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Guvment squeezing Teats?

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Sandhusker said:
Sounds like you're anti-corporate, Mike. :wink:

Nope. Just the morons that don't believe "the big boys" can squash the little operator through political maneuverings. There has to be balance. Legislating that balance using the old "follow the money" cliche usually does follow it. Right to the "campaign donations".
Mike said:
Sandhusker said:
Sounds like you're anti-corporate, Mike. :wink:

Nope. Just the morons that don't believe "the big boys" can squash the little operator through political maneuverings. There has to be balance. Legislating that balance using the old "follow the money" cliche usually does follow it. Right to the "campaign donations".

Amen. I'm with you.
Mike I am so glad you posted that. It is exactly what I have been saying for years. When I read the article, all I could say was GD GD GD. And I don't talk like that very often. I just make me so mad at how much power the government has. And we seem to be moving more and more away from capitalism and closer toward socialism. I know that some government assistant needs to be maintained to help the less forutorunit if for no other reason than to decrees crime by those that are starving. But let's don't make the lazy rich at the expense of those that are willing to get out and work. Capitalism has made this country great and socialism killed the Soviet Union. Now you got me worked up Mike. I think I will go take a chill pill.
Bama, How did the Hay day go on Saturday? We had a fund raiser for the community center here and I was in charge of cooking the Boston Butts and Camp Stew. I think I'll retire from the cooking profession.
You still got that angus bull? My two heifers were in heat on Monday.
Hay day was a big success. Come pick out the bull you want. You know the number.

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