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going rates on fencing in your area

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2011
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What's the going rates for fencing in your area? I've been refencing some of our road frontage and have been asked for some quotes on some fencing projects. All wood posts with woven wire (they supply everything)
Around here I have seen people asking 3.50 a foot for 4 strand barb I know the fence that I am currently putting in is around 3.00 a foot but I bought all my fencing 3 years ago
cure said:
Around here I have seen people asking 3.50 a foot for 4 strand barb I know the fence that I am currently putting in is around 3.00 a foot but I bought all my fencing 3 years ago

A quick math deal in my head says your figgers amount to 15,000$--17,500+ per mile.

I can't quite buy that---but I'll be glad to come down and build you a bunch--
Are those bids supplying everything or they for just putting up the fence?
One guy here charges 3.50 a ft and he supplies everything. Another one puts it up at 1.50 a ft and you supply everything.
My one foray into custom fencing wasn't too successful I worked for a guy putting in 4 1/2 miles in some real hilly crap. I got a coffee for breakfast-a balony sandwich at 2'00 and a pizza pop at dark and he forgot to pay. It was just like going to a fat farm-I lost weight got a nice tan and it only cost me $1200 bucks lol. For $3.50 a foot I'd almost be tempted to come out of retirement as long as you don't like your fences too straight.
at 3.50 a foot, they must be trying to pay for one of those self-propelled post pounders, with one job :wink: :D

maybe should quit baling and go fencing :?
All bids that I know of include material and labor after my first post I ran into a guy that fences for a living and he told me that 3.50 for meadow and 4.00 for hill.
You guys don't tell Leanin' H. The guys he works for have him digging with a bar and a soup can for ten cents a hole. :wink:

The contactors here start at 6.50 a meter (39 inches) and go up from there for construction only on wire fence. Log fence starts at $25 to $30 per panel if building through material and goes up if logs have to be hauled very far. A good log (snake) fence is basically maintenance free for the first 20 years
Balers I mean. And I meant all the 4 strand barb wire with ties for corners and a post every foot for 3.50 a foot. Barded wire here is 70 bucks a roll at the most and even figure if you figure posts at 10 bucks a pop that's no more than 5 grand a mile in supplies. At 3.50 a foot that's over 10 grand a mile in labor. Like I said ill put in all the fence you want for that price.
$0.45-$0.80 / ft labor only in our area. We have a local guy doing about 3 miles at .45/ft. Materials for a 3 strand barbed wire fence I figure around .35/ft. $3.50/ft for labor is plumb crazy. I agree with some of you, I'd have my cows sold yesterday and be finding all the high school kids I could to put clips on!
3.50 a ft is including wovven wire and posts etc... not just labor. Which I think is still high.
3.50 a ft is including wovven wire and posts etc... not just labor. Which I think is still high.
2 years ago I had bids between $52 and $80 dollars and hour for repair and that included 2 men. The going rate to build fence here is around $2500/mile. The land owner supplies all the supplies, the contracter supplies tools and equipment.

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