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Enough is Enough. Gas prices

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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$2.18 for a gallon of gas? In Iraq, gas cost $0.07 a gallon. You can't tell me that it cost, including tax, $2.11 per gallon to deliver gas from the dock in Iraq to my local gas station.
I have said it before and I will say it again. Young men, Americans, are giving their lives so that the Iraqis can live in freedom without the fear of terrine. The least they can do is sell us some cheap gas. I don't think we should finance the rebuilding of Iraq on the backs of the American people.

Can some one tell my why my energy bills have goen up so much?
Places in Canada Gas is $1.00 a Litre. As our Gas goes up so does the tax The GST is 7% so the higher it goes more goes to the Government. At a $1.00 that's $3.74 a US Gallon
Right now crude is running around $59.00 a barrel. I heard this morning that within fifteen years it will be over $100.00 a barrel. I also heard the other day that the Manitoba government is planning to put a tax on all trucks and SUV's in the province. How the heck is a fella supposed to farm without a truck. By the looks of this, things aren't going to get better for the farm economy.
Remember folks...The Highest Highs produce the lowest Lows!!!! When the "Sheet Heads" ( iwas told that they wear a "sheet" not a towel) so we call them SHEET HEADS, get the OIL backing up their rectum it will get lower.
Remember folks...The Highest Highs produce the lowest Lows!!!! When the "Sheet Heads" ( iwas told that they wear a "sheet" not a towel) so we call them SHEET HEADS, get the OIL backing up their rectum it will get lower.
World demand for fuel and energy is at all time highs. The price will not fall unless deamnd is reduced, or supply is increased.

Supply is at or near peak, so that option is not available.

Demand, a factor of price times consumption, seems to not be lagging anytime in the near future. If it were, more little cars, fuel cells, and other technology would be replacing the gass guzzlers. Yet the SUV's are still the best selling vehicles for the auto makers.

China has a huge appetitie for energy, their economy is growing and they are buying energy to power it.

Industry analysists state that not when the oil is depleted from the Earth, but rather when demand out strips available supply, is when the real trouble will start. Some say this could happen within a few years. Remember the oil in the ground needs to be pumped and refined before it is available for sale. It is impossible to pump it faster than physics allows, and why would more refineries be built if the supply is finite?

The largest supply of crude is said to be in the Alberta tar sands, but extraction is expensive and slow. Higher prices for crude are what makes companies willing to spend the extra dollars to reach these supplies. If the price were to fall production would simple slow as oil will keep.
"The largest supply of crude is said to be in the Alberta tar sands, but extraction is expensive and slow. Higher prices for crude are what makes companies willing to spend the extra dollars to reach these supplies. If the price were to fall production would simple slow as oil will keep"

I was told it cost 15.00 US a barrel to extrude the oil out of the tar sand????? Also we now have the largest supply of private stock of gas in the history of this country!!! :cowboy:
Very well put Jason. China and India want it all. This country the (US) is in big trouble $4 gas will bring this to a dead stop. We are at peak oil right now which means the easy stuff to get is almost gone. Those SUVs sure like the gas and 99% of the time a Geo Metro would do the job at about 50mpg.
Would $4 gas bring the US to a stop? I doubt it. People will still drive, hopefully less though. However they need to get to work. What will they do to afford $4 gas? Downsize vehicles, slow spending on other discretionary items. Switch from beef to cheaper protien sources.

For agriculture this is bad news, higher costs with lower returns.

Consumers will continue to pursue imported items that are cheaper than domestic items so they can afford their chosen lifestyle. When the cash runs out so will the extras.
hayseed said:
Very well put Jason. China and India want it all. This country the (US) is in big trouble $4 gas will bring this to a dead stop. We are at peak oil right now which means the easy stuff to get is almost gone. Those SUVs sure like the gas and 99% of the time a Geo Metro would do the job at about 50mpg.

Response...Misinformation again hayamker. The $U.S. has nearly doubled its energy efficiency per dollar of GDP produced since the last energy crisis. China is 10X less efficient than Japan. India is in the same boat as China. higher crude prices hurt them more than the U.S., Japan or Europe.

"Known" reserves have almost doubled due to new recovery methods. We will not run out of oil. Everyone seem to know how much we use but no one knows the replenishment rate of oil - mother nature controls that end.
How can oil replenish itself? I thought oil was old decayed dinosaurs , plantlife and fish that turned into oil millions of years ago. :???:
Jason; With $4 dollar gas alot of people wont have to worry about getting to work. Agman becareful about China they are going to put this country out of business. Had a bag of orchard grass what did it say on the bag you guessed it Made in China.l
"The largest supply of crude is said to be in the Alberta tar sands, but extraction is expensive and slow. Higher prices for crude are what makes companies willing to spend the extra dollars to reach these supplies. If the price were to fall production would simple slow as oil will keep"

I was told it cost 15.00 US a barrel to extrude the oil out of the tar sand????? Also we now have the largest supply of private stock of gas in the history of this country!!!

you are correct about the tar sands. But the getting it out is not as expensive as it was 10 years ago. The Break even cost on non steam wells is $7/barrel, steamed wells $10/barrel and open pit mined about $12/barrel. There is currently 5 mega plants under construction north of fort macmurry, alberta. Currently Devon oil, CNRL, Mobil, Exxon, Esso and Encana have plants operating in the Bonnyville-Lloydminister area's. Alberta is becoming the largest exporter of oil to the USA. Then it will be us the has the Yanks by the balls, not the Arabs... :lol:
Very well put sms and Iam from Iowa. There are so many things we could be doing here to save fuel not any of them real big, but it all adds up. Is it to late??
hayseed said:
Very well put sms and Iam from Iowa. There are so many things we could be doing here to save fuel not any of them real big, but it all adds up. Is it to late??

I agree hayseed. I firmly believe this country could cut back 20% or more with no ill effects. There's so much waste. Back in the 70s during and after the oil embargoe I was working out at the time and mostly everyone back then car pooled out here in the country. Now every secretary has to have a 4 door pickup with duelies around here with a phone stuck in their ear while they're driving 80, alone. In fact every kid has to drive their own car to school and the busses are running around here near empty.

As an after thought, I was at an Amish place yesterday picking up white oak plank for corrals, they had a small smile on their faces when us "Englishers" were complaning about fuel prices. :wink:
Hi Tom; Agree with you. We just got back from the amish area took a load of round bales. The guy that got the hay was wondering about the gas mileage of the truck I just smiled and said you know how bad it is. Saudis just said on the news they were going to pump at full bore, stupid people dont they know when its gone they wont have any more. I have heard that some of the wells are starting to go dry. It will be interesting to see what happens.
agman said:
[Response...Misinformation again hayamker. The $U.S. has nearly doubled its energy efficiency per dollar of GDP produced since the last energy crisis. China is 10X less efficient than Japan. India is in the same boat as China. higher crude prices hurt them more than the U.S., Japan or Europe.

"Known" reserves have almost doubled due to new recovery methods. We will not run out of oil. Everyone seem to know how much we use but no one knows the replenishment rate of oil - mother nature controls that end.

That's an interesting take Agman, and I agree we are more productive for the fuel used. Who could imagine hauling 20 calves in a trailer behind a truck getting 15 mpg? It used to be 6 head in stock racks in a truck that got 6 mpg.

The issue isn't running out of oil, the issue is production being outstripped by consumption. The easy reserves have been depleted and the demand is higher than ever. If we hit the point where it can't be extracted fast enough to cover demand then there will be a problem, or at least another sharp increase in price.
There is no doubt a lot of people are burning far more fuel than need be. It frusterates me though that regardless of price, I have to plow at least 200 acres a year every year or I fall behind. It's not a choice.
It irritates me that the price of oil is as high as it is mostly because of hysteria. It's overvalued. Inventories of crude and gas are at least 5% higher now than they were a year ago, so it's not just a supply and demand issue. People are getting the same "the sky is falling" attitude they had in the '70s, and it seems to be getting worse. There is a lot of untapped and undiscovered reserves out there that could easily see us through the next few decades. Let's get 'em.
Jinglebob said:
How can oil replenish itself? I thought oil was old decayed dinosaurs , plantlife and fish that turned into oil millions of years ago. :???:

Your comment is partially true, however, it is not known at what rate those deposits are turned into oil.

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