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First time using bud box (results)

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Well-known member
May 16, 2008
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We've been building a corral for a couple months and finally finished and got to use it yesterday. I asked for advice and tips and received many from ppl on here. We built it with a bud box and I just wanted to share my experience from today.

The box we built was 12x20. I worked the box and got along well. I will say it was a little tight with flighty cows but worked well. I was truly amazed at how well the calves loaded the alley from the box. These were 200# calves and I would run five at a time thru.

I would build another one in my next corral but I would make the box bigger. Not saying I'm the best stockman in the world but I wouldn't just put anyone in there to run the box. Could be a good way to get hurt.

Special thanks to FlyingS for texting back and forth giving me suggestions and ideas. Really appreciate it.
If the cattle are real flighty, you may be able to work them thru standing on the outside of the box.

And I agree with the others, pics would be great.

Glad it worked out.

bart. †

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