days a week. Sounds like us.... Can you tell us??? Remember to stop and smell the flowers, life is way too short...

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