I am working a filly that is giving me grey hair! I landed on my butt twice yesterday and at the moment landing on any part of myself is a wee bit, umm shall we say tender....
We will be going along great guns and out of the blue she will drop her head and buck like a thousand wasps are strapped under her saddle. ( I checked for these strapped on wasps but I couldnt find evidence of any....) Her equipment fits, so nothing is pinching her. She was vet checked cuz I though maybe she had some type of ouchy. I took thermal images of her hips and back to make sure there is no heat. To be honest I am ready to call the owner and say come get this critter. The random bucking drives me nuts and I am too sore to keep getting pitched.
We will be going along great guns and out of the blue she will drop her head and buck like a thousand wasps are strapped under her saddle. ( I checked for these strapped on wasps but I couldnt find evidence of any....) Her equipment fits, so nothing is pinching her. She was vet checked cuz I though maybe she had some type of ouchy. I took thermal images of her hips and back to make sure there is no heat. To be honest I am ready to call the owner and say come get this critter. The random bucking drives me nuts and I am too sore to keep getting pitched.