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Even Rush is embarrsed by Rush

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2005
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From a blogger at MSNBC:

"On his daily radio soap opera, on August 15, Limbaugh said "Cindy Sheehan is just Bill Burkett. Her story is nothing more than forged documents, there's nothing about it that's real…" The complete transcript of the 860 words that surround those quotes can be found at the bottom of this entry.

Yet, apparently there was something so unpopular, so subversive, and so crazy about those remarks that he has found it necessary to deny he said them - even when there are recordings and transcripts of them - and to brand those who've claimed he said them as crackpots and distorters. More over, that amazing temple to himself, his website, has been scrubbed clean of all evidence of these particular remarks, and to 'prove' his claim that he never made the remarks in question on August 15, he has misdirected visitors to that site to transcripts and recordings of remarks he made on August 12."
What I would like to know is how in the he** do you have time to look all this stuff up? Someone has to be feeding it to you in order to make all these posts. No one has that much time. Or that much hatred. You are disturbed and disturbing, Dis! :mad:
NO kidding F.H.
And to think that our troops are fighting for its rights to say all that anti-american crap it slings out on this forum. Now we know why it post only on the political page don't we. :roll: ... It's not human.. :wink:
katrina said:
NO kidding F.H.
And to think that our troops are fighting for its rights to say all that anti-american crap it slings out on this forum. Now we know why it post only on the political page don't we. :roll: ... It's not human.. :wink:

Our troops in Iraq are fighting and dying because George W. Bush lied to the American people about Saddam's supposed WMD program. The Iraqi war has absolutely nothing to do with my right to free speech. You and your ilk wanted to ban me from this page. That shows what you think about free speech!
Faster horses said:
What I would like to know is how in the he** do you have time to look all this stuff up? Someone has to be feeding it to you in order to make all these posts. No one has that much time. Or that much hatred. You are disturbed and disturbing, Dis! :mad:

No one is "feeding" me anything. I do occasionally get emails from some rightwingers that I've worked with in the past. I sometimes see Cal post them here. Many of the things that I post are online at MSNBC or Yahoo.com. It's not hard to see this thing in Iraq falling apart. Anyone with a brain can see Iraq is out of control and is only going to get worse. The people on this board who continually support the Iraqi war think that pretending it's anything other than a disaster are fooling no one but themselves. I encourage you to find some positive news from Iraq from a mainstream source and let's discuss it.
As far as brain cells go....................anyone with one would know that if someone calls Bush a liar about WMD

they would also have to call Clinton a liar since he advocated the same thing

They would also have to call Sadam a liar since he admitted to WMD's
passin thru said:
As far as brain cells go....................anyone with one would know that if someone calls Bush a liar about WMD

they would also have to call Clinton a liar since he advocated the same thing

They would also have to call Sadam a liar since he admitted to WMD's

:lol: Oh, you'd like to think so. You'd like to change the subject, so I'll say it just one more time: Bill Clinton has nothing, NOTHING, to do with our war in Iraq. That's George's war. He wanted Saddam, he got Saddam, and more. Actually, HE didn't want Saddam, he wanted our troops to have Saddam. He didn't send his lovely girls, he sent sons and daughters of other Americans.

Saddam had WMDs at one time. After the Gulf War, he was disarmed. He was never able to start the program up again because of UN sanctions. Spin and pretend all you want, passin gas, Bush took us down this path to death, distruction, and debt, no one else.
Does anyone know what mental institute Dis operates out of?
she seems to be getting ready to fall over the edge again, I just read her post to reader showing the photo of Rumsfield shaking hands with Saddam, back when we were triing to clean up some of carter's mess,

What a desperate move, not as disperate as finding one, poor grieving mother to exploit, but clearly desperate,

maybe if the story was balanced by the "era, it was taken many could see that it is and was a different situation,

In the mid-1980s, the Reagan administration sent then-private citizen Donald Rumsfeld as a special envoy to improve relations. Rumsfeld is now the U.S. secretary of defense.

Saddam's regime was using much of Iraq's burgeoning oil revenue to improve the daily lives of its people. It even won UN humanitarian awards for its literacy programs.

Amatzia Baram, a professor at the University of Haifa, said Saddam's administration improved the nation's infrastructure, such as roads, electrical grids, hospitals, water systems and -- to an extent -- women's status.
To the United States, Iraq's secular regime was an important counter-balance to Iran, where anti-American passion mixed with radical Islam had led to the overthrow of the U.S.-backed Shah.

"In the 1980's, our Arab allies in the region and our own assessment convinced us that Iraq might be a new kind of moderate Arab leader, that [Saddam] could be brought into the moderate Arab camp,"


once agian, now that Disagreeable see's no ability to win her agruement she just starts over at the beginning with the same old tired line "we were thier biggest supporters and armed them" lie...

I can show direct proof as to how little we "armed them" and how it was actually the Soviets and the french, can she show "proof" we sold, them or gave them as much as "one bullet" I doubt it...
Steve said:

I can show direct proof as to how little we "armed them" and how it was actually the Soviets and the french, can she show "proof" we sold, them or gave them as much as "one bullet" I doubt it...

Why should I bother to do a search and prove it? You, yourself, say that we armed them; from that point it's a disagreement about how much or how "little" we armed them.

"A PBS Frontline episode, "The Arming of Iraq" (1990) detailed much of the conventional and so-called "dual-use" weapons sold to Iraq. The public learned from other sources that at least since mid-1980s the US was selling chemical and biological material for weapons to Iraq and orchestrating private sales. These sales began soon after current Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad in 1985 and met with Saddam Hussein as a private businessman on behalf of the Reagan administration. In the last major battle of the Iran-Iraq war, some 65,000 Iranians were killed, many by gas.

Investigators turned up new scandals, including the involvement of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL), the giant Italian bank, and many of the very same circles of arms suppliers, covert operators, and policy makers in and out of the US government and active in those roles for years. The National Security Council, CIA and other US agencies tacitly approved about $4 billion in unreported loans to Iraq through the giant Italian bank's Atlanta branch. Iraq, with the blessing and official approval of the US government, purchased computer controlled machine tools, computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs."


Streaming video here:
Maybe you could find some real proof, not some ones start to a story filled with conjecture and bias...

they have never proved any of the opinions you are claiming and had you looked at the site I offered it would have shown how little we were involved, but that does not support your views, so you disregard it...

now I'll ask again what weapons did we supply Saddam with?

try not to respond with more opinion pieces, but hard facts....if you can...
Steve said:
Maybe you could find some real proof, not some ones start to a story filled with conjecture and bias...

they have never proved any of the opinions you are claiming and had you looked at the site I offered it would have shown how little we were involved, but that does not support your views, so you disregard it...

now I'll ask again what weapons did we supply Saddam with?

try not to respond with more opinion pieces, but hard facts....if you can...

LOL! Are you going to play dumb like Passin Gas? The answer is "...US was selling chemical and biological material for weapons to Iraq and orchestrating private sales" and "...purchased computer controlled machine tools, computers, scientific instruments, special alloy steel and aluminum, chemicals, and other industrial goods for Iraq's missile, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs." Your article doesn't address the information found all over the net about how the Reagan Administration supported Saddam. Go ahead and pretend, but Frontline, a respected news organization, is respected and that information is accept as fact by historians.
Speaking of gas.............................I was wondering, how do you know unless you had your nose.

While laughing :lol: :lol: about this I thought of the story about my old ugly dog, she would always put her nose....you know where. She was a little slow but the neighbor had a big dog named RUSH and he would always come over and keep this dog company. Boy was that dog happy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well one day Rush got run over and my old dog started chasing cars
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: She kept getting hit but she kept thinking she would get the best of those cars, but no she would just get whopped again and again. She became real disagreeable but she still wanted to chase those cars even if she got banged up the side of the head :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I finally had to take her to the vet and he put her to sleep, he tried to find a male dog for a companion for her but he couldn't so he put this disagreeable dog to sleep as much as I wanted to keep her for the entertainment value.

Hope your nose is doing better :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
US was selling chemical and biological material,

yet there is no "proof" of what was "sold"

Not long ago I believed what the "blame America first" crowd was peddling, until you posted an article about how we armed Saddam, I went looking, and found it is one of the biggest spins in the history of this country,,,so quote all the opinion articles you want but until you "show me what we sold them" other then some generic broad names, I would say you are blowing hot air (or lieing)

I even gave you a link showing what, and who supplied Saddam with weapons , you chose to ignore it, why? because it did not support your liberal lie...

so just like the pol results you lose again

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