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Dependency Index Surges 23% Under obama


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
Can you think of anything in your house, or life, that is not controlled/regulated by the federal Government?

States' rights :lol: Constitution :lol: :lol: :lol:

The American public's dependence on the federal government shot up 23% in just two years under President Obama, with 67 million now relying on some federal program, according to a newly released study by the Heritage Foundation.

The conservative think tank's annual Index of Dependence on Government tracks money spent on housing, health, welfare, education subsidies and other federal programs that were "traditionally provided to needy people by local organizations and families."

The two-year increase under Obama is the biggest two-year jump since Jimmy Carter was president, the data show.

The rise was driven mainly by increases in housing subsidies, an expansion in Medicaid and changes to the welfare system, along with a sharp rise in food stamps, the study found.

"You can't get around the fact that policy decisions made over the past two years, on top of those made over the past several decades, are having a large effect on the pace of growth of the index," said William Beach, who authored the Heritage study.

Government dependence has climbed steadily since 1962, when the index stood at 19. By 1980, the index had risen to 100. It stood at 294 in 2010, the last year for which the data are available. D.C.-based Heritage has produced the index for nine years.

The report also found that spending on "dependence programs" accounts for more than 70% of the federal budget. That, too, is up dramatically. In 1990, for example, the figure stood at 48.5%, and in 1962 just over a quarter of federal spending went to dependence programs.

At the same time, fewer Americans pay income taxes, the report notes. Almost half (49.5%) didn't pay income taxes in 2009, the latest year for which the researchers have data. Back in the late 1960s, only 12% of Americans escaped the income tax burden.

Other findings:

The number of people dependent on the federal government shot up 7.5% in the past two years.

In 2010, for the first time ever, average spending on dependence programs per recipient exceeded the country's per-capita disposable income.

The dependency index has dipped only seven times in the past 49 years, three of which were under President Reagan and two under President Clinton.

Some observers say the rise in dependence under Obama is merely a reflection of the deep and long recession.

But Beach says his team's research shows that economic effects account for only one-fifth of the change in the index.

With all the wastage, I would wonder at them needed more revenue......

Maybe they could gain a profit from all the government owned corporations :???:
You are right Sandhusker, I don't have a link so we can take it for what it's worth :???: ! On Fox this morning it was reported that for the first time ever, we have more taking out of the Pot than we have putting in!!! And that the average income of folks working putting into this pot is $32,446 and the foks taking out are receiving $32,748, $300 more than the workers putting in, And they all can vote, so it's not hard to figure this out !!!! Yesterday the Dems in the senate want to extend the unemployment com. for another year :mad: :mad: !!! 101

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