Yes, as Northern Rancher said, G Bar G saddles (just north of Riverton a few miles) is the best place to find a working saddle. My husband and I both got brand new saddles custom made from them for our wedding present and I got to say, I never knew my old saddle was so uncomfortable until I sat in my brand new saddle. And i'm sure you all know how a brand new saddle can take come breaking breaking in with their saddles, didn't sore me at all. And I also had a colt feel frisky and these saddles keep you in place and don't throw you forward. HANDS DOWN THE BEST SADDLES AROUND. Definetly worth stopping by their shop.
Riverton is "over the mountains" from where I live...i'm just west of there about 3 hours. Cattle sold super high last week there. They are expecting a pile of bred cows this week---it will be interesting to see how high they go for!
One other place to check out, again just north of Walmart about a mile on the west side of the road is Wyoming Livestock Supply. A great store with all your ranching needs and wonderful people work there. We are lucky that they deliver over here a few times a month as we don't make it to RIverton but a few times a year. Lucky 7 is over there somewhere. He summers his cattle over on my side of the mountains. Renee and Justin Jensen are having their annual bull sale in Big Piney, WY (just south of here 40 miles) on Feb 11th---they have the largest stock of Shamrock cows anywhere and their cattle never leave the high elevation. They are the truest high elevation cattle I have ever come across in this great state. If you are free that weekend it would be worth a trip to their sale. 2 year old bulls. And great people to boot. Enjoy your trip to Riverton! If we weren't off the beaten path it would be fun to have you stop by while on your trip!