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Hammonds Back to Prison

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Apr 5, 2007
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for doing controlled burns that spread to government land years ago, to serve more time, although it's okay for the government to do controlled burns that spread to private land, or rioters to burn whatever the hell they want.

Did I read that the local militia just took over the gubmint land in protest? Good for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ranchers Lives Matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
some say Barry wants this battle to vilify Liberty supporters. How the hell did this country get to this point?
FROM Facebook-


The Constitution Proves the Militia is RIGHT!

The militia is correct in it's interpretation of this case.

Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads as follows:

"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings."

Based upon the Constitution itself the federal government has no actual authority over the lands that they claim the Hammonds burned. It is State land as there is none of the above functions of the Federal level land ownership uses.

The REAL Story:

The feds, operating outside the law, are trying to jail two men without legal jurisdiction. Instead the tables turned when armed Militiamen seized their federal complex instead!

The Bundy family of Nevada joined with hard-core militiamen Saturday to take over the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, vowing to occupy the remote federal outpost 50 miles southeast of Burns - pictured below - for years.

The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers – militia and local citizens both – paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison Monday.

The story could set the stage for a western-style soap opera.

"I call it 'as the sagebrush burns,'" said Erin Maupin of the long and storied history involving the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), special interest groups and the cattle ranchers on the Steens Mountain of Oregon.

The latest scene involved two ranchers being sentenced to five years in federal prison for inadvertantly burning about 140 acres of BLM rangeland in two separate fires, years ago. That is an area big enough to feed about three cow-calf pairs for a year in that neck of the woods.

Dwight, 73 and son Steven, 46, admitted in a 2012 court case, to lighting two different fires. Both fires started on Hammonds' private property. An August lightening storm started numerous fires and a burn ban was in effect while BLM firefighters fought those fires. Despite the ban, without permission or notification to BLM, Steven Hammond started several "back fires" in an attempt to save the ranch's winter feed. The "back burn" fire break worked and protected the Hammond's ranch. BLM firefighters saw the back-burn and called it into their headquarters as an "arson."

Sadly, wind drove the back-burn onto federal land, on which the Hammonds paid for grazing rights. Despite this, the US Attorney for Oregon prosecuted the two men, saying they committed arson against federal property along with nine other charges. The jury convicted the men of only two charges, starting the fires they readily admitted to starting.

Arson against federal property calls for a mandatory minimum sentence of five years prison. The Hammonds argued that such minimum mandatory sentences were unconstitutional and a judge agreed. He sentenced the two men to LESS than the five years. Not satisfied, the US Attorney appealed and the Ninth US Circuit ordered the District Court to re-sentence the men in accordance with the statute.

The fires

The first, in 2001, was a planned burn on Hammonds' own property to reduce juniper trees that have become invasive in that part of the country. That fire burned outside the Hammonds' private property line and took in 138 acres of unfenced BLM land before the Hammonds got it put out. No BLM firefighters were needed to help extinguish the fire and no fences were damaged.

Dwight's wife Susan shared some crucial details in an exclusive interview with SuperStation95.

"They called and got permission to light the fire," she said, adding that was customary for ranchers conducting range management burns – a common practice in the area.

"We usually called the interagency fire outfit – a main dispatch – to be sure someone wasn't in the way or that weather would be a problem." Susan said her son Steven was told that the BLM was conducting a burn of their own somewhere in the region that very same day, but that they believed there would be no problem with the Hammonds going ahead with their planned fire. The court transcript includes the same information in a recording from that phone conversation.

In cross-examination of a prosecution witness, the court transcript also includes admission from Mr. Ward, a range conservationist that the 2001 fire improved the rangeland conditions on BLM.

Maupin, a former range technician and watershed specialist who resigned from the BLM in 1999, said that collaborative burns between private ranchers and the BLM had become popular in the late 1990s because local university extension researchers were recommending it as a means to manage invasive juniper that steal water from grass and other cover.

"Juniper encroachment had become an issue on the forefront and was starting to come to a head. We were trying to figure out how to deal with it on a large scale," said the woman whose family also neighbored the Hammonds for a couple of years.

"In 1999, the BLM started to try to do large scale burn projects. We started to be successful on the Steens Mountain especially when we started to do it on a large watershed scale as opposed to trying to follow property lines."

Because private and federal land is intermingled, collaborative burns were much more effective than individual burns that would cover a smaller area, Maupin said.

Susan said the second fire, in 2006, was a backfire started by Steven to protect their property from lightening fires.

"There was fire all around them that was going to burn our house and all of our trees and everything. The opportunity to set a back-fire was there and it was very successful. It saved a bunch of land from burning," she remembers.

The BLM asserts that one acre of federal land was burned by the Hammonds' backfire and Susan says determining which fire burned which land is "a joke" because fire burned from every direction.

Neighbor Ruthie Danielson also remembers that evening and agrees. "Lightening strikes were everywhere, fires were going off," she said.

Maupin said prescribed burns to manage juniper were common in the late 1990s and early 2000s, best done late in the fall when the days are cooler.

Prescribed burns on federal land in their area have all but stopped due to pressure from "special interest groups," Maupin said. As a result, wildfires now burn much hotter due to a "ladder" of material on the ground – grass, brush and trees.

"The fires now burn really hot and they sterilize the ground. Then you have a weed patch that comes back."

Maupin said planned burning in cooler weather like the Hammonds chose to do improves the quality of the forage, and makes for better sage grouse habitat by removing juniper trees that suck up water and house raptors – a sage grouse predator.

After 34 years working for the U.S. Forest Service in Oregon, Rusty Inglis resigned from his position with the federal government and now ranches about 40 miles from the Hammonds and is unique in the area – he has no federal land permits and operates strictly on private land.

"The Hammond family is not arsonists. They are number one, top notch. They know their land management."


The Hammonds were charged with 9 counts in the original court case.

The BLM accused the Hammonds of several 2006 fires, including a large one known as the Granddad, which blazed about 46,000 acres.

According to the 2012 sentencing document, the jury found the men innocent or were deadlocked on all but two counts – the two fires the men admitted to starting – burning a total of about 140 acres.

Judge Hogen dismissed testimony from a disgruntled grandson who testified that the 2001 fire endangered his life and that of local hunters, saying the boy was very young and referencing a feud that may have influenced the testimony.

"Well, the damage was juniper trees and sagebrush, and there might have been a hundred dollars." He added.

More to the story?

During her tenure with as a full time BLM employee from 1997-1999, Maupin recalls other fires accidentally spilling over onto BLM land, but only the Hammonds have been charged, arrested and sentenced, she said. Ranchers might be burning invasive species or maybe weeds in the ditch. "They would call and the BLM would go and help put it out and it was not big deal."

On the flip side, Maupin remembers numerous times that BLM-lit fires jumped to private land. Neighbors lost significant numbers of cattle in more than one BLM fire that escaped intended containment lines and quickly swallowed up large amounts of private land. To her knowledge, no ranchers have been compensated for lost livestock or other loss of property such as fences.

Gary Miller, who ranches near Frenchglen, about 35 miles from the Hammonds' hometown, said that in 2012, the BLM lit numerous backfires that ended up burning his private land, BLM permit and killed about 65 cows.

A youtube.com video named BLM Working at Burning Frenchglen-July 10, 2012 shows "back burn" fires allegedly lit by BLM personnel that are upwind of the main fire, including around Gary Miller's corrals. The fire that appeared ready to die down several times, eventually burned around 160,000 acres, Miller said.

Bill Wilber, a Harney County rancher, said five lightening strikes on July 13, 2014, merged to create a fire on Bartlett Mountain. The fire flew through his private ground, burned a BLM allotment and killed 39 cows and calves.

While the fire could have been contained and stopped, BLM restrictions prevent local firefighting efforts like building a fireline, so only after taking in 397,000 acres did the fire finally stop when it came up against a series of roads.

Two South Dakota prescribed burns, ignited by the U.S. Forest Service, blew out of control, burning thousands of acres of federal and private land in 2013. Ranchers that suffered extensive property damage from the Perkins County, South Dakota, "Pautre fire," filed tort claims in accordance with federal requirements, but will receive no compensation because USDA found the U.S. Forest Service not responsible for that fire.

Why the Hammonds?

"The story is like an onion, you just keep peeling back the layers," Maupin said.

In an effort to stave off what they feared was a pending Clinton/Babbitt monument designation in 2000, a group of ranchers on the scenic Steens Mountain worked with Oregon Representative Greg Walden, a republican, to draft and enact the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Act that would prevent such a deed. The ranchers agreed to work with special interest "environmental" groups like the aggressive Oregon Natural Desert Association and others to protect the higher-than 10,000 foot breathtaking peak.

A number of ranchers at the top of the mountain traded their BLM permits and private property for land on the valley floor, allowing the anti-grazing groups to create a 170,000 acre wilderness, with almost 100,000 acres being "cow-free."

"The last holdouts on that cow-free wilderness were the Hammonds," explained Maupin. And because the Hammonds have large chunks of private property in the heart of the cooperative management area, they carried a target on their backs.

"It's become more and more obvious over the years that that the BLM and the wildlife refuge want that ranch. It would tie in with what they have," said Inglis.

The Hammonds also lost their ability to water cattle on one BLM permit when refuge personnel drained a watering hole that the Hammonds had always used.

Maupin said the government scientists and resource managers working "on the ground" supported the Hammonds' use of the water but that the high level bureaucrats backed special interest anti-grazing groups. "There is a huge disconnect between employees on the ground and the decision-makers," she said, building tension between ranchers and federal agencies.

In the Hammonds' plea agreement in the 2012 trial, the BLM obtained the first right of refusal should the family have to sell their land and BLM leases, Maupin added.

The Maupins themselves had a small lease that also bordered the "cow-free wilderness" and the Oregon Natural Desert Association was "relentless in their pursuit to have us off, in order to expand the cow-free wilderness," Maupin said. The group would criticize the ranchers' water usage, causing them to pipe water to their cattle, which in turn instigated more complaints from the group.

Eventually the Maupins sold their permit and moved.

But the Hammonds remained.

Steve and Dwight Hammond are sheduled to turn themselves in for their prison sentences next week but there is a severe Constitutional problem with their entire case: The federal government is not authorized to own or manage the land involved in this affair! Thus, it was patently illegal for the feds to have ever prosecuted these men and thrown them in jail. Even worse, after the men served their sentences, the government came back to court to have them jailed LONGER! That's what is set to begin this coming week! THAT is why the militia is stepping-up; because the feds are running roughshod over the Constitution. They are exercising power they do not have and ignoring the constitution. Some view the federal government as having become tyrants.

The Hammond family has sold their cattle. Their BLM permit has not been renewed for two years, leaving them unable to use even a large amount of intermingled private land.

The family is in the "last challenge" to re-obtain their grazing permit. "I don't know what happens after that," Susan said. "We have done everything according to their rules and regulations and there is no reason that they should not give us back our permit."

The new, five-year prison sentence sets a worrisome precedent for area ranchers, Maupin said.

"Now the sky is the limit. It doesn't have to be fire, it can be trespass with cattle."

Another precedent – one for fire that burns beyond expectations – should apply to everyone, including federal employees, though, Maupin points out.

Susan Hammond isn't sure where to go from here.

"We've been fighting it for five years. We don't want to destroy people as we are fighting it even if it is a BLM employee," she said, "They live in our community and they have families. We respect that." The situation could get even more ugly but that "it's not going to be our fault," she said.

Maupin talked about the Hammonds helping her and her husband with ranch work, like hauling cattle, lending portable panels and never expecting anything in return. Wilber recalled them hauling 4-H calves to the fair for neighbors and Inglis said Dwight once offered to lend him money because he thought he needed help. "Here's a guy with $400,000 in fines and legal bills I can't imagine, worrying about my welfare," said Inglis.

"I think that's the biggest point of all of this – how can you prosecute people as terrorists when they aren't a terrorist?"

Which brings us to today . . .

Several hundred armed Patriots from various Militia have now seized the federal wildlife refuge and its buildings. Instead of the feds getting the Hammond Ranch, the feds have now lost their wildlife refuge. The Militia have brought trailer loads of supplies and plan to keep control of the federal wildlife area "for years."

Among the occupiers is Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and two of his brothers. Militia members at the refuge claimed they had as many as 150 supporters with them. The refuge was closed and unoccupied for the weekend.

In phone interviews from inside the occupied building Saturday night, Ammon Bundy and his brother, Ryan Bundy, said they are not looking to hurt anyone. But they would not rule out violence if law enforcement tries to remove them, they said, though they declined to elaborate.

"The facility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds," Ammon Bundy said.

"We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," he added. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."

Neither would say how many people are in the building or whether they are armed. Ryan Bundy said the group would release a statement shortly.

"We will do whatever it takes to maintain our freedom," he said.

Government sources told SuperStation95 that the militia also was planning to occupy a closed wildland fire station near the town of Frenchglen. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management posts crews there during the fire season.
Law enforcement officials so far have not commented on the situation. Oregon State Police, the Harney County Sheriff's Office and the FBI were involved.

Ammon Bundy had a video posted on his Facebook page calling on patriots from across the country should to report to the refuge – with their weapons.

The dramatic turn came after other militia groups had tried to damp down community concerns they meant trouble.

Brandon Curtiss, a militia leader from Idaho, told SuperStation95 he knew nothing about the occupation. He helped organize Saturday's protest and was at the Harney County Fairgrounds with dozens of other militia for a post-parade function.

The occupation is being led by hard-core militia who adopted the Hammond cause as their own.

Ammon Bundy met with Dwight Hammond and his wife in November, seeking a way to keep the elderly rancher from having to surrender for prison. The Hammonds professed through their attorneys that they had no interest in ignoring the order to report for prison.

Ammon Bundy said the goal is to turn over federal land to local ranchers, loggers and miners. He said he met with 10 or so residents in Burns on Friday to try to recruit them, but they declined.

"We went to the local communities and presented it many times and to many different people," he said. "They were not strong enough to make the stand. So many individuals across the United States and in Oregon are making this stand. We hope they will grab onto this and realize that it's been happening."

Among those joining Bundy in the occupation are Ryan Payne, U.S. Army veteran, and Blaine Cooper. Payne has claimed to have helped organize militia snipers to target federal agents in a standoff last year in Nevada. He told one news organization the federal agents would have been killed had they made the wrong move.

He has been a steady presence in Burns in recent weeks, questioning people who were critical of the militia's presence. He typically had a holstered sidearm as he moved around the community.

At a community meeting in Burns Friday, Payne disavowed any ill intentions.

"The agenda is to uphold the Constitution. That's all," he said.

Cooper, another militia leader, said at that meeting he participated in the Bundy standoff in Nevada.

"I went there to defend Cliven with my life," Cooper said.

The Constitution Proves the Militia is RIGHT!

The militia is correct in it's interpretation of this case.

Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads as follows:

"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings."

Based upon the Constitution itself the federal government has no actual authority over the lands that they claim the Hammonds burned. It is State land as there is none of the above functions of the Federal level land ownership uses.


And as an added note, Congress can not legally and lawfully add to their listed duties, jurisdiction and authority through the legislative process. That must be done by the Amendment process in the Constitution itself despite all the lies that the saboteurs will try on you. Any so called 'act of Congress' that furthers their power in violation of the listed duties in the Constitution itself is in fact null and void as if it had never been enacted.



The Constitution Proves the Militia is RIGHT!

The militia is correct in it's interpretation of this case.

Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads as follows:

"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings."

Based upon the Constitution itself the federal government has no actual authority over the lands that they claim the Hammonds burned. It is State land as there is none of the above functions of the Federal level land ownership uses.

The REAL Story:

The feds, operating outside the law, are trying to jail two men without legal jurisdiction. Instead the tables turned when armed Militiamen seized their federal complex instead!

The Bundy family of Nevada joined with hard-core militiamen Saturday to take over the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, vowing to occupy the remote federal outpost 50 miles southeast of Burns - pictured below - for years.

The occupation came shortly after an estimated 300 marchers – militia and local citizens both – paraded through Burns to protest the prosecution of two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and Steven Hammond, who are to report to prison Monday.

The story could set the stage for a western-style soap opera.

"I call it 'as the sagebrush burns,'" said Erin Maupin of the long and storied history involving the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), special interest groups and the cattle ranchers on the Steens Mountain of Oregon.

The latest scene involved two ranchers being sentenced to five years in federal prison for inadvertantly burning about 140 acres of BLM rangeland in two separate fires, years ago. That is an area big enough to feed about three cow-calf pairs for a year in that neck of the woods.

Dwight, 73 and son Steven, 46, admitted in a 2012 court case, to lighting two different fires. Both fires started on Hammonds' private property. An August lightening storm started numerous fires and a burn ban was in effect while BLM firefighters fought those fires. Despite the ban, without permission or notification to BLM, Steven Hammond started several "back fires" in an attempt to save the ranch's winter feed. The "back burn" fire break worked and protected the Hammond's ranch. BLM firefighters saw the back-burn and called it into their headquarters as an "arson."

Sadly, wind drove the back-burn onto federal land, on which the Hammonds paid for grazing rights. Despite this, the US Attorney for Oregon prosecuted the two men, saying they committed arson against federal property along with nine other charges. The jury convicted the men of only two charges, starting the fires they readily admitted to starting.

Arson against federal property calls for a mandatory minimum sentence of five years prison. The Hammonds argued that such minimum mandatory sentences were unconstitutional and a judge agreed. He sentenced the two men to LESS than the five years. Not satisfied, the US Attorney appealed and the Ninth US Circuit ordered the District Court to re-sentence the men in accordance with the statute.

The fires

The first, in 2001, was a planned burn on Hammonds' own property to reduce juniper trees that have become invasive in that part of the country. That fire burned outside the Hammonds' private property line and took in 138 acres of unfenced BLM land before the Hammonds got it put out. No BLM firefighters were needed to help extinguish the fire and no fences were damaged.

Dwight's wife Susan shared some crucial details in an exclusive interview with SuperStation95.

"They called and got permission to light the fire," she said, adding that was customary for ranchers conducting range management burns – a common practice in the area.

"We usually called the interagency fire outfit – a main dispatch – to be sure someone wasn't in the way or that weather would be a problem." Susan said her son Steven was told that the BLM was conducting a burn of their own somewhere in the region that very same day, but that they believed there would be no problem with the Hammonds going ahead with their planned fire. The court transcript includes the same information in a recording from that phone conversation.

In cross-examination of a prosecution witness, the court transcript also includes admission from Mr. Ward, a range conservationist that the 2001 fire improved the rangeland conditions on BLM.

Maupin, a former range technician and watershed specialist who resigned from the BLM in 1999, said that collaborative burns between private ranchers and the BLM had become popular in the late 1990s because local university extension researchers were recommending it as a means to manage invasive juniper that steal water from grass and other cover.

"Juniper encroachment had become an issue on the forefront and was starting to come to a head. We were trying to figure out how to deal with it on a large scale," said the woman whose family also neighbored the Hammonds for a couple of years.

"In 1999, the BLM started to try to do large scale burn projects. We started to be successful on the Steens Mountain especially when we started to do it on a large watershed scale as opposed to trying to follow property lines."

Because private and federal land is intermingled, collaborative burns were much more effective than individual burns that would cover a smaller area, Maupin said.

Susan said the second fire, in 2006, was a backfire started by Steven to protect their property from lightening fires.

"There was fire all around them that was going to burn our house and all of our trees and everything. The opportunity to set a back-fire was there and it was very successful. It saved a bunch of land from burning," she remembers.

The BLM asserts that one acre of federal land was burned by the Hammonds' backfire and Susan says determining which fire burned which land is "a joke" because fire burned from every direction.

Neighbor Ruthie Danielson also remembers that evening and agrees. "Lightening strikes were everywhere, fires were going off," she said.

Maupin said prescribed burns to manage juniper were common in the late 1990s and early 2000s, best done late in the fall when the days are cooler.

Prescribed burns on federal land in their area have all but stopped due to pressure from "special interest groups," Maupin said. As a result, wildfires now burn much hotter due to a "ladder" of material on the ground – grass, brush and trees.

"The fires now burn really hot and they sterilize the ground. Then you have a weed patch that comes back."

Maupin said planned burning in cooler weather like the Hammonds chose to do improves the quality of the forage, and makes for better sage grouse habitat by removing juniper trees that suck up water and house raptors – a sage grouse predator.

After 34 years working for the U.S. Forest Service in Oregon, Rusty Inglis resigned from his position with the federal government and now ranches about 40 miles from the Hammonds and is unique in the area – he has no federal land permits and operates strictly on private land.

"The Hammond family is not arsonists. They are number one, top notch. They know their land management."


The Hammonds were charged with 9 counts in the original court case.

The BLM accused the Hammonds of several 2006 fires, including a large one known as the Granddad, which blazed about 46,000 acres.

According to the 2012 sentencing document, the jury found the men innocent or were deadlocked on all but two counts – the two fires the men admitted to starting – burning a total of about 140 acres.

Judge Hogen dismissed testimony from a disgruntled grandson who testified that the 2001 fire endangered his life and that of local hunters, saying the boy was very young and referencing a feud that may have influenced the testimony.

"Well, the damage was juniper trees and sagebrush, and there might have been a hundred dollars." He added.

More to the story?

During her tenure with as a full time BLM employee from 1997-1999, Maupin recalls other fires accidentally spilling over onto BLM land, but only the Hammonds have been charged, arrested and sentenced, she said. Ranchers might be burning invasive species or maybe weeds in the ditch. "They would call and the BLM would go and help put it out and it was not big deal."

On the flip side, Maupin remembers numerous times that BLM-lit fires jumped to private land. Neighbors lost significant numbers of cattle in more than one BLM fire that escaped intended containment lines and quickly swallowed up large amounts of private land. To her knowledge, no ranchers have been compensated for lost livestock or other loss of property such as fences.

Gary Miller, who ranches near Frenchglen, about 35 miles from the Hammonds' hometown, said that in 2012, the BLM lit numerous backfires that ended up burning his private land, BLM permit and killed about 65 cows.

A youtube.com video named BLM Working at Burning Frenchglen-July 10, 2012 shows "back burn" fires allegedly lit by BLM personnel that are upwind of the main fire, including around Gary Miller's corrals. The fire that appeared ready to die down several times, eventually burned around 160,000 acres, Miller said.

Bill Wilber, a Harney County rancher, said five lightening strikes on July 13, 2014, merged to create a fire on Bartlett Mountain. The fire flew through his private ground, burned a BLM allotment and killed 39 cows and calves.

While the fire could have been contained and stopped, BLM restrictions prevent local firefighting efforts like building a fireline, so only after taking in 397,000 acres did the fire finally stop when it came up against a series of roads.

Two South Dakota prescribed burns, ignited by the U.S. Forest Service, blew out of control, burning thousands of acres of federal and private land in 2013. Ranchers that suffered extensive property damage from the Perkins County, South Dakota, "Pautre fire," filed tort claims in accordance with federal requirements, but will receive no compensation because USDA found the U.S. Forest Service not responsible for that fire.

Why the Hammonds?

"The story is like an onion, you just keep peeling back the layers," Maupin said.

In an effort to stave off what they feared was a pending Clinton/Babbitt monument designation in 2000, a group of ranchers on the scenic Steens Mountain worked with Oregon Representative Greg Walden, a republican, to draft and enact the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Act that would prevent such a deed. The ranchers agreed to work with special interest "environmental" groups like the aggressive Oregon Natural Desert Association and others to protect the higher-than 10,000 foot breathtaking peak.

A number of ranchers at the top of the mountain traded their BLM permits and private property for land on the valley floor, allowing the anti-grazing groups to create a 170,000 acre wilderness, with almost 100,000 acres being "cow-free."

"The last holdouts on that cow-free wilderness were the Hammonds," explained Maupin. And because the Hammonds have large chunks of private property in the heart of the cooperative management area, they carried a target on their backs.

"It's become more and more obvious over the years that that the BLM and the wildlife refuge want that ranch. It would tie in with what they have," said Inglis.

The Hammonds also lost their ability to water cattle on one BLM permit when refuge personnel drained a watering hole that the Hammonds had always used.

Maupin said the government scientists and resource managers working "on the ground" supported the Hammonds' use of the water but that the high level bureaucrats backed special interest anti-grazing groups. "There is a huge disconnect between employees on the ground and the decision-makers," she said, building tension between ranchers and federal agencies.

In the Hammonds' plea agreement in the 2012 trial, the BLM obtained the first right of refusal should the family have to sell their land and BLM leases, Maupin added.

The Maupins themselves had a small lease that also bordered the "cow-free wilderness" and the Oregon Natural Desert Association was "relentless in their pursuit to have us off, in order to expand the cow-free wilderness," Maupin said. The group would criticize the ranchers' water usage, causing them to pipe water to their cattle, which in turn instigated more complaints from the group.

Eventually the Maupins sold their permit and moved.

But the Hammonds remained.

Steve and Dwight Hammond are sheduled to turn themselves in for their prison sentences next week but there is a severe Constitutional problem with their entire case: The federal government is not authorized to own or manage the land involved in this affair! Thus, it was patently illegal for the feds to have ever prosecuted these men and thrown them in jail. Even worse, after the men served their sentences, the government came back to court to have them jailed LONGER! That's what is set to begin this coming week! THAT is why the militia is stepping-up; because the feds are running roughshod over the Constitution. They are exercising power they do not have and ignoring the constitution. Some view the federal government as having become tyrants.

The Hammond family has sold their cattle. Their BLM permit has not been renewed for two years, leaving them unable to use even a large amount of intermingled private land.

The family is in the "last challenge" to re-obtain their grazing permit. "I don't know what happens after that," Susan said. "We have done everything according to their rules and regulations and there is no reason that they should not give us back our permit."

The new, five-year prison sentence sets a worrisome precedent for area ranchers, Maupin said.

"Now the sky is the limit. It doesn't have to be fire, it can be trespass with cattle."

Another precedent – one for fire that burns beyond expectations – should apply to everyone, including federal employees, though, Maupin points out.

Susan Hammond isn't sure where to go from here.

"We've been fighting it for five years. We don't want to destroy people as we are fighting it even if it is a BLM employee," she said, "They live in our community and they have families. We respect that." The situation could get even more ugly but that "it's not going to be our fault," she said.

Maupin talked about the Hammonds helping her and her husband with ranch work, like hauling cattle, lending portable panels and never expecting anything in return. Wilber recalled them hauling 4-H calves to the fair for neighbors and Inglis said Dwight once offered to lend him money because he thought he needed help. "Here's a guy with $400,000 in fines and legal bills I can't imagine, worrying about my welfare," said Inglis.

"I think that's the biggest point of all of this – how can you prosecute people as terrorists when they aren't a terrorist?"

Which brings us to today . . .

Several hundred armed Patriots from various Militia have now seized the federal wildlife refuge and its buildings. Instead of the feds getting the Hammond Ranch, the feds have now lost their wildlife refuge. The Militia have brought trailer loads of supplies and plan to keep control of the federal wildlife area "for years."

Among the occupiers is Ammon Bundy, son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and two of his brothers. Militia members at the refuge claimed they had as many as 150 supporters with them. The refuge was closed and unoccupied for the weekend.

In phone interviews from inside the occupied building Saturday night, Ammon Bundy and his brother, Ryan Bundy, said they are not looking to hurt anyone. But they would not rule out violence if law enforcement tries to remove them, they said, though they declined to elaborate.

"The facility has been the tool to do all the tyranny that has been placed upon the Hammonds," Ammon Bundy said.

"We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," he added. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."

Neither would say how many people are in the building or whether they are armed. Ryan Bundy said the group would release a statement shortly.

"We will do whatever it takes to maintain our freedom," he said.

Government sources told SuperStation95 that the militia also was planning to occupy a closed wildland fire station near the town of Frenchglen. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management posts crews there during the fire season.
Law enforcement officials so far have not commented on the situation. Oregon State Police, the Harney County Sheriff's Office and the FBI were involved.

Ammon Bundy had a video posted on his Facebook page calling on patriots from across the country should to report to the refuge – with their weapons.

The dramatic turn came after other militia groups had tried to damp down community concerns they meant trouble.

Brandon Curtiss, a militia leader from Idaho, told SuperStation95 he knew nothing about the occupation. He helped organize Saturday's protest and was at the Harney County Fairgrounds with dozens of other militia for a post-parade function.

The occupation is being led by hard-core militia who adopted the Hammond cause as their own.

Ammon Bundy met with Dwight Hammond and his wife in November, seeking a way to keep the elderly rancher from having to surrender for prison. The Hammonds professed through their attorneys that they had no interest in ignoring the order to report for prison.

Ammon Bundy said the goal is to turn over federal land to local ranchers, loggers and miners. He said he met with 10 or so residents in Burns on Friday to try to recruit them, but they declined.

"We went to the local communities and presented it many times and to many different people," he said. "They were not strong enough to make the stand. So many individuals across the United States and in Oregon are making this stand. We hope they will grab onto this and realize that it's been happening."

Among those joining Bundy in the occupation are Ryan Payne, U.S. Army veteran, and Blaine Cooper. Payne has claimed to have helped organize militia snipers to target federal agents in a standoff last year in Nevada. He told one news organization the federal agents would have been killed had they made the wrong move.

He has been a steady presence in Burns in recent weeks, questioning people who were critical of the militia's presence. He typically had a holstered sidearm as he moved around the community.

At a community meeting in Burns Friday, Payne disavowed any ill intentions.

"The agenda is to uphold the Constitution. That's all," he said.

Cooper, another militia leader, said at that meeting he participated in the Bundy standoff in Nevada.

"I went there to defend Cliven with my life," Cooper said.

The Constitution Proves the Militia is RIGHT!

The militia is correct in it's interpretation of this case.

Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution, which reads as follows:

"To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings."

Based upon the Constitution itself the federal government has no actual authority over the lands that they claim the Hammonds burned. It is State land as there is none of the above functions of the Federal level land ownership uses.


And as an added note, Congress can not legally and lawfully add to their listed duties, jurisdiction and authority through the legislative process. That must be done by the Amendment process in the Constitution itself despite all the lies that the saboteurs will try on you. Any so called 'act of Congress' that furthers their power in violation of the listed duties in the Constitution itself is in fact null and void as if it had never been enacted.

I read today on the innernets that Hammond's had supposedly poached a number of deer, 7 or maybe more, and started one of the fires to hide the fact. Might have been in some liberal FB rant that included tweets from Money Mutual idjit Montel Williams calling for the occupiers to all be killed.

There's a helluva lot of misinformation about all this floating around.
Ladies and Gentlemen here is a chance to help the Hammonds.

Hello all,

Sorry to pester everybody, but I think this is very important. The Hammonds are ranchers in Oregon and set a back fire several years ago in an effort to stop a rangefire that was approaching their ranch. No one was hurt in the fire and no property damage occurred. But, the BLM took offense at their lack of respect for its authority (only the feds are allowed to set back fires) and brought arson charges against them. The ranchers were convicted, but the judge felt sorry for them and sentenced them to less than the 5 year mandatory sentence demanded by the feds. The ranchers served their sentences, but the federal prosecutor than filed an appeal to get the minimum 5-year sentences re-imposed and won. The ranchers are scheduled to go back to prison Monday. This petition probably won't help, but it's worth a try. Our arrogant federal bureaucrats have to be reined in. I don't personally know the Hammonds but am very sympathetic to their plight and feel we all need to start standing up for our neighbors. I'm sure a Google search will give you more information.


From: Demar Dahl [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 6:33 PM
To: 'Pam Borda' <[email protected]>; 'Rex Steninger' <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Hammond Family Ranch

From: Nevada Cattlemen's Association [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 8:28 AM
To: Nevada Cattlemen's Association <[email protected]>
Subject: Hammond Family Ranch

NCA Membership,

Please see the message below being sent on behalf of Kim Rollins from Burns, Oregon. It is in reference to the two eastern Oregon men, Dwight and Steven Hammond, for setting fires on their ranch that spread to government lands. They were tried in Federal Court for arson on Federal Lands. Kim is asking for assistance in obtaining signatures for a petition to commute the sentence for the remainder of the Appeals Court Sentence.

This message is just for your information and it is up to you if you would like to sign onto the petition. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the NCA Office at 775-738-9214.

David Stix Jr.

President Nevada Cattlemen's Association

Rancher Matter - Help needed! These folks are not bad people, they have served some time and are being sent back for more. The Government has obtained "first right of refusal if they are required to sell their ranch. Help is urgently need. Nearly 100,000 signatures is a lot for the citizens (7200) of one small county to get. Please sign petition and pass it along to family, friends and other organizations.It will require 3333 and a 1/3 signatures a day for 30 days, so it needs to get out. Thank you for any consideration you might give. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/commute-sentences-dwight-lincoln-hammond-jr-and-steven-dwight-hammond-both-harney-county-oregon

Kim Rollins

Burns, OR
The Case for Civil Disobedience in Oregon: Vindictive Government Prosecution
National Review | 01/05/2016 | David French

Watching the news yesterday, a person could be forgiven for thinking that a small group of Americans had literally lost their minds. Militias are marching through Oregon on behalf of convicted arsonists? A small band of armed men has taken over a federal building? The story practically writes itself.

Or does it? Deranged militiamen spoiling for a fight against the federal government make for good copy, but what if they're right? What if the government viciously and unjustly prosecuted a rancher family so as to drive them from their land? Then protest, including civil disobedience, would be not just understandable but moral, and maybe even necessary.

Ignore for a moment the #OregonUnderAttack hashtag -- a rallying cry for leftists accusing the protesters of terrorism -- and the liberal media's self-satisfied cackling. Read the court documents in the case that triggered the protest, and the accounts of sympathetic ranchers. What emerges is a picture of a federal agency that will use any means necessary, including abusing federal anti-terrorism statutes, to increase government landholdings.

The story as told by the protesters begins not with the federal criminal case against Steven and Dwight Hammond but many years earlier, with the creation and expansion of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a tract of federal land set aside by President Theodore Roosevelt as "a preserve and breeding-ground for native birds." The federal government has since expanded the preserve in part by buying adjacent private land.

Protesters allege that when private landowners refused to sell, the federal government got aggressive, diverting water during the 1980s into the "rising Malheur lakes." Eventually, the lakes flooded "homes, corrals, barns, and graze-land." Ranchers who were "broke and destroyed" then "begged" the government to buy their "useless ranches."

By the 1990s, the Hammonds were among the few private landowners who remained adjacent to the Refuge. The protesters allege that the government then began a campaign of harassment designed to force the family to sell its land, a beginning with barricaded roads and arbitrarily revoked grazing permits and culminating in an absurd anti-terrorism prosecution based largely on two "arsons" that began on private land but spread to the Refuge.

While "arsons" might sound suspicious to urban ears, anyone familiar with land management in the West (and to a lesser degree, in the rural South and Midwest) knows that land must sometime be burned to stop the spread of invasive species and prevent or fight destructive wildfires. Indeed, the federal government frequently starts its own fires, and protesters allege (with video evidence) that these "burns" often spread to private land, killing and injuring cattle and damaging private property. Needless to say, no federal officers are ever prosecuted.

The prosecution of the Hammonds revolved mainly around two burns, one in 2001 and another in 2006. The government alleged that the first was ignited to cover up evidence of poaching and placed a teenager in danger. The Hammonds claimed that they started it to clear an invasive species, as is their legal right. Whatever its intent, the fire spread from the Hammonds' property and ultimately ignited 139 acres of public land. But the trial judge found that the teenager's testimony was tainted by age and bias and that the fire had merely damaged "juniper trees and sagebrush" -- damage that "might" total $100 in value.

The other burn was trifling. Here's how the Ninth Circuit described it:

In August 2006, a lightning storm kindled several fires near where the Hammonds grew their winter feed. Steven responded by attempting back burns near the boundary of his land. Although a burn ban was in effect, Steven did not seek a waiver. His fires burned about an acre of public land.

In 2010 -- almost nine years after the 2001 burn -- the government filed a 19-count indictment against the Hammonds that included charges under the Federal Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, which mandates a five-year prison term for anyone who "maliciously damages or destroys, or attempts to damage or destroy, by means of fire or an explosive, any building, vehicle, or other personal or real property in whole or in part owned or possessed by, or leased to, the United States."

At trial, the jury found the Hammonds guilty of maliciously setting fire to public property worth less than $1,000, acquitted them of other charges, and deadlocked on the government's conspiracy claims. While the jury continued to deliberate, the Hammonds and the prosecution reached a plea agreement in which the Hammonds agreed to waive their appeal rights and accept the jury's verdict. It was their understanding that the plea agreement would end the case.

At sentencing, the trial court refused to apply the mandatory-minimum sentence, holding that five years in prison would be "grossly disproportionate to the severity of the offenses" and that the Hammonds' fires "could not have been conduct intended [to be covered] under" the Anti-terrorism act:

When you say, you know, what if you burn sagebrush in the suburbs of Los Angeles where there are houses up those ravines? Might apply. Out in the wilderness here, I don't think that's what the Congress intended. And in addition, it just would not be -- would not meet any idea I have of justice, proportionality. . . . It would be a sentence which would shock the conscience to me.

Thus, he found that the mandatory-minimum sentence would -- under the facts of this case -- violate the Eighth Amendment's prohibition against "cruel and unusual punishment." He sentenced Steven Hammond to two concurrent prison terms of twelve months and one day and Dwight Hammond to one prison term of three months. The Hammonds served their sentences without incident or controversy.

The federal government, however, was not content to let the matter rest. Despite the absence of any meaningful damage to federal land, the U.S. Attorney appealed the trial judge's sentencing decision, demanding that the Hammonds return to prison to serve a full five-year sentence.

The case went to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the court ruled against the Hammonds, rejecting their argument that the prosecutor violated the plea agreement by filing an appeal and dismissing the trial court's Eighth Amendment concerns. The Hammonds were ordered back to prison. At the same time, they were struggling to pay a $400,000 civil settlement with the federal government, the terms of which gave the government right of first refusal to purchase their property if they couldn't scrape together the money.

There's a clear argument that the government engaged in an overzealous, vindictive prosecution here. By no stretch of the imagination were the Hammonds terrorists, yet they were prosecuted under an anti-terrorism statute. The government could have let the case end once the men had served their sentences, yet it pressed for more jail time. And the whole time, it held in its back pocket potential rights to the family's property. To the outside observer, it appears the government has attempted to crush private homeowners and destroy their livelihood in a quest for even more land.

If that's the case, civil disobedience is a valuable course of action. By occupying a vacant federal building, protesters can bring national attention to an injustice that would otherwise go unnoticed and unremedied. Moreover, they can bring attention once again to the federal government's more systemic persecution of private landowners.

With vast segments of the American West in government hands, private landowners often find themselves at the mercy of the federal government -- a government that often seems to delight in expanding its power and holdings at the expense of ranchers and farmers, one in the habit of placing turtles before people. Ranchers and farmers fighting the federal government are a tiny minority up against the world's most powerful body. "David versus Goliath" simply doesn't do the conflict justice.

While civil disobedience is justified, violence is not. So far, no one has been hurt, the "occupation" is occurring in a vacant federal building in the middle of nowhere, and there is no reported threat to innocent bystanders. It would be absurd for the federal government to treat the protesters like it treated the men and women at Waco or Ruby Ridge, and it would be absurd for the protesters to shoot police officers who are ordered to reasonably and properly enforce the law. The occupation is far less intrusive and disruptive than the Occupy Movement's dirty and violent seizure of urban public parks, and authorities permitted that to go on for weeks. Now is the time for calm, not escalation.

I sympathize with the ranchers' fury, and I'm moved by the Hammonds' plight. According to multiple accounts, they are good American citizens. Even the prosecutor noted that they "have done wonderful things for their community." The district court noted that the character letters submitted on the Hammonds' behalf were "tremendous" and that "these are people who have been a salt in their community." Yet now they're off to prison once again -- not because they had to go or because they harmed any other person but because the federal government has pursued them like a pack of wolves.

They are victims of an all-too-common injustice. Ranchers and other landowners across the country find themselves chafing under the thumb of an indifferent and even oppressive federal government. Now is the time for peaceful protest. If it gets the public to pay attention, it won't have been in vain.
After careful review and pondering of all available information, I've concluded that we need to throw our full support behind the Patriots in Oregon at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

Civil Disobedience has to encompass breaking unjust laws in order to bring attention to injustices and Government over reach. There simply isn't any way around it. If an unjust law states that you cannot sit at the front of the bus, the only way to bring attention to it is to sit at the front of the FRICKIN bus! How else do you begin the necessary dialogue to change those things which you cannot except?!

The Federal Government, with the help of the illegal agencies, the EPA and BLM, have revoked State-issued permits, licenses, and rights, bought and paid for by the ranchers in Oregon, and elsewhere, for the sole intent and purpose to put those ranchers out of business and seize the lands they once worked!

Millions of dollars of surplus revenues that the county once counted on have been replaced by deficits. Hundreds of private, full time, high paying, jobs once held by local residents have been replaced with low-paying, part-time, Government jobs (with the BLM and forestry service). The per capita household income has decreased by $20,000 over the passed 30 years!

Residents NOT living off the Government dole have finally woken up to the fact that they've allowed themselves to be lied to and manipulated into giving up millions of dollars worth of their labor and land by the Federal government.

Prior to Blaine Cooper, Jon Ritzheimer, Ammon Bundy, and their group camping out at the refuge, not a single resident of Burns, Oregon was able, or willing, to speak out and stand up for their rights.

Under the guise of protecting and preserving rural lands, the Federal Government, and their illegal regulatory agencies, have seized thousands of acres of public lands. Lands rich in precious metals, minerals, and ores.

What has happened in Oregon has happened in every single enclave where BLM operates! And it is time that We the People put a stop to it.

The final sentence of the Declaration of Indepence states,

"...we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

It's time that WE step up and start doing the same.

Before we either forfeit, or they take, our lives, fortunes and sacred honor like they've done everything else. Robert Hetrick The III

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