I just do not trust anything produced by the globalists. Our country was the last place on earth where a person was free to live their life as they wished. Austrailia was second. Austrailia has fallen and people are herded into stadiums for mass innoculation. The time to stand up for our rights is at hand. If you go back to 9/11/01, ask yourself who benefitted from that? The government and the globalists took away more of your rights and freedom after that attack. Those steel structured buildings should not have crumbled as they did under a jet fuel fire. It takes a lot of oxygen and fuel to melt steel. I won't go into that discussion here, but it does raise questions and there is a nationwide group of engineers still questioning thatfailure. Each time we have a crisis since 9/11, more of our rights have been taken away. We know when investigating anything to follow the money. In this case follow who gets more authority over our freedoms.... I still love my country, but do not trust my government.