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"Buyers Remorse"


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
The most popular national political figure in America today is one who was rejected by her own party three years ago: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans hold a favorable view of her and one-third are suffering a form of buyer’s remorse, saying the U.S. would be better off now if she had become president in 2008 instead of Barack Obama.

The finding in the latest Bloomberg National Poll shows a higher level of wishful thinking about a Hillary Clinton presidency than when a similar question was asked in July 2010. Then, a quarter of Americans held such a view.
even hillary has more class than that--- I think????? :?

and VP biden is the best life insurance policy you could ever get as president!
Oldtimer said:
Could this bring about an Obama/Hillary ticket in 2012 :???:
OT, my wife has been predicting that for months. She seems to think that it will happen and also that it would be an unbeatable combination. (And she's a LOT more conservative than I am.)

I'm just not so sure it would ever happen. I don't think President Obama's ego will let him grovel as much as he'd have to for Hillary to go for it. Further, it would be so obvious what he's up to that I'm not sure it would do anything but anger a lot of the Hillary supporters.

Also, it would do nothing for his Administration's economic credentials - the aspect where he is really needing some help. There's not much doubt in my mind that she's one of the most proficient members of his Cabinet, though.

It would certainly make for an interesting election. He's gonna have to do something - that's for sure.
Granted, Hitlary looks pretty good now compared to what Comrade Methuselah and his ilk elected, but never forget she has her own heaping pile of baggage as well.

Doubtful that things would be any worse under her. She probably also wouldn't have pulled out the "it's Bushs' fault!" line EVERY time things happened.

With any luck, we should have 8 years of a non-Democrat in the White House beginning in January of 2013.
loomixguy said:
Granted, Hitlary looks pretty good now compared to what Comrade Methuselah and his ilk elected, but never forget she has her own heaping pile of baggage as well.

Doubtful that things would be any worse under her. She probably also wouldn't have pulled out the "it's Bushs' fault!" line EVERY time things happened.

With any luck, we should have 8 years of a non-Democrat in the White House beginning in January of 2013.

Don't forget Hillary and her tactics and all she tried to railroad when she had the chance. People may flock to to a rotten apple because it is less rotten than the one we got, but it is still rotten. Don't accept Hillary. We have had enough of settling for second best. This country needs the best we can give her and it's not Hillary or obama.
Now we need to find the rep that is the best Conservative out there. Enough of the Rinos.

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