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Carol Swain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, said black political leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are using the death of Trayvon Martin to stir racial division for political gain.
Swain says she believes most Americans wanted an investigation into the Feb. 26 incident in which George Zimmmerman, 28, shot and killed Martin, 17, while on neighborhood watch. Martin was unarmed and walking to his father's fiance's house. Zimmerman claims he was attacked by Martin and shot Martin in self-defense after having his head beat against the pavement.
Swain, who is an expert on race relations, immigration, black leadership and evangelical politics says today's black leaders "don't put forth ideas and solutions that advance the cause of black people. Rather, they prefer to heat up the solution."
Her latest book is called, "Be the People: a Call to Reclaim America's Faith and Promise."