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Ecomony in bad shape, but Obama still wins

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Amazing what people think. :shock:
This has to show that brainwashing works. Obama has stated
for so long that "we inherited this mess" that he and too many]
people (apparently) in this country believe it.

Gosh, FH are you saying the Republicans and Independents don't have the same opportunities at brainwashing???
Faster horses said:
Amazing what people think. :shock:
This shows that brainwashing works.

By god Sugar Britches...you come up with the most astounding things!!!!
So, let's just give him that "inherited" BS.

Now ask yourself, what has this joke of an administration done to fix it?
At least the birth certificate issue is behind us and Osama is gone. :)
Most people don't know that it was a Democratic congress that was the majority in both houses for 2 years before obama was even President.

They mustn't realize that congress is responsible for spending either.
hypocritexposer said:
Most people don't know that it was a Democratic congress that was the majority in both houses for 2 years before obama was even President.

They mustn't realize that congress is responsible for spending either.

I hope they realize the president has a veto pen. :wink:
TSR said:
hypocritexposer said:
Most people don't know that it was a Democratic congress that was the majority in both houses for 2 years before obama was even President.

They mustn't realize that congress is responsible for spending either.

I hope they realize the president has a veto pen. :wink:

I doubt they do.

Do I have to post the deficit numbers by congress again?
I was thinking about this the on the way to the farm today:

The individuals that have always worked for someone, some company, or the government are less likely to understand the financial aspects of things. Until you have signed over your life savings, or your house, or whatever collateral you have to for start up of any business you don't know what it is like to have your behind hanging out in the wind.

It is easy to see how the thought process of, I should be paid more... "I deserve it" comes about. I don't think they have an appreciation for where the money originates from or how it flows.

Alot like how most Americans that have not experienced a farm/ranch don't understand where their food comes from- you just go to the grocery store....
jingo2 said:
Faster horses said:
Amazing what people think. :shock:
This shows that brainwashing works.

By god Sugar Britches...you come up with the most astounding things!!!!
Supoosably your from California.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry Kola aka Ms Ankany farms ya done let the cat outta the bag AGAIN.

How many have said brainwashing does NOT work .....

Thanks FH more to prove the agenda behind the left.

Okfarmer your right ...but a lot of people learn that when they buy a car, house or other big item and can put that lesson in the rest of their life.....too bad so many have not learned that lesson.
kolo=jingo=lulu=allie does not have much to wash when it comes to brain washing :wink:
TSR said:
hypocritexposer said:
Most people don't know that it was a Democratic congress that was the majority in both houses for 2 years before obama was even President.

They mustn't realize that congress is responsible for spending either.

I hope they realize the president has a veto pen. :wink:

Does Obama realize he has a veto pen as I remember him saying he would not sign a bill that contained earmarks, yet Reid and Pelosi handed him over 9000 of them in one bill alone and he signed it. Of course he did it behind close doors in protest but does that really make it less of a law than if he had signed it in front of the press and handed out the hand full of pens as momentos after the fact. NO

WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Barack Obama on Wednesday will talk about new guidelines aimed at cutting down the number of earmarks in appropriations legislation, one day after the Senate passed a spending bill with nearly 9,000 earmarks, his administration said.

Earmarks are unrelated pet projects that members of Congress insert in spending bills.

Some lawmakers have urged Obama to veto the $410 billion omnibus spending bill - saying it goes against his campaign pledge to bring an end to wasteful spending.

White House officials said Obama will sign the bill to keep key government agencies funded, but will lay out the new guidelines on earmarks as a not-so-subtle threat that he could veto future spending bills that do not comply with his objectives.

Obama may sign the bill into law behind closed doors rather than make a public show of it, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

"Although it's not perfect, the president will sign the legislation but demonstrate for all involved rules moving forward that he thinks can make this process work a little bit better," Gibbs said at his daily briefing with reporters Tuesday.

White House officials have tried to dismiss the pork-laden legislation as "last year's business" that Obama is dealing with reluctantly.

Gibbs added that "over the course of the president's tenure in Washington, dozens of those bills will come to his desk" and Obama wants to make clear "that there will be some new rules of the road" for lawmakers to follow.

Top Democrats, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland, have suggested lawmakers do not appreciate being dictated to on an issue that is a congressional prerogative.

Asked last week about the administration's plan to put forth guidelines to overhaul earmarks, Hoyer said flatly, "I don't think the White House has the ability to tell us what to do."

He paused and quipped to reporters, "I hope you all got that down."

Given the sensitivity of the issue with fellow Democrats, senior White House aides were reluctant Tuesday evening to preview any of the new rules. Obama's schedule for Wednesday includes a public announcement on "earmark reform" in the morning.

Obama's budget director made a vow Sunday that the president will bring a halt to pork-laden bills.

"[Such bills] will not happen when the president has the full legislative and appropriations process in place," Peter Orszag, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, told CNN's "State of the Union With John King."

He argued that the White House had little choice but to support the omnibus spending bill, which it inherited from the previous administration.

"This is like your relief pitcher coming into the ninth inning and wanting to redo the whole game," Orszag said. "Next year we're going to be the starting pitcher, and the game's going to be completely different."

Bu House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, rejected this argument, noting that Obama had vowed to take action against earmarks during the presidential campaign.

"If you make a promise, people expect that you live up to it. And that's why this administration's refusal to go in and change this bill, I think, is a false position," Cantor told "State of the Union."

"There is no way anyone could take what Mr. Orszag has said with any credibility."

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Tuesday that Obama can't just say the bill is last year's business. "I've asked the president to veto this bill," he said.

"Listen, this is a new Congress, and this is a new president."

Now tell us TSR who did Obama really inhereit the problem from when Steny Hoyer figures the Democrat controled White House has no ability to tell the Democrat Controled House and Senate what they can and can't do? Do you really think a Republican Controled White House had any better luck than Obama would? :roll:

The Facts are the Congress writes the spending bills and they write them in a way that a President would be the villan if he decided to Veto them. How do they do this? By sticking crap into a Millitary bill, Education Bill, Health Bill or in this case a government funding bill. Why? So if the bill is vetoed something important to the President doesn't get the funding needed. If he wants the needed funding he has to agree to their tatoos for California gang members, research for grape, tunnels for turtles, studies on pig stink, and the list goes ON AND ON AND ON. In other words the President has to run up the US credit card to help pay for election donor kickbacks. I can't see this incompetent twit ever standing up to the Washington Elite and vetoing any bill. :roll:

Oh wait didn't he threaten to veto a Millitary bill that would have stopped paychecks to the soldiers so he would not have to cut the budget? NO, wait that was a Republican bill not a Democrat Bill and I did say the funding had to be important to the President for him not to veto it didn't I? That should give you a hint to what kind of President you defend. He would rather veto the paychecks of those out protecting your rights and freedoms than cut Free tatoo removal, abortions and turtle tunnels :x .
MsSage said:
jingo2 said:
Faster horses said:
Amazing what people think. :shock:
This shows that brainwashing works.

By god Sugar Britches...you come up with the most astounding things!!!!
Supoosably your from California.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry Kola aka Ms Ankany farms ya done let the cat outta the bag AGAIN.

How many have said brainwashing does NOT work .....

Thanks FH more to prove the agenda behind the left.

Okfarmer your right ...but a lot of people learn that when they buy a car, house or other big item and can put that lesson in the rest of their life.....too bad so many have not learned that lesson.

California? More like Georgia
Ms Sage if you'd go down the road to Barber Ranch at Dalhart they could tell you a lot about Ankony and the people there.

"sugar britches" she must be makin a pass at you with those cutesy names.
Faster horses said:
Shhhhhhhhhh, Larry. It's scary, isn't it? I'm trying my best to
ignore her/him. :D

Yep, but you have to remember she doesn't have a man. OOps better not tell OT or he'll come down on kola. Maybe she needs to try something other than that bleached blond bimbo look she has.

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