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figured out the pics


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
southeast Iowa
I'd like all your opinions on this two year old bull I bought this spring . I finally got the pictures figured out
Scout do you have a few different pics of him? It is hard to judge an animal from just one angle.
From what I can see, he looks OK to me. Pretty well balanced from front to back, I would like to see him standing in a little better position. In my opinion we are paying to much attention to cattle judging. I liked to pick a bull for what changes he would make in my herd, I will admit we often followed the most popular trends. The last 30 years with cross breeding and everything conformation has made little diifference.

If we follow what SH and MRJ are trying to tell us, the look of our cattle won't be very important. What will count is what the carcass looks like when it is hung.
Clarencen said:
From what I can see, he looks OK to me. Pretty well balanced from front to back, I would like to see him standing in a little better position. In my opinion we are paying to much attention to cattle judging. I liked to pick a bull for what changes he would make in my herd, I will admit we often followed the most popular trends. The last 30 years with cross breeding and everything conformation has made little diifference.

If we follow what SH and MRJ are trying to tell us, the look of our cattle won't be very important. What will count is what the carcass looks like when it is hung.

Pretty is as pretty does :D

The proof is in the puddin' :lol:

You don't eat what the animal looks like you eat what it produces. That said it has to produce that product efficiently under your management conditions.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Clarencen said:
From what I can see, he looks OK to me. Pretty well balanced from front to back, I would like to see him standing in a little better position. In my opinion we are paying to much attention to cattle judging. I liked to pick a bull for what changes he would make in my herd, I will admit we often followed the most popular trends. The last 30 years with cross breeding and everything conformation has made little diifference.

If we follow what SH and MRJ are trying to tell us, the look of our cattle won't be very important. What will count is what the carcass looks like when it is hung.

Pretty is as pretty does :D

The proof is in the puddin' :lol:

You don't eat what the animal looks like you eat what it produces. That said it has to produce that product efficiently under your management conditions.

:clap: :clap:
I'm not afraid of getting my feelings hurt I just want to know what you folks thought of him. I already know what I think of him. Just keep the guff about his color to a minium I'm using him on black cows and there aren t many folks that can bad mouth a good baldy . You don't eat the hide any ways His Epds are as follow BW WW YW MAT 4.0 52 85 20 heres a couple othr pics

Big Muddy rancher said:
Clarencen said:
From what I can see, he looks OK to me. Pretty well balanced from front to back, I would like to see him standing in a little better position. In my opinion we are paying to much attention to cattle judging. I liked to pick a bull for what changes he would make in my herd, I will admit we often followed the most popular trends. The last 30 years with cross breeding and everything conformation has made little diifference.

If we follow what SH and MRJ are trying to tell us, the look of our cattle won't be very important. What will count is what the carcass looks like when it is hung.

Pretty is as pretty does :D

The proof is in the puddin' :lol:

You don't eat what the animal looks like you eat what it produces. That said it has to produce that product efficiently under your management conditions.

I don't put much stock in the show ring . Example a friend of mines nephew at their county fair got 4th place out of 5 head in the ring second place for rate of gain and 1st in the carcass class.Eye appeal is important to look for soundness issues and frame size It proabaly will be a year before I know if it was a wise investment but that is the time line mother nature made
Well I actually really like herfs, and baldies, be it red or white . :wink:

He could use a little more pigment around the eyes but since you are cross breeding they should, I hope, have goggle eyes on the calves ?

As long as he adds positive aspects to your calves Scout then he is a good bull, no matter what anyone else says :D
Looks like a typical modern day Hereford. Could be deeper, could pack more muscle. Ought to calve easy and cover ground though. I'll be surprised if his calves ring any bells for carcass traits, although I've been wrong before.
PureCountry said:
Looks like a typical modern day Hereford. Could be deeper, could pack more muscle. Ought to calve easy and cover ground though. I'll be surprised if his calves ring any bells for carcass traits, although I've been wrong before.

His depth is actually really good just don't really show up in the pics he just came off of 30 hd of cows , not trying to make excuses just my opinion. I believe your right on the carcass traits , proably produce just run of the mill carcasses but I believe his calves should convert great we,ll find out.

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