thanks for the email Randy good to see you back on your feet................good luck
Subject: CAFTA First or America First? By Randy Stevenson
CAFTA First or America First?
Adam Smith, the infamous 18th Century economist and moral philosopher
said, "I have never known much good done by those who affected trade
for the public good."
Proponents of trade agreements like CAFTA are quick to call those of
us who oppose this import agreement protectionists. Smith would have
been considered a protectionist. So would the American presidents
memorialized on Mt. Rushmore, for they all believed that the core of
American sovereignty is the prosperity of her citizens through their
labor and products. They built a form of government anchored in this
belief and they sanctioned the notion that America's freedom is
rooted in her ability to feed and supply herself without relying on
other nations.
The battle over CAFTA must be won. It is one giant step toward
international trade agreements that sacrifice the very lifeblood of
America. Make no mistake about this - the humanistic capitalists who
advocate the selling of America's soul in this global free trade
process have put America's heartland on the block. Under CAFTA, U.S.
sugar beet producers are left virtually to the wolves. If we do not
speak out now to help them, there will be no sugar beet producers to
speak out for us.
When we permit the true source of wealth - our means of production -
to be outsourced from this nation, we relinquish control of our own
destiny. Countries are not made great by the quantity of goods they
consume, but by the quantity of goods they produce. We put our
futures in the hands of multinational businesses who have no
conscience to call upon, no soul to save and no rear end to kick.
Politicians however, have souls, consciences and rear ends.
Let's defeat CAFTA and let Congress know that we're proud to protect
America . . . . Let's put America first!
Randy Stevenson
Double S Livestock
Wheatland, Wyoming
Subject: CAFTA First or America First? By Randy Stevenson
CAFTA First or America First?
Adam Smith, the infamous 18th Century economist and moral philosopher
said, "I have never known much good done by those who affected trade
for the public good."
Proponents of trade agreements like CAFTA are quick to call those of
us who oppose this import agreement protectionists. Smith would have
been considered a protectionist. So would the American presidents
memorialized on Mt. Rushmore, for they all believed that the core of
American sovereignty is the prosperity of her citizens through their
labor and products. They built a form of government anchored in this
belief and they sanctioned the notion that America's freedom is
rooted in her ability to feed and supply herself without relying on
other nations.
The battle over CAFTA must be won. It is one giant step toward
international trade agreements that sacrifice the very lifeblood of
America. Make no mistake about this - the humanistic capitalists who
advocate the selling of America's soul in this global free trade
process have put America's heartland on the block. Under CAFTA, U.S.
sugar beet producers are left virtually to the wolves. If we do not
speak out now to help them, there will be no sugar beet producers to
speak out for us.
When we permit the true source of wealth - our means of production -
to be outsourced from this nation, we relinquish control of our own
destiny. Countries are not made great by the quantity of goods they
consume, but by the quantity of goods they produce. We put our
futures in the hands of multinational businesses who have no
conscience to call upon, no soul to save and no rear end to kick.
Politicians however, have souls, consciences and rear ends.
Let's defeat CAFTA and let Congress know that we're proud to protect
America . . . . Let's put America first!
Randy Stevenson
Double S Livestock
Wheatland, Wyoming