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Colonel: Official Afghanistan success reports are BS


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
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Top brass has been falsifying reports for up to seven years, reports this Lt.Colonel from the front lines. Troops don't know why they're there, and spend time talking about which limbs they might lose before they get to come home.

What amazes me is how so many can be so critical of government generally, but believe everything that comes out of the department of defense. I'm a former officer myself, and I can assure you there is plenty of corruption. Too bad our troops have to pay for it.

Yet if you question the military in any way, you are accused of hating America and the troops.

I heard Sarah Palin speak yesterday saying she would not apologize for anything we've done. So we can do anything we want.

Overthrow governments, install dictators, pay bribes, impose sanctions, bomb, invade, build bases, harass the citizens, etc, etc. Because we are the good guys and Christians and muslims are evil.

Just as Jesus wanted, right?
The fear of death will make some people do and say irrational things.The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Just read the piece below written in the 1930's by Major General Smedley Butler, called War is a Racket. It could have been written yesterday, as things don't change.

He gives many examples of dramatic profits in WW1 by corporations, while the troops got the shaft. Troops either killed, maimed, or mentally deranged. He saw many with mental problems after the war just put in cages. Even today, we don't give adequate care to veterans.

WW1 was sold to make the world safe for democracy. Where have we heard that recently? Nothing changes.

I like his idea that if we go into war, the corporate and political leaders should make the same salary as the troops on the front lines. After all, they aren't putting their neck on the line.


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