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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score

I think you ve got it screwed up. It is OT, Rancher, Yourself, and HAt!

Damn sheep are so scared there jumping fences..... :lol:
I'd have to say from the tan on those boys, they must be Americans. Up here we don't get enough sun tyo get that dark. :?
Haymaker, you're pretty witty this morning! I'd have to say those guys aren't Canadian, our men up here are a whole lot better looking than that crew!
SASH said:
I'd have to say from the tan on those boys, they must be Americans. Up here we don't get enough sun tyo get that dark. :?

Thats that ole french dark complexion,ask frenchie..............good luck
Looks to me like some of your papa`s musta been slippin across the line to the south to get that dark complection.
Nope thats three canuckle heads alright,the one in the front that looks similar to a warlrus is BMR,the second one that looks like he "s been struck by lightning is MR and the dumb looking one in the back that is fixin to charge the sheep is Murgen................good luck
:D :D :D :D :D

good clean humour, I love it!

Got to agree with Sash though, it will be months before we have tans like that up here! Maybe it's just dust from working, don't see any on the boss's face, is that you Haymaker?
Frenchie, this would be the liberal party's definition of marriage, right? I think it's in the charter!

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