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Evangelicals Throw Support to Santorum
After a two day meeting at a ranch outside of Houston a group of 150 Christian leaders, business leaders and conservative activists have coalesced behind Rick Santorum.
Friday night surrogates from every GOP campaign (except that of Jon Huntsman) attended the meeting and made the case for their candidate. Saturday leaders took part in a "passionate time" of discussions about what they're looking for in a conservative leader. After three rounds of balloting Santorum emerged as the candidate leaders feel they can support.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council says conservatives are looking for a candidate who will repeal the nation's health care law, fight for pro family values and address the national debt.
"Not a lot of time was spent talking about Mitt Romney" Perkins says. He added, "it's not news" that there's not a lot of support among conservatives for Romney. Perkins says Romney's Mormon religion was not discussed among those participating in the meeting.
So what does this mean? Expect conservative groups to start individually motivating their constituents to work for Santorum. Also look for more money and resources to start pouring into Santorum's campaign. No question about it, this is excellent news for Santorum's camp and a major blow to the Gingrich and Perry camps.