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Extreme & Radical Rightwingers


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
OT can add this to his playbook. :roll:

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.), chair of the Democratic National Committee, said Thursday that for states to enact constitutional amendments that say human life begins at conception is “an extreme and radical step.”
When I was in school they taught us about the tragedies and horrors of the Holocaust and all that that entailed in a bad part of history. But in more modern times ever since Roe V. Wade an untold astronomical number of human lives have been snuffed out because people thought having a child would be inconvenient. And YES, if anyone was questioning if I was really comparing the Holocaust to abortion, I was. Yes the jews suffered and that was a very tragic period of history. Today though, a woman can decide to kill an unborn child on a whim. I personally know one woman who has had 19 abortions at last count. I dont know how she is still alive or how she is even still intact.

If we as a nation and a society can condone the killing of our future because of lack of accountability for our actions and weakening moral standards, we are done for. Everyday this happens allover our country and everyday our children are taught about tragedies that happen elsewhere in the world. They are taught that human rights are something that should be fought for everywhere else but here. Personally I feel that until we clean our own porch we shouldnt be worrying about someone else's.

I do realize that there are circumstances where an abortion is warranted. I do worry though about moral decay and using abortion as another form of birth control.

Have a good evening,
Tex :twisted:

Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)
Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700

Who's having abortions (age)?
52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.

Who's having abortions (race)?
While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely.

Who's having abortions (marital status)?
64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.

Who's having abortions (religion)?
Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

Who's having abortions (income)?
Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.

Why women have abortions
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

At what gestational ages are abortions performed:
52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week, 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy.

Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.
Abortion coverage:
48% of all abortion facilities provide services after the 12th week of pregnancy. 9 in 10 managed care plans routinely cover abortion or provide limited coverage. About 14% of all abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. 16 states (CA, CT, HI, ED, IL, MA , MD, MD, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OR, VT, WA and WV) pay for abortions for some poor women.
TexasBred said:

Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)
Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700

Who's having abortions (age)?
52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.

Who's having abortions (race)?
While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely.

Who's having abortions (marital status)?
64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.

Who's having abortions (religion)?
Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

Who's having abortions (income)?
Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.

Why women have abortions
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

At what gestational ages are abortions performed:
52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week, 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy.

Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.
Abortion coverage:
48% of all abortion facilities provide services after the 12th week of pregnancy. 9 in 10 managed care plans routinely cover abortion or provide limited coverage. About 14% of all abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. 16 states (CA, CT, HI, ED, IL, MA , MD, MD, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OR, VT, WA and WV) pay for abortions for some poor women.

Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.
Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.

wouldn't it just be easier to just use birth control?
Steve said:
Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.

wouldn't it just be easier to just use birth control?


So why don't the men just glove up already or get the ole snippy snip . :tiphat:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.[/quote]

what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??
hopalong said:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.

what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??

Exactly I don't see any significance to R and D on having an abortion.
Larrry said:
hopalong said:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.

what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??

Exactly I don't see any significance to R and D on having an abortion.

I do. I wish more Dems had been one. :wink:
Larrry said:
hopalong said:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.

what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??

Exactly I don't see any significance to R and D on having an abortion.

Shouldn't be any significance or even anyone keeping records...But it would be interesting to see the number of anti-abortion Hypocrits that run for the clinics when their sweet young daughter/mistress miss's her period..... :wink:

Mainly I believe its an issue that government/politics should not be involved in- either supporting or opposing...

It- and methods of contraception is an issue that has been around about as long as the worlds oldest profession- and civilization.....

The decision should be left to the individual, their medical advisors/Drs., and their God---- and not by a bunch of rules set up by grey haired old rich men sitting in D.C.
It is all just a bunch of what if's. That is unless you caan say all Dems are pro abortion and all R's are pro life. A waste of time question is all it is.
Steve said:
Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.

wouldn't it just be easier to just use birth control?

Well steve to get that 43% they include spontaneous abortions. So if you eliminate them with birth control you would also eliminate the human race in a few years.
Bullhauler said:
Steve said:
Likelihood of abortion:
An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.

wouldn't it just be easier to just use birth control?

Well steve to get that 43% they include spontaneous abortions. So if you eliminate them with birth control you would also eliminate the human race in a few years.

if the discussion was about miscarriages I would not have made the comment, but as anyone can see the discussion was about abortions and the sad facts that surround them.. if people who went for an abortion would take a few minutes to go get some sort of birth control it would eliminate a need for unintended unwanted pregnancies..

• Forty percent of pregnancies among white women, 67% among blacks and 53% among Hispanics are unintended.

Each year, two percent of women aged 15–44 have an abortion. Half have had at least one previous abortion.

At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45,

Forty-six percent of women who have abortions had not used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Of these women, 33% had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy, 32% had had concerns about contraceptive methods, 26% had had unexpected sex and 1% had been forced to have sex.

Eight percent of women who have abortions have never used a method of birth control

with the exception of the one percent who were raped,...

wouldn't it just be easier to just use birth control?
Bullhauler said:
So if you eliminate them with birth control you would also eliminate the human race in a few years.

actually it would only eliminate unwanted pregnancies.

so the race would continue,
hopalong said:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.

what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??[/quote]

Well pardon me for asking, but I thought every thing on this this forum revolved around Democrat or Republican or whether Old timer lied or why Kolo would not meet you at Starbucks. Also it is a puzzle to me that Hypocriteexposer is so interested in what happens in the USA.
hurleyjd said:
Did you find any thing on Republicans and Democrats. and the percentage of abortions obtained.

hopalong said:
what does that have to do with the fact they are having them!@!???
What does political lines have to do with having them??
hurleyjd said:
Well pardon me for asking, but I thought every thing on this this forum revolved around Democrat or Republican or whether Old timer lied or why Kolo would not meet you at Starbucks. Also it is a puzzle to me that Hypocriteexposer is so interested in what happens in the USA.

No it is about the excesses of the government, it is already proven ot is a liar, and rumor has it kola couldn't make it for coffee because she had an antelope roundup and branding, but the biggest thing is her trust fund check hadn't arrived for the month.
Steve said:
Bullhauler said:
So if you eliminate them with birth control you would also eliminate the human race in a few years.

actually it would only eliminate unwanted pregnancies.

so the race would continue,

No to eliminate spontaneous abortions you would need to eliminate all pregnancies with birth control.

You skipped right over the trumped up statistic too I see.
Bullhauler said:
Steve said:
Bullhauler said:
So if you eliminate them with birth control you would also eliminate the human race in a few years.

actually it would only eliminate unwanted pregnancies.

so the race would continue,

No to eliminate spontaneous abortions you would need to eliminate all pregnancies with birth control.

You skipped right over the trumped up statistic too I see.

since you seem hellbent on taking the far left liberal line of thought and ignoring reality.. I'll rephrase my question.

• Forty percent of pregnancies among white women, 67% among blacks and 53% among Hispanics are unintended.

Each year, two percent of women aged 15–44 have an abortion. Half have had at least one previous abortion.

At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45,

Forty-six percent of women who have abortions had not used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Of these women, 33% had perceived themselves to be at low risk for pregnancy, 32% had had concerns about contraceptive methods, 26% had had unexpected sex and 1% had been forced to have sex.

Eight percent of women who have abortions have never used a method of birth control

Wouldn't it be easier for the people who have unwanted pregnancies and go get abortions to eliminate the babies to have first at least tried to get and to just use a readily available birth control devise.. ?

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