Mike said:
Dakota Sunshine said:
Just wondering what everyone are giving their calves for preconditioning.
Do you give booster shots also? Trying to convince the boss that we need to give the works if we keep them until December. Do buyers expect booster shots on preconditioned calves?
Don't mean to give a short answer but.........Yes and yes.
Ditto what Mike said. It is important for your calves to have a strong immunity at your place, and at the feedlot they are sold to or fed in. If you're keeping until Dec., visit with your vet., but it might not hurt to booster them a third time.
And, also remember that nutrition, minerals, and vitamins pay an important part in animal health and the overall efficacy of vaccines--if cattle (animals in general) are not nutritionally sound, it becomes easier to have a vaccine failure---
The reason for boostering and re boostering is the cost of sick cattle in the feedlot. The extra treatments not only an additional cost, but there have been lots of studies done in the past ten years or so detailing the "production costs" of sick calves. They include: decreased rate of gain; increased yield grades (lower yield grades are generally more preferable, so higher is bad!
and lower quality grades. As well cost of gains go up, and this all leads to cattle losing money in the feedlot.
I hope I influenced you to booster, and visit with your vet about re boostering. I don't know what you're giving but it would probably be good to get in a Modified Live product in them, and have that boostered, at least after they are weaned. Again, visit with your vet about which products fit your needs, your production and management strategies the best.
Cheers to healthy calves---