Oh Id not git rid of my goldenrods, but that lil peice looks like it would be handy for tightenin a loose fence, dont think it'd be much use in patchin a broke wire though, seen the add for it in the land and livestock post paper I got in the mail today.
Wrangler is some better, I cooked rice for him this mornin, that's always what the vets told me to give him after a tummy upset episode in dogs. He didnt take to kindly to gettin rice when everone else got biscuits and sausage. He's gradually perkin up though. Just gave him some more rice while ago with some ham juice on it, just nuff to give it some flavor instead of just bland ole rice. He lapped it right up.
Wranglers 2, was a present from Mr. Lilly for our 19th anniversary. When he gave him to me he weighed all of....maybe a pound, he was a lil bitty thang, I could hold him in the one hand, long ways he didn't hang over anywhere. I was skeered I'd misplace him he was so little. Carried him around in the inside pocket of my carhart jacket that first winter. He's a good lil heater lol.