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Hey Northern

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Sandhills Just East of Soapweed
This is how we spend family time together during deer season. Rylie turned 3 in Dec. and already can't wait to have her own rifle. She has a good eye and is very observant. Not sure she would be that way with out a few good hunts under her belt. My wife hasn't missed a season since we started dating. She shot a 27in mully when she was 8 months pregnant with Rylie.



YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!! And your beautiful wife is too! You know what I mean! :lol: Great hunting pictures of the family. My little guy is pulling his bow all the way back and wearing out my deer target with his arrows. Not bad for a three year old! :wink: Great deer Flying S! I especially like the custom deer drag straps! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Now what we'd all like to know is when does H get to come drag deer for ya? :wink:
My wife shot him about 50 or 75 yards from the corn. First time I have ever had to drag one out of a corn field. I soon realized I am to fat to do such things. I didn't gut him until I got him out, didn't want to leave a mess in the neighbors corn.
Great pics! I fell in love with my wife when I saw her ring the neck of a ptarmigan she had just shot. Tell the mrs. congrats on a great deer. Shawn
Isn't it funny how a kid that can't sit still in church will sit in the grass and mosquitoes for hours if an elk is bugling or deer are in the field.
We've got four kids under 8 and most of our field pics have little smiling faces in them. I've taken lots of trophy animals but I'm sure I'll remember the outings with the kids most fondly. Give us ten years or so and our swing set will rival NR's. (been lurking for a while).
Good on ya flyingS

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