Mike said:
There are NO new coal fired plants being applied for or liscensed after 2018. None.
Can't blame them though. Buckwheat said he was gonna bankrupt them..........
Nuclear & Natural Gas are the only options. Yes, we can always go back to burning candles.............................................
With all the nuclear powered ships we have in the oceans, looks like the greenies would see that US Reactors are relatively safe.
according to all the energy executives and financial folks who testified in the Congressional Energy hearings back during the Bush reign--- you will not see any major expansion of any alternative or even carbon based fuels until the Congress pass's a long term Energy Bill-- laying out the groundwork/rules/roadmap they can work under for the next 20-30-50- 75-85 years.... They won't invest in any long term plan that EPA, or the Courts, or ever changing Administrations can whip away or change with the stroke of a pen...
Interestingly during those hearings- the number 1 supporter/proponent of more nuclear power was Jimmy Carter....Who also brought up the fact that if Congress had passed a long term energy plan when he was President- we would no longer be held hostage to the whims of the foreign cartels/governments....
But the current partisan politicians (of both cults) that are sold out to every lobbyiest there is (Big Oil, foreign oil, ethanol, coal, wind, solar, nuclear,hydro, greenies, etc., etc, can't come to an agreement and still keep their lobbyiest pocket stuffers happy)... And that keeping their pockets stuffed seems to be their primary concern- rather than what is the best long term plan for the country.....