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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
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I am working a filly that is giving me grey hair! I landed on my butt twice yesterday and at the moment landing on any part of myself is a wee bit, umm shall we say tender....

We will be going along great guns and out of the blue she will drop her head and buck like a thousand wasps are strapped under her saddle. ( I checked for these strapped on wasps but I couldnt find evidence of any....) Her equipment fits, so nothing is pinching her. She was vet checked cuz I though maybe she had some type of ouchy. I took thermal images of her hips and back to make sure there is no heat. To be honest I am ready to call the owner and say come get this critter. The random bucking drives me nuts and I am too sore to keep getting pitched.
Judith said:
I am working a filly that is giving me grey hair! I landed on my butt twice yesterday and at the moment landing on any part of myself is a wee bit, umm shall we say tender....

We will be going along great guns and out of the blue she will drop her head and buck like a thousand wasps are strapped under her saddle. ( I checked for these strapped on wasps but I couldnt find evidence of any....) Her equipment fits, so nothing is pinching her. She was vet checked cuz I though maybe she had some type of ouchy. I took thermal images of her hips and back to make sure there is no heat. To be honest I am ready to call the owner and say come get this critter. The random bucking drives me nuts and I am too sore to keep getting pitched.

Every horseperson I have ever talked with who knew their stuff agrees that a horse never just out of the blue bucks. they have a reason and they are tyelling you ahead of time, but most of us miss the clue.

There is a hole there somewhere, and might just be a bad attitude on the horses part.

I am working with a lady now who has a filly who was doing similar stunts. She thought it might be the saddle and it might as she is very muscular and has a flat back. A saddle cinched on her sticks up about 3 inches high when she is saddled.

This lady went to working her and giving her some of them wet saddle blankets. Seems to be helping.

Your might need more longeing before you step on. there must be a reason, you nbeed to be the detective.

I know you are very capable so I know you have checked her back to see if it is out of place.

Maybe she's just one who needs to be culled?
I don't hink she is a mean mare. Very sweet until she rams her head in between her front legs! This kid can bend like a pretzel! I have tried a running strap over her head so she can't throw it down and she just snaps them!( little fart) I don't think she is dangerous just a little puke. But I really dont want her too keep winning! I might have to admit defeat on this one and send her home till I'm healed up proper.
Judith, only my opinion but she is dangerous if she's a cheater with the bucking like that --
it only takes once to get caught off guard and wish ya hadn't --
Not worth it --unless you can find the reason.

Just don't shoot her out from underneath ya :) :)
i am thinking if you hook her to a plow for eight hours with you walking behind,it will make you more limber and at the same time tire her out,then crawl on her and run her in the fresh plowed dirt :lol: :lol:
cowwrangler is it time for a spankin? :pretty: me thinks I detect a small bit of sass out of you today young man :D
She only has about 15 days on her so far, I think that she will come along fine if I can just stay on! I've been on lots of buckers before but she is very clever at it :wink: i'll throw a western saddle on her and see if I can hang on better than in the english one. (Yes I ride english what are ya'll gunna do about it :twisted: )
Hey at least I dont have to hold on to the horn to stay on :pretty: :cowboy:
I had a nice filly that may buck for an unknown reason, decided it happened when something happened on her right side. Finally descoverd cataracts in her right eye.
Judith said:
She only has about 15 days on her so far, I think that she will come along fine if I can just stay on! I've been on lots of buckers before but she is very clever at it :wink: i'll throw a western saddle on her and see if I can hang on better than in the english one. (Yes I ride english what are ya'll gunna do about it :twisted: )

Laugh at you and point fingers and say, "Naw, naw, neener neener, Spike rides a flat saddle", in a singsongy, whiney little voice. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
You may laugh and point fingers all you wish Mr.! I will simply start singing at the top of my lungs and REALLLLLLLLY cause some embarassment 8) and then for added fun I will act mentally retarded and say your MY DAD!!!!!!!!
Judith said:
You may laugh and point fingers all you wish Mr.! I will simply start singing at the top of my lungs and REALLLLLLLLY cause some embarassment 8) and then for added fun I will act mentally retarded and say your MY DAD!!!!!!!!
:mad: Hey! I'm old, but I ain't THAT old! :x
Hey I look really young so I can pull it off! I'll just follow you around town with my head cocked sideways dragging a leg. Yelling Daddy Daddy why don't you love me :twisted: I can be quite a convincing actor so... ROFLMBO!!!!!
Judith said:
Hey I look really young so I can pull it off! I'll just follow you around town with my head cocked sideways dragging a leg. Yelling Daddy Daddy why don't you love me :twisted: I can be quite a convincing actor so... ROFLMBO!!!!!

Welll, that does sound like fun. Can I slap upside that square head once in awhile, just to keep it looking real? :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
If she's that unpredictable do you at least wear a helmet?
Judith said:
I am working a filly that is giving me grey hair! I landed on my butt twice yesterday .

If she's that unpredictable do you at least wear a helmet?

Didn't know they made helmets for that area-- or that big :P :wink: :lol: :lol:

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