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Cowboy Caskets

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Yeap have seen those...tried talkin hubby into lettin me buy one and use for a coffee table till the time it's needed but he didnt like the idea too much. My Mother in law works at a funeral home and they are a "cowboy casket" dealer. Very pretty workmanship in those boxes. Almost too perdy to bury.
My instructions to my wife were to; let the tailgate down on my truck, dump my ashes on it, and I'll be gone by the time she gets back home. 8)
Maple Leaf Angus said:
Mike said:
My instructions to my wife were to; let the tailgate down on my truck, dump my ashes on it, and I'll be gone by the time she gets back home. 8)

Is it true that she was happy to oblige? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not yet! But when the time comes, I'm sure she'll do what it takes to satisfy! :wink:
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
My dad made a comment one time about ashes...told mom to take the ashes n mix em in a gallon of paint..n paint the bedroom walls........ :shock:

They put me on the bedroom wall,
So I could watch you when you bawl
Well, if you want to be put in a can of paint, be sure you have someone filter out all of the bones chips, or you will end up with a "no slip" paint job!


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