Well-known member
If this was not a highly political scam, there would not be so many "fact-checkers" censoring our comments.... The first amendment is being thrown under the bus....
So is ignoranceDeath is unavoidable
Freedom is a choice
I guess but once I've told you what's true, it's not ignorance it's stupidity. Do what you want though. I don't care.So is ignorance
I don't think I would have taken the vaccine even if Trump was still president. Trump should have stopped flights from everywhere, and I don't think he was a racist at all. If there are going to be vaccine passports now, there easily could have been covid-free passports back when it started. If Trump would have found a cure for Cancer, the media would have crucified him for putting funeral directors out of work.....So Kola, Biden and Harris and other prominent Democrats said not to take the Vaccine if Trump had anything to do with it.
If Trump was still president would you have taken it?
Trump was called a racist for stopping flights from China at the start of the outbreak.
Was that the right thing to do to try and control it?
Eric Clapton describes his horrible side effects with the vaccine....:
This one will work as Youtube has taken it down....
So Kola, Biden and Harris and other prominent Democrats said not to take the Vaccine if Trump had anything to do with it.
If Trump was still president would you have taken it?
Trump was called a racist for stopping flights from China at the start of the outbreak.
Was that the right thing to do to try and control it?
It would have matter if Trump stopped flights, it was already here. DUH!!I don't think I would have taken the vaccine even if Trump was still president. Trump should have stopped flights from everywhere, and I don't think he was a racist at all. If there are going to be vaccine passports now, there easily could have been covid-free passports back when it started. If Trump would have found a cure for Cancer, the media would have crucified him for putting funeral directors out of work.....
So exactly what other vaccines have mandates? As in get the shot or lose your job.I TOTALLY agree that vaccine mandates should happen at all levels. We already have them in place for other vaccines , so why does this threaten you so?
Ok, so you live in a less populated area. But, don't you EVER go into town? To a community gathering? A local ball game? If you were one of those asymptomatic carriers, you'd be responsible for making ill or possibly passing a lethal virus to those of your " world".
Each state ( as i don't know where you live) has vaccine requirements for children to attend school. No vaccines, no school. It is shown that ' natural' immunity does exist but wanes after a period of time. That's why you get a flu shot every year as it doesn't stay the same and mutates, as does Covid. To boost your immunity she'd have to get Covid again, OR get a immunization.So exactly what other vaccines have mandates? As in get the shot or lose your job.
This area has had social distancing down to a science for generations. Do I go to town? Yes, about once a week but no close indoor personal contact. Community gatherings? We quit them about 18 months ago. Ball games? Nope. The majority of days the only one I talk to is my wife. When I do talk to one of the neighbors it is outdoors and we are not physically close while doing that.
What about natural immunity? The wife had covid last April. She tested positive and had a fever of 99-100 for about 10 days. During that time I got a real snotty nose for about 3 days. It came and went too quickly for a normal nose cold. I was and have been eating vitamin C, D and zinc. I either had a mild case or I am just immune. There are reputable doctors and scientist who claim natural immunity is much stronger than the vaccine.
Overall, sounds as if you are taking precautions and that's good.Each state ( as i don't know where you live) has vaccine requirements for children to attend school. No vaccines, no school. It is shown that ' natural' immunity does exist but wanes after a period of time. That's why you get a flu shot every year as it doesn't stay the same and mutates, as does Covid. To boost your immunity she'd have to get Covid again, OR get a immunization.
I personally think , and time will prove out, that there is a genetic link to how people respond to the virus. Some people may be and prob are more susceptible to this ( or any virus) and may also have more severe symptoms. Until we know this, it's a roll of the dice which genetic lottery you won.
So why take the chance?
People who don't want their kids vaccinated can home school or send them to a private school. And there are a lot who do that. So there is a huge difference between that and what they are trying to pull now.Each state ( as i don't know where you live) has vaccine requirements for children to attend school. No vaccines, no school.
many people can't afford private school and either can't or or not qualified to home teach either. I'm an ex high school history teacher and I'm not sure I'd have the resources to " teach" at home to be honest.People who don't want their kids vaccinated can home school or send them to a private school. And there are a lot who do that. So there is a huge difference between that and what they are trying to pull now.
If you think my rebuttal to your earlier posts seemed like I was threatened and defensive you need to have some interaction with a lot different folks than you are.Why you wanna fight? You seem threatened and defensive. You wanna catch something and get sick and die, go ahead. No skin off my nose. Honestly, right now, I am all for letting Darwin Theory run loose. Good luck to ya and geezzz, calm down.
Ha! I've been on Ranchers site for AGES and AGES, and 99.9% of the folks here wanna fight So, it's just a knee jerk reaction for me.If you think my rebuttal to your earlier posts seemed like I was threatened and defensive you need to have some interaction with a lot different folks than you are.
Today is the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This country is even more gripped by fear than we were on that fateful day! Kola we all are dying. Every day we are another day closer to death. I simply choose to live my life without fear. I feel sorry for people who fret and worry about every little thing. I've never gotten a Flu shot. I'm still alive at 53. I take a few precautions as my dad is vulnerable with his age and health. But I have been doing that for years. Pneumonia could kill him so we stay away if we have a cold. But he wants to LIVE! He wants to watch his grandson wrestle. He wants to attend a football game. He wants to go see cowboy poetry. Why in the hell should anyone in the government tell him he can't? To my family this about living! Those people in rest homes who died alone because some politicians said it was dangerous to let them have visitors is the most tragic part of this entire pandemic. It's unconscionable that people had to die alone!!!! Fear is a political pawn. And Biden and the rest can pucker up and kiss my rump. I'm choosing to live as a free American. I'll die of something someday. Until then I will LIVE as I choose. You feel free to do the same.
A lot of the infected people were infected by the vaccinated who were carrying the disease but not experiencing symptoms. The variant hit harder because of the vaccinated ones.... it will run its course as it did in the Spanish Flu. It will take longer because this one is man made or weaponized instead of natural... It also will be exploited by all the globalists and the UN. If you cannot see what is hapening all over the world, you are blind. Austrailia was the only other country that came close to the USA in freedom and liberty. It has been locked down and is under a totaliarian regime now. Our 2nd Amendment is all that keeps us from another Holocaust...Honestly, I really don't care . If people won't help themselves, I don't care. I just despise the arrogance of " it won't happen to me" or " I have 'natural' immunity' thinkers. They are they very ones clogging up the hospitals today