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How about this Agman?

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I shouldn't give this away to Haymaker, but here she goes. :wink:

Link:- http://www.choicesmagazine.org/2005-2/grabbag/2005-2-14.htm
"Forward contracting, which consists mostly of basis contracts between packers and cattle feeders, represented a small percentage of fed cattle procurement each year. Forward contracts averaged 3.5% of packers' procurement for the three years. Packer ownership of livestock, one of the most discussed components of captive supplies and a frequent target for legislative reform, accounted for 7.1% of total fed cattle procurement on average for the three years."

From what I constantly hear, I would have belived these numbers to be higher than they actually are.
Congratulations Jake for doing your own homework.

I'm proud of you.

The more research you do, the more disgusted you will get with these blamers for lying to you about virtually every issue they sink their teeth into.

There's a lot more to these issues than the Johnny Daschle Smith talk show.

I found this article from Top Producer magazine. It has a condensed story in it that is easier to digest.

I think one thing that will keep beef packers from owning a lot of live inventory is the huge amount of capitol involved.

Thanks for the compliment SH. I am on a mission to learn what I can about the beef industry, as I hope to be in it a long time!
the real jake said:
I shouldn't give this away to Haymaker, but here she goes. :wink:

Link:- http://www.choicesmagazine.org/2005-2/grabbag/2005-2-14.htm

Don't worry about giving anything away to Haymker, he would not understand anyway unless is is a cut and paste from R-Laugh.

My compliments for doing some research on your own. This will wet your appetite to continue to pursue the facts. That is the best way to learn along with surrounding yourself with good people. There is no substitute. Armed with facts and a positive attitude the world is yours. Go for it; my compliments to you.
Armed with facts and a positive attitude the world is yours. Go for it; my compliments to you.

WHat happened to GW andhis PROOF of WMD's??? Unfortunately, sometimes the facts come from the Federal Government, NCBA, R-Calf, FB etc, and are phony!
CattleCo said:
Armed with facts and a positive attitude the world is yours. Go for it; my compliments to you.

WHat happened to GW andhis PROOF of WMD's???

Unfortunately, sometimes the facts come from the Federal Government, NCBA, R-Calf, FB etc, and are phony!

Are you enjoying your visit in Fantasy Land? Talk about a phony!!!

the real jake said:
"Forward contracting, which consists mostly of basis contracts between packers and cattle feeders, represented a small percentage of fed cattle procurement each year. Forward contracts averaged 3.5% of packers' procurement for the three years. Packer ownership of livestock, one of the most discussed components of captive supplies and a frequent target for legislative reform, accounted for 7.1% of total fed cattle procurement on average for the three years."

From what I constantly hear, I would have belived these numbers to be higher than they actually are.
jake those numbers are more than adequate to manipulate markets,its obvious you want to believe these packers,I say good for you,every man has a right to believe what he wants..................good luck PS did you miss this part? [One final comment is appropriate. It bears repeating that the data on captive supplies using the AMS mandatory price reports does not match exactly the definition GIPSA has used for captive supplies. Thus, although there is both more timely and more information on captive supplies from mandatory price reports, caution must be exercised in using the AMS data to estimate the exact extent of captive supplies.]
Supply/demand is a balance beam and it only takes a feather to change the balance. No amount of legislation or court action will force packers to procure cattle at a level for predetermined producer profitability. Packers will always pursue lower procurement cost because it is about the only avenue left for competition. FTAs aren't supported to overwhelm USA production, but to add more feathers to the supply side of the balance beam and give markets for domestically un-saleable products.

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