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Here's an on-line Loon Test: takes 15 minutes


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
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But be careful. They're also gathering and permanently recording your brainwaves while you take the test.

And we all know who "they" are. We have video.
There is not much new good rock music on the radio these days.

I think of conspiracy theory as the new rock 'n' roll.

And it ain't going away either.

Hey, I never dreamed WLS Chicago would one day have conservative talk on it instead of rock music, but it does.
lightninboy said:
The test takes too long to take and asks the same things over again.

And asks the same things over again?


Uh, LB, I suspect that's part of how a behavorial test works....ie, determining that your answers form a pattern.

But then, as you acknowledged, we already know you're a loon.
lightninboy said:
The test takes too long to take and asks the same things over again.

Just like you and shammooooooo keep making the same wasted claims!!

I already know I am a full-bore conspiracy loon.

Yep and we all know it too!!!!!

They do say the first step to revcovery is to admit that you have a problem, which you have done in this post :D :D :D
There is hope for you!
Whitewing said:
lightninboy said:
The test takes too long to take and asks the same things over again.

And asks the same things over again?


Uh, LB, I suspect that's part of how a behavorial test works....ie, determining that your answers form a pattern.

But then, as you acknowledged, we already know you're a loon.


LB: "this is proving that I am a loon, cause I answer the same questions, the same way, every time. I quit. I'll just say that it was too long and that it's a conspiracy against "us loons". I might even add smoe drivel about Rock n Roll."

:lol: :lol:
What they hay I will put myself out there.
Overall, you believe theories about 9/11 to be not particulary true nor untrue.

There are some things I want an answer for but for the most part it was an attack.


Overall, you believe theories about J.F.K. to be definitely true.

After listening to and reading for myself all the research my ex did sorry but I do believe oswald was set up.


Overall, you believe theories about Diana to be somewhat true
too many questions unanswered....liek why did they keep her at the scene for almost 2 hours?


Overall, you believe theories about 7/7 to be not particulary true nor untrue.
Sorry dont know enough about it to say one way or another

Climate Change

Overall, you believe theories about climate change to be definitely true.
Sorry after doing grants and other research for the NSA yeah its a cover up and they are pushing thier agenda


Overall, you believe theories about UFOs to be definitely true.

All I have to say is ...its very conseated to think we are the only intellegant life in this galaxey


Overall, you believe theories about AIDS to be somewhat true.

How did it spread so fast and far?????


Overall, you believe theories about vaccines to be somewhat true.

with all the side effects why keep giving them?

So anyone else wanna share ?????
I'll give you my take on these.

MsSage said:

Overall, you believe theories about AIDS to be somewhat true.

How did it spread so fast and far?????

If you look at any epidemic, there is a logarithmic expansion. Especially think about AIDs, how do you even know you are HIV positive? or your partner is HIV positive? You don't until you are tested, and tested again in several months- most people are asymptomatic for a long time. How many years occured before anyone was able to isolate this new type of virus and show correlation to disease- many. Then how much longer to standardize a test- many. Then to develope any type of medication that may provide some type of control- many more. Lastly, look at most cultures. Monogomy is not very common. How many people do you know that have had one night stands, or many one night stands. At least with many STD's, something may not look right, or feel right or function right and people are gonna get it checked out. Even then, look at the number of people with other STD's- its a bunch! HIV doesn't even warn them.


Overall, you believe theories about vaccines to be somewhat true.

with all the side effects why keep giving them?

There is way to much misinformation jamming the airwaves these days. Side effects occur, yes. But look at the small percentage of people with most approved vaccines and the type of side effects they have. Then look at small pox when Europeans arrived in America. Do you think the natives would have taken their chances with a vaccine, their popoulation was dying in droves? Ever know someone with polio? Bad deal. And it is 90% preventable.

The amount of pain and suffering that is eliminated will never be appreciated, unless people have a reference point to know what it was like previously.

Nothing worse than seeing any animal die or suffer from a preventable disease.

So anyone else wanna share ?????

Overall, you believe theories about AIDS to be somewhat true.

How did it spread so fast and far?????

years ago I had to sit through a long boring lecture on the spread of AIDS

during the lecture they chronologically traced it back to an area in Africa

and how it can only be transmitted by bodily fluids,.. ect..

by that point nearly everyone of us was bored beyond tears.. if we weren't in the military we would have all either fallen asleep of snuck out

when the all to serious lecturer pointed out it came from a common monkey virus.

just as she finished the sentence a wise soldier yelled out... "then who ------ the monkey"..

so to this day I remember the lecture...

an unchecked virus is like a penny doubled every day for one month..

Day 1: $.01
Day 2: $.02
Day 3: $.04
Day 4: $.08
Day 5: $.16
Day 6: $.32
Day 7: $.64
Day 8: $1.28
Day 9: $2.56
Day 10: $5.12
Day 11: $10.24
Day 12: $20.48
Day 13: $40.96
Day 14: $81.92
Day 15: $163.84
Day 16: $327.68
Day 17: $655.36
Day 18: $1,310.72
Day 19: $2,621.44
Day 20: $5,242.88
Day 21: $10,485.76
Day 22: $20,971.52
Day 23: $41,943.04
Day 24: $83,886.08
Day 25: $167,772.16
Day 26: $335,544.32
Day 27: $671,088.64
Day 28: $1,342,177.28
Day 29: $2,684,354.56
Day 30: $5,368,709.12

sure adds up fast...
Conspiracy Theory 101: How To Be A Conspiracy Theorist Researcher

Hopefully the tips provided here will enable you to have an intriguing and enjoyable experience as you probe deep into the realm of conspiracies armed with the proper tools and knowledge necessary for your venture. Few hobbies can provide you with the excitement and depth of knowledge that you will find to be part and parcel to the field of conspiracy research.

Now, grab your copy of Conspiracy Theory and pop it into your Blu-ray Disc Player, or pick your favorite episode of The X-Files, sit back and relax, and dream about the knowledge you may uncover or the adventures you may find yourself on as you plunge head first screaming, “Geronimo!,” down the path of the conspiracy theorist.

You probabally should have read the link you posted, seems likke you failed in at least 5 areas and I only skimmed the link. :D :D :D

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